Joe Biden admits "we've run out of ammunition"

Why would I? I don't support this bullshit war or us being there or giving money or weaponry

It's iraq, Afghanistan and Vietnam allover again. Us draining our weapons, money, lives and time into a war that doesn't involve us at all. We may not be engaged yet but we might as well be and if the current administration keeps going like they are we will be directly engaged.

We shouldnt be involved in this at all, but we involved ourselves.
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The righties here are in full cheese-eating surrender-monkey mode today. They sure are triggered hard about Biden sending ammo to kill more RussoNazis.

I wonder if that's due to rubles finding their way into their pockets, or if it's just due to their fanatical ideological devotion to authoritarianism.
The righties here are in full cheese-eating surrender-monkey mode today. They sure are triggered hard about Biden sending ammo to kill more RussoNazis.

Aw look, a media brainwashed Leftist dipshit who thinks they're on the right side of history for backing war crimes and supporting a corrupt, money laundering dictatorship in Eastern Europe.

Allow the "evil" Right Wing media to educate you, my poor deluded soul:

Cluster bombs, or cluster munitions, are weapons fired from land, air, or sea that release numerous smaller submunitions that are often called "bomblets." A single cluster bomb carrier can contain hundreds of submunitions to ensure that a large area can be blanketed with explosives.

However, cluster bombs are not as precise as other weapons and can strike non-military targets.

Also, unexploded bomblets can pose a threat to civilians even years after the cluster bomb was used. The International Committee of the Red Cross notes that as much as 40% of cluster munitions fail to detonate, which is called the "dud rate."

Human Rights Watch states, "...the use of cluster munitions in areas with civilians makes an attack indiscriminate in violation of international humanitarian law, and possibly a war crime."

Citing the Landmine and Cluster Munitions Monitor, CBS News reported that "of 141 casualties from cluster bomb remnants, 97% were civilians, and two-thirds of those were children."

So congrats, that is what you support. You choose politics over the safety of innocent children. Don't pretend to have the moral high ground. You're an ugly, immoral ignoramus with no ability to think critically or question anything that would dare alter your teeny tiny little ego-fueled worldview.

And the kicker?

As recently as last year, the Biden administration declared that Russia using cluster munitions could be a war crime.

In February 2022, then-White House press secretary Jen Psaki was asked if Russia using cluster bombs was potentially a war crime.

Psaki proclaimed, "It is — it would be. I don’t have any confirmation of that. We have seen the reports. If that were true, it would potentially be a war crime."

You're either being used and lied to, and need to wise up - in which case you get a pass, if you come clean.

Or you're a fucking soulless monster.

The Democrats are now the very corrupt war machine they once professed to fundamentally oppose.

Their transition to the dark side is complete.

But then again, mean tweets. ;)
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The basic shell of our artillery.
America’s defense is collapsing.
Russia and China smile.

Good job, Democrats.


Is there anything this guy won’t throw out there? Letting our enemies know we are low on ammo is beyond stupid.

Another example of Biden putting America last.

Oops, he did it again.

Biden told CNN's Fareed Zakaria that the U.S. is low on 155 mm artillery ammunition rounds while attempting to defend the government's decision to send Ukraine cluster munitions as a "transition period" until more munitions are produced.

"This is a war relating to munitions. And they're running out of that ammunition, and we're low on it," Biden said. "And so, what I finally did, I took the recommendation of the Defense Department to – not permanently – but to allow for this transition period while we get more 155 weapons, these shells, for the Ukrainians."


"I've depleted our bullet supply (just like our oil), and in the meantime we'll kill some innocent children while we ratchet those bullets back up."

If you vote for this senility-addled zombie in 2024, you officially have blood on your hands.

And the biggest irony of all?

That blood will be the blood of innocent Ukrainian children, who get their limbs blown off by cluster bombs months after they fail to explode.
Lol, you are one of the biggest dumbasses here! How would we know what the Taliban are doing? smfh.
Media lies.
So the media doesn't lie. Got it.
Media lies.

