Joe Biden admits "we've run out of ammunition"

Oil production is at a record high under Biden.

Do you get news from anywhere besides right-wing propaganda?

What an incompetent president we have, truly a disgrace. So we've run out of ammo and he announces it to the world and he's the one who ok'd sending cluster bombs to Ukraine

Our military is run like public housing, over time the monies that were supposed to go to capital items have been redirected to Management.

MacGregor is right, Fire all the 4 stars
The righties here are in full cheese-eating surrender-monkey mode today. They sure are triggered hard about Biden sending ammo to kill more RussoNazis.

I wonder if that's due to rubles finding their way into their pockets, or if it's just due to their fanatical ideological devotion to authoritarianism.
besides, what democrat loser president doesnt get us involved in a great big costly war...
This thread should be shut down on the grounds of National Security.

How can we permit Brandon’s dementia to be so freely acknowledged.

What an incompetent president we have, truly a disgrace. So we've run out of ammo and he announces it to the world and he's the one who ok'd sending cluster bombs to Ukraine

This must be part of the fearsome projecting of power that people like Pence thinks is so necessary to keep China at bay.

What an incompetent president we have, truly a disgrace. So we've run out of ammo and he announces it to the world and he's the one who ok'd sending cluster bombs to Ukraine

WWhat would Joe know if it's night or day yet alone ammunition?
Certainly you're smart enough to know what depleted uranium will do to food grown there ya fucking idiot

Well, nothing.

I'll bring up the example of Fernald, Ohio. The uranium processing plant there released _millions_ of pounds of uranium dust into the surrounding area, which is mostly farmland.

The result of intensive study? No problems were found. According to your theory, the area should be a radioactive wasteland. Since it's not, your theory is clearly very stupid.

Please proceed to get very triggered over that bit of reality After all, Putin commands it, and cheese-eating surrender-monkey traitors must obey their fascist masters.

Also, a non-imbecile would point out that nobody is farming farmland in a war zone. If someone is saying they want farming to happen, they should be demanding a Russian withdrawal. Since you're not, it's clear you're lying your ass off when you claim to care.
Well, nothing.

I'll bring up the example of Fernald, Ohio. The uranium processing plant there released _millions_ of pounds of uranium dust into the surrounding area, which is mostly farmland.

The result of intensive study? No problems were found. According to your theory, the area should be a radioactive wasteland. Since it's not, your theory is clearly very stupid.

Please proceed to get very triggered over that bit of reality After all, Putin commands it, and cheese-eating surrender-monkey traitors must obey their fascist masters.

Also, a non-imbecile would point out that nobody is farming farmland in a war zone. If someone is saying they want farming to happen, they should be demanding a Russian withdrawal. Since you're not, it's clear you're lying your ass off when you claim to care.

So it seems you're full of shit again and lying for the war machine. Fucking war pig you make me sick
Biden reveals we're getting low on key artillery . . . "This is a war relating to munitions. And they’re running out of that ammunition, and we’re low on it," Biden told CNN's Fareed Zakaria. "And so, what I finally did, I took the recommendation of the Defense Department to – not permanently – but to allow for this transition period while we get more 155 weapons, these shells, for the Ukrainians." Reactions on social media ranged from confused to outrage as conservative pundits and experts alike wondered why Biden was announcing the U.S. shortage during a nationally televised interview that would be seen by adversaries.

I understand that Biden makes no decisions - but his Dementia ravaged brain is going to get us all killed.
Why do we have these bombs?

Why are we sending them to Ukraine?

Haven't more than 100 countries banned their use?

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