Joe Biden admits "we've run out of ammunition"

I hate to say it, but Russia must be laughing their Commie asses off right now. They're going to inherit billions of dollars worth of our military arsenal that they can sell to whomever we become engaged in the next war. Just like the Taliban is doing. So much for America being the "goodwill ambassador" to the world. We haven't created more democracies in the world ever since Obama did away with the Monroe Doctrine. All we're doing is creating more death, destruction, and good reasons for the rest of the world to hate us.
And if we get attacked, will you tuck tail?
Of course we can…..

Putin and his third world economy can’t keep up
He can’t even keep his mercenaries in check
Don't be silly, Western interest has waned will continue to do so. Europe is paying an ever-higher price with their self-damaging sanctions and being forced to support millions of Ukrainian refugees with no end in sight. You folks can kid yourselves all you want but look at it rationally and you'll change your tune.
Don't be silly, Western interest has waned will continue to do so. Europe is paying an ever-higher price with their self-damaging sanctions and being forced to support millions of Ukrainian refugees with no end in sight. You folks can kid yourselves all you want but look at it rationally and you'll change your tune.

Who among the left really give a flying fuck about two white trash countries in Eastern Europe having a purse fight?

I though the newest "current thing" among the left was men who cut off their dicks and believe they're really women?
And if we get attacked, will you tuck tail?

Bro, let me tell you a little about myself: I'm a diehard anti-communist who thinks every one of them should be thrown out of helicopters, including yourself if I think you're one of them. I'm heavily-armed, equipped, trained, and motivated, and dug in. If there ever was an attack on my little 100 acres, I guaran-fucking-tee you that someone would die, and it wouldn't be myself, or at least until I sent as many of them to hell as I could.

I consider myself and my family members the last line of defense for this country, should the military somehow fail. So let me ask you this: How many guns do you have? I don't mean squirrel rifles or deer rifle, I mean like those dreaded "weapons of war" you guys and girls are always wanting to do away with. How many rounds of ammunition for you have for each one? A 50 round box? 100 rounds? A thousand rounds? 10,000 rounds?

You're not even coming close. What do you have to protect? An apartment in some city? Can you make improvised explosive devices or booby traps? Do you have the guts to slit someone's throat and put their head on a stick to demoralize those attackers?

I can guarantee you that I wouldn't be "tucking tail" like you say. But I'm not going to risk my life for your silly liberal ideology and your love of political party. What I am willing to fight and die for are the freedoms and liberties that allowed me to live in such a great country. Is that not worth killing and dying for? So fuck Russia, fuck China, fuck my own government and fuck you for that matter, if I think you're a threat. If either one of them want a piece of what I have, well come try me.
Give them all our old stuff then stimulate the economy by contracting out to AMERICAN manufacturers to make new, better stuff.
Bro, let me tell you a little about myself: I'm a diehard anti-communist who thinks every one of them should be thrown out of helicopters, including yourself if I think you're one of them. I'm heavily-armed, equipped, trained, and motivated, and dug in. If there ever was an attack on my little 100 acres, I guaran-fucking-tee you that someone would die, and it wouldn't be myself, or at least until I sent as many of them to hell as I could.

I consider myself and my family members the last line of defense for this country, should the military somehow fail. So let me ask you this: How many guns do you have? I don't mean squirrel rifles or deer rifle, I mean like those dreaded "weapons of war" you guys and girls are always wanting to do away with. How many rounds of ammunition for you have for each one? A 50 round box? 100 rounds? A thousand rounds? 10,000 rounds?

You're not even coming close. What do you have to protect? An apartment in some city? Can you make improvised explosive devices or booby traps? Do you have the guts to slit someone's throat and put their head on a stick to demoralize those attackers?

I can guarantee you that I wouldn't be "tucking tail" like you say. But I'm not going to risk my life for your silly liberal ideology and your love of political party. What I am willing to fight and die for are the freedoms and liberties that allowed me to live in such a great country. Is that not worth killing and dying for?
You talk a lot and you don't impress me.

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Don't be silly, Western interest has waned will continue to do so. Europe is paying an ever-higher price with their self-damaging sanctions and being forced to support millions of Ukrainian refugees with no end in sight. You folks can kid yourselves all you want but look at it rationally and you'll change your tune.

The EU wants a depleted Russian military at their border
Limited tanks, helicopters, aircraft with no means to replace them

Putin is complying
Ukraine is still independent.

What happened to,Putin’s two week invasion?

Same thing that's probably gonna happen to Taiwan's invasion by China.

Are you going to take down your Uke flag then, and raise the Taiwanese flag, as a "gesture"?
Bro, let me tell you a little about myself: I'm a diehard anti-communist who thinks every one of them should be thrown out of helicopters, including yourself if I think you're one of them. I'm heavily-armed, equipped, trained, and motivated, and dug in. If there ever was an attack on my little 100 acres, I guaran-fucking-tee you that someone would die, and it wouldn't be myself, or at least until I sent as many of them to hell as I could.

I consider myself and my family members the last line of defense for this country, should the military somehow fail. So let me ask you this: How many guns do you have? I don't mean squirrel rifles or deer rifle, I mean like those dreaded "weapons of war" you guys and girls are always wanting to do away with. How many rounds of ammunition for you have for each one? A 50 round box? 100 rounds? A thousand rounds? 10,000 rounds?

You're not even coming close. What do you have to protect? An apartment in some city? Can you make improvised explosive devices or booby traps? Do you have the guts to slit someone's throat and put their head on a stick to demoralize those attackers?

I can guarantee you that I wouldn't be "tucking tail" like you say. But I'm not going to risk my life for your silly liberal ideology and your love of political party. What I am willing to fight and die for are the freedoms and liberties that allowed me to live in such a great country. Is that not worth killing and dying for? So fuck Russia, fuck China, fuck my own government and fuck you for that matter, if I think you're a threat. If either one of them want a piece of what I have, well come try me.

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