Joe Biden Comes Out Against Heller Ruling - The Individual Right to Keep and Bear Arms

There you have it..... They are all in on gun confiscation and making Americans slaves..
Considering the rest of the field has openly stated they are going to ban fracking (losing much of the support they are going to NEED to gain to take out Trump) and have made MUCH stronger claims against gun ownership among a myriad of other asinine ban claims I do not see how this is supposed to sink Biden any more than it sinks the rest of them.

Biden is the MOST friendly candidate that has a chance to gun owners. That may not be saying much but stating that this stance sinks his campaign is just silly. This actually puts him above the others who are laughing at him when he states presidential edicts banning guns are unconstitutional.

Besides, he can bloviate on the Heller ruling till he turns blue in the face, the dems are not regaining the SCOTUS in the next decade so there is no getting away from it. It will stand and will likely stand for as long as the constitution does in its current incarnation.
^ that is what the dems thought when they ran the most unliked candidate in history.

Now the republicans are running an extremely unliked candidate. You have to hope that people dislike the other guy more.
Biden finds out what he believes in when he gets his orders from the DNC. He is the classic career politician, he has no core beliefs.

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