Joe Biden in Ukraine

And nobody made money off their military/industrialist portfolios under Him.

Enter the Ukraine.
Ukraine has a reputation of corruption and we are pouring big bucks into it with no idea of where the money is going. You can bet some of that money is going to end up in Swiss bank accounts. Ukraine may in the end fall but a good number of its citizens will be fabously rich and likely some of our politicians will benefit too.

The one advantage of the Ukrainian war to me is we have finally found a nation whose people are will to fight to preserve it and aren’t asking for help from American troops.
Hard to accept the truth about your chosen one, isn't it. It's just more acceptable when it's about Trump, right?
Liberals love to throw around nasty insults. It proves how small minded they are.
Liberals love to throw around nasty insults. It proves how small minded they are.
Liberals never used the "EVERYONE I DON'T LIKE IS A PEDO!" big lie.

Only you and your fellow scumbags do that. I guess if you can't run on issues, you have to lie as big and as disgustingly as possible.

It's nothing new in history. The old Nazis used the same stories about how Jews/liberals were attacking children, and now the new Nazis are using it. Fascist tactics don't change.
Liberals never used the "EVERYONE I DON'T LIKE IS A PEDO!" big lie.

Only you and your fellow scumbags do that. I guess if you can't run on issues, you have to lie as big and as disgustingly as possible.

It's nothing new in history. The old Nazis used the same stories about how Jews/liberals were attacking children, and now the new Nazis are using it. Fascist tactics don't change.
I have never claimed everyone I don’t like is a pedo. I imagine there are both liberals and conservatives who suffer from Pedophilia.

You however have likely called conservatives Nazis, fascists, racists, terrorists or white supremacists. Your complaint that both me and my fellow scum bags have to use insults reminds me that people who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw rocks. You even called us New Nazis in your post.

You however have likely called conservatives Nazis, fascists, racists, terrorists or white supremacists.
Yes, but only the ones who actually _were_ such things.

Hence the difference.

You even called us New Nazis in your post.
You seem to be admitting to saying that Jews/liberals are attacking children. After all, that is who I directly addressed.
Yes, but only the ones who actually _were_ such things.

Hence the difference.

You seem to be admitting to saying that Jews/liberals are attacking children. After all, that is who I directly addressed.
Every time I turn on the news it seems I see a liberal calling a conservative a racist, a white supremacist, a fascist or a terrorist. It gets boring after a while when you consider the Democrats run their Democratic Plantation hoping to keep the blacks down and dependent.
Yes, but only the ones who actually _were_ such things.

Hence the difference.

You seem to be admitting to saying that Jews/liberals are attacking children. After all, that is who I directly addressed.
No I am just addressing the liberals habit of calling everybody who disagrees with them to be Nazis or racists.
I guess so.
After all even people as ignorant as MAGAt Trumptards should know better than to be quoting Hannity....or any of the rest of those Fox twits after the recent bombshell report from the Dominion hearing.
I mean, we all know now that they lie to you on air and then text among themselves behind the scenes about how stupid you are for beliving it.
Check the scoreboard... the networks that keep getting caught deceiving are the left wing networks....
Lots of people called Trump an idiot. Many were Deep Staters who have managed to get our nation into unnecessary wars in far off Hell holes so the military-industrial complex could profit. Trump was not fond of dirty little wars so of course he was called an idiot.


Unleashing the awesome and massive power of the American military should only be done to defend against threats to our democracy and the values and hard-won rights of its citizens. Since World War Two, we have repeatedly used this power unwisely, resulting in a humiliating cycle of wasted lives and money.

But there are a wide range of ways to stop this. One way is getting more combat veterans, who have personally experienced war’s horrible costs, involved in decision-making, reigning in the corruptive elements of the military-industrial complex, and weeding out people whose careers are more important than what’s good for the country. But the best and overriding means of ending this cycle, however, is to get back in touch with what ultimately is worth fighting for. In Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq we sacrificed our young and spent massive amounts of money fighting to build nations that look and think like we do, a. goal that most Americans don’t really care about, especially when they don’t face getting drafted. In those wars there was no direct threat to Americans that our fundamental values would be taken from us. The reason we lose these wars is that our opponents are fighting for something they care about very much indeed.

These rights and values are broadly defined and open to interpretation. There is no hard line about when these rights and values are jeopardized enough to go to war. That is why our founders required that the Congress declare war, not the President, so that Congress can debate and discuss our choices. At best, in our current political balance, just over half of the American electorate has voted for a President and the policy debate about using military force takes place among people who work for and are chosen by the President. The Congress is a broad representation of the American people and therefore has a much better chance of expressing in open debate the wide range of opinion about what is at stake and how scared we should be about it. The debate should range over numerous interpretations and judgements, but then there is a vote. The result of the vote is an unambiguous hard line. What follows then is the strongest military organization in the world doing its Constitutional duty to fight or not fight and members of Congress having to go back to their states and districts to justify and defend their vote in open debate before their electorate. Politicians have sensitive antenna about voter opinion. If the American people decide they want out of a war, the Congress has far more incentive to do so than the Executive. Members of the House face a vote every two years. The President only faces a vote if the decision came in the first half of a two-term presidency.000000000000000
Biden got our troops out of Afghanistan.

Your blob didn't.

Biden 1; Blob 0
Showing support for our allies.

Imagine that...a President who supports our allies instead of slapping tariffs on them and calling them "shit holes".
Imagine a president who helps Americans instead of foreign war mongers. This is him, whore...

trump 2020.jpg
Biden got our troops out of Afghanistan.

Your blob didn't.

Biden 1; Blob 0
Lol, you forget about all the people he got killed and the billions of dollars in weapons, etc., he left there. Lol, lying traitor scum, YOU!
Biden got our troops out of Afghanistan.

Your blob didn't.

Biden 1; Blob 0
You are proud of the fact that Biden got our troops out of Afghanistan? Thant was one of Joe Biden’t biggest fuck ups and made us the laughing stock of the world.


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