Joe Biden: Andrew Cuomo "The Gold Standard"

Matt Gaetz?
Marjorie Taylor Greene?
Donald Trump?
Are you actually so incredibly ill-informed that you're not aware of these people being criticized and condemned by Republicans?

^ Rhetorical question.

But since we're throwing random politicians out there to obscure Cuomo's numerous & often deadly crimes, how do you feel about the fact that Obama is a war criminal & should be in prison, or in front of a firing squad?

How many Democrats can you name who have condemned him for his crimes against humanity?

Do you, for instance?

It's Barry's birthday, so let's wish him and Bush II & Hitler many happy returns, shall we?

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Watergate was nearly 50 years ago. We’re talking recent history not ancient.

So slavery isn't recent history, actually very ancient according to your barometer, good to know! Why tear down all those 'very ancient' statues, they're meaningless today, right?
You're ranting about Cuomo. I mentioned Trump as a comparison to show you're a hypocrite, Trump asslicker.

I think Cuomo should resign while you defend your boy no matter what he does, dickweed.
Ok. Trump should resign. Oh wait…….
I heard Kamala is waiting in the wings if Cuomo resigns. She'll prance out with Terra Reid in tow and demand Biden resign for his own crimes.
Also tons of lefty media pundits got caught up in Cuomo's ruse, too!

BTW, the 2nd in command at CNN right under Jeffrey Zucker, is a woman who was employed at one time in A. Cuomo's administration; just in case you were wondering why Chris Cuomo still makes millions working there!
I thought Fredo was there because of his 7 viewers.
Lyin Ted- "Trump is a coward"!
Lindsey Graham- "Trump is crazy"!
Marco Rubio- "Trump is a con artist"!
Mitt Romney- "Trump is a fraud & a phony"!

Those held up well.
What does that have to do with Andrew Cuomo?
He's calling for his resignation. Can you see any republican doing the same?
So what? That’s just talk. That’s all we’ve seen from the Democrats on the Cuomo thing. They talk, but don’t act.
Well look what else a group of his said....


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