Joe Biden, get real about Hunter Biden

Nothing more patriotic than a POS that flies the confederate flag. The flag representing an enemy of the stars and stripes.
I post that avatar just to trigger you hate filled idiotic Moon Bats. Thanks for playing.
Nothing more patriotic than a POS that flies the confederate flag. The flag representing an enemy of the stars and stripes.
Like when Bill Clinton flew it over the Arkansas capital when he was Governor?
Yes it's a real laptop.....that was in the hands of a dozen people before it got to the fbi.

Nothing on it was verified which is why you have no indictment. Lol
Why hasn’t Pedo Joe or his Crackhead spawn said what was found on it is fake?
They said the laptop is real. Look it up, quit remaining stupid.
EVERYONE knows that. The rest is pure GOP BS like all of it DUH...His brother died and he had a bad year or two, BFM. When his mother and sister were killed, these guys were 5 and 6 and spent months together in the hospital. Could you possibly STFU with your misinformed hate? Unlike your heroes, these are not greedy idiot scumbags...real humans...
Joe Biden, get real about Hunter Biden. Do your job as President and a father. Tell your son to quit taking jobs where you are doing nothing but playing on potential contact with your father. It is not appropriate. Joe Biden, do not make excuses for your son's unethical practices. Take him to the woodshed. If he chooses to not listen to you, that is on him.
Hunter Biden is acting like a Trump. No ethics or morals; totally self-serving.
While I don't agree with Hunter was doing, it was soft lobbying, legal but questionable ethically...

But compared tot the Trump kids he is an angel... Ivanka was used as bring you daughter to work at world leaders conferences...

Jarad was getting loans from Saudi...

The Trumps eroded any separation...

Trumpsters are trying to make Hunter as bad as the Trump Kids and reality they aren't even close... Trump kids weren't only selling access but Daddy was into it as well..
While I don't agree with Hunter was doing, it was soft lobbying, legal but questionable ethically...

But compared tot the Trump kids he is an angel... Ivanka was used as bring you daughter to work at world leaders conferences...

Jarad was getting loans from Saudi...

The Trumps eroded any separation...

Trumpsters are trying to make Hunter as bad as the Trump Kids and reality they aren't even close... Trump kids weren't only selling access but Daddy was into it as well..
Russia is now formally in the media asking about Hunter's link to the biolabs, so no amnesia about that.
All which is interesting but has nothing to do with the fact that we have an incompetent President suffering from dementia in office at this time.

Biden is not a leader because he has no idea where he is at or where he is going.

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