Biden lets American military info slip during live interview, sparking backlash

US sending cluster munitions to Ukraine in 'transition period' while producing new shells

9 Jul 2023 ~~ By Matteo Cina
President Biden sat down for a recent interview in which he said the United States is low on 155 mm artillery ammunition rounds, sparking outrage and questions of competency from conservatives on social media.
During the interview, which aired Sunday morning, Biden defended his administration for sending cluster munitions to Ukraine as a "transition period" until more munitions are produced.
"This is a war relating to munitions. And they’re running out of that ammunition, and we’re low on it," Biden told CNN's Fareed Zakaria. "And so, what I finally did, I took the recommendation of the Defense Department to – not permanently – but to allow for this transition period while we get more 155 weapons, these shells, for the Ukrainians."
Reactions on social media ranged from confused to outrage as conservative pundits and experts alike wondered why Biden was announcing the U.S. shortage during a nationally televised interview that would be seen by adversaries.


"The military has specific requirements for the numbers of weapons systems and ammunition we maintain in our reserves in case of contingencies or military conflict,"
The U.S. also has requirements for petroleum reserves but Biden depleted those reserves also.
This is horrible for our nation! Joe needs to be removed before he harms the United States further. McCarthy better summons everybody tomorrow for an emergency meeting! They need to impeach this incompetent before he gets us all killed.
Just think how you'd feel if the statement was deliberate.
On second thought, forget I said that.

Biden lets American military info slip during live interview, sparking backlash

US sending cluster munitions to Ukraine in 'transition period' while producing new shells

9 Jul 2023 ~~ By Matteo Cina
President Biden sat down for a recent interview in which he said the United States is low on 155 mm artillery ammunition rounds, sparking outrage and questions of competency from conservatives on social media.
During the interview, which aired Sunday morning, Biden defended his administration for sending cluster munitions to Ukraine as a "transition period" until more munitions are produced.
"This is a war relating to munitions. And they’re running out of that ammunition, and we’re low on it," Biden told CNN's Fareed Zakaria. "And so, what I finally did, I took the recommendation of the Defense Department to – not permanently – but to allow for this transition period while we get more 155 weapons, these shells, for the Ukrainians."
Reactions on social media ranged from confused to outrage as conservative pundits and experts alike wondered why Biden was announcing the U.S. shortage during a nationally televised interview that would be seen by adversaries.


"The military has specific requirements for the numbers of weapons systems and ammunition we maintain in our reserves in case of contingencies or military conflict,"
The U.S. also has requirements for petroleum reserves but Biden depleted those reserves also.
This is horrible for our nation! Joe needs to be removed before he harms the United States further. McCarthy better summons everybody tomorrow for an emergency meeting! They need to impeach this incompetent before he gets us all killed.
Just think how you'd feel if the statement was deliberate.
On second thought, forget I said that.

So you believe the media.
The righties here are in full cheese-eating surrender-monkey mode today. They sure are triggered hard about Biden sending ammo to kill more RussoNazis.

I wonder if that's due to rubles finding their way into their pockets, or if it's just due to their fanatical ideological devotion to authoritarianism.
They don't have any ammo you moron Biden sent depleted Uranium and Cluster Bombs to a war zone in an area called the Breadbasket of Europe

Certainly you're smart enough to know what depleted uranium will do to food grown there ya fucking idiot

Not to mention cluster bombs which are banned


Biden lets American military info slip during live interview, sparking backlash

US sending cluster munitions to Ukraine in 'transition period' while producing new shells

9 Jul 2023 ~~ By Matteo Cina
President Biden sat down for a recent interview in which he said the United States is low on 155 mm artillery ammunition rounds, sparking outrage and questions of competency from conservatives on social media.
During the interview, which aired Sunday morning, Biden defended his administration for sending cluster munitions to Ukraine as a "transition period" until more munitions are produced.
"This is a war relating to munitions. And they’re running out of that ammunition, and we’re low on it," Biden told CNN's Fareed Zakaria. "And so, what I finally did, I took the recommendation of the Defense Department to – not permanently – but to allow for this transition period while we get more 155 weapons, these shells, for the Ukrainians."
Reactions on social media ranged from confused to outrage as conservative pundits and experts alike wondered why Biden was announcing the U.S. shortage during a nationally televised interview that would be seen by adversaries.


"The military has specific requirements for the numbers of weapons systems and ammunition we maintain in our reserves in case of contingencies or military conflict,"
The U.S. also has requirements for petroleum reserves but Biden depleted those reserves also.
This is horrible for our nation! Joe needs to be removed before he harms the United States further. McCarthy better summons everybody tomorrow for an emergency meeting! They need to impeach this incompetent before he gets us all killed.
Just think how you'd feel if the statement was deliberate.
On second thought, forget I said that.

the mess in Joes adult diaper could be used as a weapon of mass destruction

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