Joe Biden admits "we've run out of ammunition"

So did the cult tell you to become terrified of the Taliban, or was that your own choice?

Whatever it was, it's really outdated, and it looks silly now. Have you noticed the Taliban doing anything lately? They're busy finding out just how difficult it is to run a nation. It's not rational to still be hysterical about them.
Well the leader of your party armed them. When he could've destroyed the equipment and artillery or brought it back here. But he thought it was best to make them a top military in the world, our enemy.

What an incompetent president we have, truly a disgrace. So we've run out of ammo and he announces it to the world and he's the one who ok'd sending cluster bombs to Ukraine

And I remember when I was a dumb Leftard who thought Trump would be the one to start World War III. I was existentially (and pathetically) afraid.

In reality, China Joe is the most dangerous thing to have ever happened to our foreign policy.

Truly frightening stuff.
And I remember when I was a dumb Leftard who thought Trump would be the one to start World War III. I was existentially (and pathetically) afraid.

In reality, China Joe is the most dangerous thing to have ever happened to our foreign policy.

Truly frightening stuff.
Thats right when I had my awakening. They were talking all that crazy shit and calling everyone who wanted BREXIT a racist.

I walked away and haven't looked back
Ukraine isn't running out of ammo any more, thanks to Biden. The US has about 4.6 million 155mm cluster rounds stockpiled.

Oh! Well hallelluyah, America may be out of ammo - and our dolt of a Presuhdint may have just admitted it to the entire World, but rest easy folks: A petty eastern european dictatorship is well armed to continue its war with another eastern european dictatorship....that has nukes.

And cluster bombs are banned by the UN because of the what they do to civilians, including children.


It really is just mind blowingly loathsome what the Left has become.
Are you trying to claim that ten US Divisions do not have a single bullet?

What does “Running out of ammunition” really mean?
As usual….you are misrepresenting a clip

Meanwhile, the psychological end is the Russians are using cluster bombs against Ukrainians and Biden is playing right back at them.

"Biden said: “Two things … and it was a very difficult decision on my part. And I discussed this with our allies, discussed this with our friends up on [Capitol] Hill. And we’re in a situation where Ukraine continues to be brutally attacked across the board by … these cluster munitions that have dud rates that are … very high, that are a danger to civilians, number one.”

“Number two, the Ukrainians are running out of ammunition … And so what I finally did, took the recommendation of the defense department to … provide them with something that has a very low dud rate. … I think it’s one in 50, which is the least likely to be blowing [up] and it’s not used in civilian areas. They’re trying to … stop those tanks from rolling.”
So it's going to be another 20-year war, I see.

Good job, Dems. We can always count on you folks to get us involved in other countries' purse fights.
Actually no, it won't. That was the West's plan, but Russia has other plans, and is following them. Russia will continue to pound Ukraine, slowly and quietly, meaning no more drama queen antics like that mercenary commander. The West had been losing interest until that guy piped up and started breaking away from the slow burn strategy the Russian military was following. The fact the Ukrainian counter-offensive is a complete and utter failure will make garnering support from the citizens of the West more and more difficult. Expect the Ukraine to be abandoned by election day 2024. If Biden is good at one thing, it's abandoning people, just ask the thousands he stranded in Taliban controlled Afghanistan.

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