Joe Biden At NAACP Convention In Houston


VIP Member
May 16, 2011
Today the vice president addressed the NAACP's 103rd Annual Convention in Houston and with a little surprise to the admiring crowd: Before Joe Biden gave his speech, president Barack Obama addressed the NAACP via video. Of course, there were applauds and applauds.

"We see education as the single most important criteria for minority children ...," Joe Biden told NAACP.

"We see education as central to the vision of ascendency for Americans," said Joe Biden.

"You go home with those that brought you to the dance," Joe Biden told NAACP at beginning of his speech: Literally announcing he was lifetime member of NAACP.

"We see an America that leads by the power of its example as well as the example of its power."

Hear Joe Biden for yourself -
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Nobody came. LOL

Didn't matter if no one was there, canned applase takes only one.

What an insult to the NAACP, sending Biden in his place. Whow.
Joe Biden on Mitt Romney:

"Education doesn't play a central role in the Romney(GOP) vision for the future of America ... It's on the back burner. If you doubt me, look at their budget."

"(Mitt Romney) is not sure whether or not Lilly Ledbetter is good ... but he's sure on his position on Roe v. Wade."
Didn't matter if no one was there, canned applase takes only one.

What an insult to the NAACP, sending Biden in his place. Whow.

Reminds me of the song, "Send In The Clowns".

Remember that Obama is only HALF black. Maybe he doesn't qualify to be an NAACP member in "good standing".
LOL, education education education!!! Yet they back the CA and IL plan of allowing 60% of the tax dollars to go to bloated retired teacher pension plans pay out (not to the current funding, since it's never funded), ginorous and unacceptable class sizes, huge lay offs because they cater to the UNIONS and not the parents and children, they cut programs because they cater to the UNIONS and not the parents and children, they are against vouchers, they are against Charter schools, they protect communist style tenure system etc,


If they cared about education they would support Scott Walker who is HIRING teachers, saving schools, saving school programs and actually LOWERING student to teacher ratios and doing this without raising taxes and balancing the budget!!!

They don't give a FUCK about education!

Obama slapped the NAACP in the face by not going there in person, but ti won't matter, because 95% will still vote for him!
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Joe Biden on Republicans:

"This ain't your father's Republican party."

"The tax code that governor Romney & his allies support continue to skew toward the wealthy."

"They see a country where voting is made harder, not easier ... there is a lot more to say; but I am preaching to the choir."
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good grief

"Education doesn't play a central role in the Romney(GOP) vision for the future of America ... It's on the back burner. If you doubt me, look at their budget."

yeah, we need to PAY MORE for this
[ame=]Biden: "Children should be educated to the degree they are educable." - YouTube[/ame]
Joe Biden on Congress:

"Obstructionism was a plan from the outset."

"They have never let up ... but neither has my guys!"
Biden can call it what he wants. THE PEOPLE put the Republicans in there in 2010 to STOP this maniac administration..

they've done a fairly good job, not ENOUGH....but
On an overall, the NAACP's 103rd Annual Convention has been a blast! Always nice to give people something to think about and to laugh about.
On an overall, the NAACP's 103rd Annual Convention has been a blast!

From some of the behavior of this group with Romney speaking, I don't think anymore highly of them...

shameful is more like it for so called, leaders
Joe Biden on Mitt Romney:

"Education doesn't play a central role in the Romney(GOP) vision for the future of America ... It's on the back burner. If you doubt me, look at their budget."

"(Mitt Romney) is not sure whether or not Lilly Ledbetter is good ... but he's sure on his position on Roe v. Wade."

Biden is lying
On an overall, the NAACP's 103rd Annual Convention has been a blast!

From some of the behavior of this group with Romney speaking, I don't think anymore highly of them...

shameful is more like it for so called, leaders

I agree it was rude to have booed Mitt Romney as was done, especially after the man literally begged to be welcomed: "I cannot promise that I will agree on every issue, but I do promise your hospitality will be returned," said Mitt Romney to NAACP in Houston on July 11, 2012.
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“You cannot possibly talk about jobs for black people at the level he’s (Romney) coming from. He’s talking about entrepreneurship, savings accounts — black people can barely find a way to get back and forth from work" -- NAACP
“You cannot possibly talk about jobs for black people at the level he’s (Romney) coming from. He’s talking about entrepreneurship, savings accounts — Black people can barely find a way to get back and forth from work" -- NAACP

Very good reason why Black people in America (as also admonished by minister Louis Farrakhan) ought to become entrepreneurs: The Jews and Chinese came and got into entrepreneurship and thus gained financial freedom. Why not Black Americans?
"His mom lived in Long Island for ten years or so. God rest her soul. And- although, she's- wait- your mom's still- your mom's still alive. Your dad passed. God bless her soul." --Joe Biden, on the mother of Irish Prime Minister Brian Cowen, who is very much alive, Washington, D.C., March 17, 2010
"You know, I'm embarrassed. Do you know the Web site number? I should have it in front of me and I don't. I'm actually embarrassed." –Joe Biden, speaking to an aide standing out of view during an interview on CBS' "Early Show," in the midst of encouraging viewers to visit a government-run Web site that tracks stimulus spending, Feb. 25, 2009

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