Joe Biden Discusses His Efforts to Reduce Gun Violence

You know after watching him rambling I missed the part where his actual plans were. :confused-84:
The Democrats are dangerous totalitarians who fear people being able to defend themselves.
People want to own guns to be able to protect their families and themselves from the Corrupt Democrat Party's criminals, gangs, terrorist, muggers, rapists, pedos, carjackers, looters, fascists, marxist......knuttjobs
LOL.....He's going to commission a study with pre-determined results.....Hell just get the "climate change" weenies to do it, they are good at giving pre-determined results to whoever pays them.
Democrats have no desire, or intention, to do anything about violent crime.
They want the state to have a monopoly on force, which cannot happen while the citizenry remains armed.
Thus, gun control.

Joe Biden Discusses His Efforts to Reduce Gun Violence​

He told his wife NOT to fire a shotgun indiscriminately from the balcony???


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