Joe Biden in Ukraine

OH! One named Poster.
It helps to sometimes use proper names for certain individuals.
I'd love to find a fitting proper name for Pete Buttigieg.
Something that matches his face.
He looks like an adolescent hedgehog.
Odd name....first four letters are BUTT...wonder what the root is for that name.
Like Ellen DeGeneres....LOL
And that's almost always because that particular conseravative _was_ such a thing.

See? Saying that a whole race is stupid is textbook racism, and you just did that.

I'll offer a deal. If you stop acting like a racist, I'll stop pointing it out when you do. However, I won't stop pointing out your racism just because it upsets you.
Meanwhile, Russian forces have nearly encircled the city of Bakhmut, which is a major transportation and logistics hub, with several key roads and rail lines passing through it. It’ll probably fall to the Russians within weeks.

Losing Bakhmut will be a major blow to Ukraine, despite claims in the western media that it really isn’t very important. Ukraine’s entire 800-mile defensive line would probably begin to crumble, and they don’t have heavily fortified positions to fall back on. Ukrainian troops, while brave and competent soldiers, are exhausted and running out of supplies as it is.

On top of that, it appears likely that Russia is preparing a devastating offensive with massive amounts of men, tanks, armored personnel carriers, artillery, helicopters, drones and fixed-wing aircraft.

This Russian army is not the same army that invaded Ukraine a year ago. It’s much better trained, led and equipped. It’s learned from the mistakes it made during its initial invasion last February. Ukraine shouldn’t expect them to repeat those mistakes.

Does all this mean I’m cheering on a Russian victory in Ukraine? No, I’m just observing the facts on the ground and consolidating them to perform an objective analysis.

That analysis leads me to believe that Russia will win the war militarily. Western military assistance may prolong the fighting but won’t affect the ultimate outcome. It’ll just delay the inevitable and get a lot more people needlessly killed.
Your worthless ideocracy is noted.

A former business associate of Hunter Biden is cooperating with House Republicans in an investigation into the Biden family's foreign business dealings, according to Oversight Committee chairman James Comer (R., Ky.).

Eric Schwerin, who worked at Rosemont Seneca Partners, a private equity firm co-founded by Hunter Biden, has emerged as one of the "key witnesses in our investigation of Joe Biden's involvement in his family’s international and domestic business schemes," Comer told Just the News on Thursday.

Schwerin's "attorneys and my counsel are communicating on a regular basis," Comer said. "I feel confident that he's going to work with us and provide us with the information that we have requested."
Meanwhile, Russian forces have nearly encircled the city of Bakhmut, which is a major transportation and logistics hub, with several key roads and rail lines passing through it. It’ll probably fall to the Russians within weeks.

Losing Bakhmut will be a major blow to Ukraine, despite claims in the western media that it really isn’t very important. Ukraine’s entire 800-mile defensive line would probably begin to crumble, and they don’t have heavily fortified positions to fall back on. Ukrainian troops, while brave and competent soldiers, are exhausted and running out of supplies as it is.

On top of that, it appears likely that Russia is preparing a devastating offensive with massive amounts of men, tanks, armored personnel carriers, artillery, helicopters, drones and fixed-wing aircraft.

This Russian army is not the same army that invaded Ukraine a year ago. It’s much better trained, led and equipped. It’s learned from the mistakes it made during its initial invasion last February. Ukraine shouldn’t expect them to repeat those mistakes.

Does all this mean I’m cheering on a Russian victory in Ukraine? No, I’m just observing the facts on the ground and consolidating them to perform an objective analysis.

That analysis leads me to believe that Russia will win the war militarily. Western military assistance may prolong the fighting but won’t affect the ultimate outcome. It’ll just delay the inevitable and get a lot more people needlessly killed.
Yep. The Spring Offensive should end it.
A former business associate of Hunter Biden is cooperating with House Republicans in an investigation into the Biden family's foreign business dealings, according to Oversight Committee chairman James Comer (R., Ky.).

Eric Schwerin, who worked at Rosemont Seneca Partners, a private equity firm co-founded by Hunter Biden, has emerged as one of the "key witnesses in our investigation of Joe Biden's involvement in his family’s international and domestic business schemes," Comer told Just the News on Thursday.

Schwerin's "attorneys and my counsel are communicating on a regular basis," Comer said. "I feel confident that he's going to work with us and provide us with the information that we have requested."
Your post doesn't mention an important Hunter Biden link to American-assisted Chinese communist viruses: Metabiota.
My opinion, and purely hypothetical at this stage.

I don’t think Putin would have invaded under Trump.

All sorts of conflicts raised their ugly heads after Biden became encumbent.

Republicans on the message boards are saying America is wrong we should mind our own business and we should not be helping Ukraine.

If that's the way Trump Republicans feel, why do you think Putin would have not invaded? I think Putin was pissed when Biden won. Invasion has been a lot harder because Biden is president.

So re think your feeling that Russia would not have invaded. In fact they were hoping Trump won and pulled the USA out of NATO. That would have made invasion even easier. Trump was going to do that.
Republicans on the message boards are saying America is wrong we should mind our own business and we should not be helping Ukraine
Not against helping but am against pretty much paying for the bar tab. If anyone should be more concerned, I'd think Europe would be.....
If that's the way Trump Republicans feel, why do you think Putin would have not invaded?
I think Putin was pissed when Biden won. Invasion has been a lot harder because Biden is president.
Funny he made no moves under Trump.
Invasion has been a lot harder because Biden is president.
Who you kidding? Biden delayed action and opted to 'talk' all the while Putin created the largest military equipment parking lot on Zelensky's border. Biden him hawed around sending weapons.....China licking their chops over a Biden Taiwan sortie.
Trump was going to do that.
No He wasn't......He made them ante up paying their fair share which no other president ever did.....payup or we'll leave.
The 'Rules Based Order' means that the U.S. has the authority to invade, occupy, coup, steal, attack their own allies, make new rules when it suits them, break or ignore any rule whenever they want and sanction any country that disobeys their orders.
The 'Rules Based Order' means that the U.S. has the authority to invade, occupy, coup, steal, attack their own allies, make new rules when it suits them, break or ignore any rule whenever they want and sanction any country that disobeys their orders.
Just like our present government and its citizens.
The 'Rules Based Order' means that the U.S. has the authority to invade, occupy, coup, steal, attack their own allies, make new rules when it suits them, break or ignore any rule whenever they want and sanction any country that disobeys their orders.
And many Americans fail to see the enormous hypocrisy.
How could they see that, if they have been indoctrinated since childhood, that they are an exceptional nation living in a Shining City on a hill.
Because I did. Like all Americans I was indoctrinated in government schools and by the msm. If I can overcome it, so can others. Many have but most haven’t.

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