Joe Biden in Ukraine

Trump was under the control of the Secret Service. I am sure the Secret Service had a hand in making sure Brandon was safe.
Just following the example of his predecessor who asked Putin for permission to lob 100 million dollars worth of missiles at a Syrian Air field
No president, Biden, Trump, or whoever ask permission when no permission is required. They inform the opposition of what they are doing in order to avoid confrontations. This is pretty common although it does not always get into the news media because it's usually not done at the highest levels of the government. It's simply amounts to a heads-up so no one makes a mistake and starts WWIII.
I guess so.
After all even people as ignorant as MAGAt Trumptards should know better than to be quoting Hannity....or any of the rest of those Fox twits after the recent bombshell report from the Dominion hearing.
I mean, we all know now that they lie to you on air and then text among themselves behind the scenes about how stupid you are for beliving it.
Define " We " Mr. or is it Misses Paddy Chayefsky where Reality
at best in the world of a leftist is basically saturday mornings
and the Cartoons.Like the cartoonish Photo op by Biden walking
calmy and confidently down a a street in Kiev as at just that moment
sir raid sirens blast.The funny part ... Not a Secret Service person in
sight.Not one SS sgent comes to surround Herr Biden.
Then you gots silly ass dopes on - Morning Joe - making the case
with guys comparing Biden to Abe Lincoln.If it wasn't so pathetic
it would be a real hoot.Perfect for an SNL skit.I mean,this is the same guy
{ try Lug } who wasn't brave enough to leave his basement bunker
to Campaign in the Fall of 2020.
No president, Biden, Trump, or whoever ask permission when no permission is required. They inform the opposition of what they are doing in order to avoid confrontations. This is pretty common although it does not always get into the news media because it's usually not done at the highest levels of the government. It's simply amounts to a heads-up so no one makes a mistake and starts WWIII.
Kennedy { JFK } the First Catholic and Youngest{?} of Presidents learned
that lesson the hard way.When he decided to Go to Europe and match
wits with The infernally hardboiled Soviet { Nikita Khrushchev }.
On June 4th, 1961 in Vienna,Austria.Known as The Vienna Summit.
" He just beat the Hell out of me ". - Kennedy was heard saying
Yeah, he made all kinds of jackass comments prior to getting off his lame ass and getting involved early on. If he wouldn't have fiddle f**ked around until later, the whole outcome could have been drastically different for Ukraine.
Biden is making the same mistake with Taiwan.
They have yet to receive the promised amount of $ 18 Billion.
yet here's Biden bending over backwards to accomodate Ukraine
' with $ 113 Billion at last count.Taiwan accounts for upwards of
90 % of all semiconductors used for the United States and made
in Taiwan.Biden has overseen the dismantling of our Navy, as well.
The number of ships that are ready are half of what we had
under President Reagan.Don't forget that under the helm of
Ronnie Reagan we Defeated the Soviet Union w/o a single shot
fired.Reagan also had Twice the budget for Defense.
I watched the clip but it is very very short and without context.
So much for the "credible" part huh?

Oh well.
I'll do a bit of my own research on this and find out what it's (really?) about and get back to you.
What context do you need exactly?

He said it. It may not even be true as we have no control over what Ukraine spends the money on nor do we have any accounting of it. But he did say it. Im not sure how a video of Biden saying the words isnt a credible source. He's the source.
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No president, Biden, Trump, or whoever ask permission when no permission is required. They inform the opposition of what they are doing in order to avoid confrontations. This is pretty common although it does not always get into the news media because it's usually not done at the highest levels of the government. It's simply amounts to a heads-up so no one makes a mistake and starts WWIII.

Yes, I know. But you will never be able to get these folks to understand that, so you have to show them where their god did the same thing they are attacking Biden over
Showing support for our allies.

Imagine that...a President who supports our allies instead of slapping tariffs on them and calling them "shit holes".
Biden will manage to get us into an all out nuclear war with Russia. He is the wrong man at the wrong time to be President now.

Let’s not forget what Obama said about Biden.

Define " We " Mr. or is it Misses Paddy Chayefsky where Reality
at best in the world of a leftist is basically saturday mornings
and the Cartoons.Like the cartoonish Photo op by Biden walking
calmy and confidently down a a street in Kiev as at just that moment
sir raid sirens blast.The funny part ... Not a Secret Service person in
sight.Not one SS sgent comes to surround Herr Biden.
Then you gots silly ass dopes on - Morning Joe - making the case
with guys comparing Biden to Abe Lincoln.If it wasn't so pathetic
it would be a real hoot.Perfect for an SNL skit.I mean,this is the same guy
{ try Lug } who wasn't brave enough to leave his basement bunker
to Campaign in the Fall of 2020.
You should have more respect for YOUR President, especially when he is overseas risking life and limb to offer support to an American ally.
You shouldn't be mouthing off in a public forum giving America's Commie enemy (Russia) propaganda to use against your country.
WHOSE side are you on man???
With "friends" like you the U.S. and its allies don't even NEED enemies!
What context do you need exactly?

He said it. It may not even be true as we have no control over what Ukraine spends the money on nor do we have any accounting of it. But he did say it. Im not sure how a video of Biden saying the words isnt a credible source. He's the source.
Zelensky spent Millions on Real Estate and Mansions in
Florida.Plus since when does a leader of a Country run around
in a T-shirt or Sweatshirt no matter if Millitary brown-grey.
Plus he ousted a major Religion and *Church from Ukraine.
Real Holy of duh guy.He's a Front man.Who's to say he wasn't
used to help take down Trump with the Infamous Phone call
{ said to be a Quid Pro Quo } basis for Trump's December 2019
First Impeachment.

* Ukrainian Orthodox Church
It may not even be true as we have no control over what Ukraine spends the money on nor do we have any accounting of it.
Did you notice after reports of not knowing where money and arms were going (reported in a CBS special report, that was changed after the WH complained)
Suddenly we had boots on the ground doing inventory, and receiving functions.
Oh well.
I'll do a bit of my own research on this and find out what it's (really?) about and get back to you.
Let me line to Maddow.
And Trump's SoS called him a "fucking idiot".
The bottom line is simple.Comparing Trump's Presidency and
leadership to Biden is like comparing Radio personality
Paul Harvey to Former Host now Podcaster Keith Olbermann.
Or Johnny Carson to Stephen Colbert.
Did you notice after reports of not knowing where money and arms were going (reported in a CBS special report, that was changed after the WH complained)
Suddenly we had boots on the ground doing inventory, and receiving functions.

Let me line to Maddow.
She was back this past Monday ... in all black and all smiley faced.
First order of business was expected.She didn't attack Tucker Carlson
{ couldn't because He gave her a start at MSNBC with his 11 PM
Show - *Tucker - in 2005 }
She was unravelling over the 41,000 hrs. of January 6th video
tapes that are now the property of the New Speaker { McCarthy }
Who handed them over to - Tucker - and Fox news.
I was amazed when during the hyped flack over January 6th
Insurrection that the number reported was 14,ooo hrs.
Which begs the question.Why would that disturb anyone.
It is what it is.I doubt it can be tampered with.It's called
exposing to sunlight.I guess that kind thing Turns off MSNBC types
like Witchy Maddow and surely failed Catholic and mean as a
hornet Lawrence O'Donnell.

* The Situation With Tucker Carlson
You should have more respect for YOUR President, especially when he is overseas risking life and limb to offer support to an American ally.
You shouldn't be mouthing off in a public forum giving America's Commie enemy (Russia) propaganda to use against your country.
WHOSE side are you on man???
With "friends" like you the U.S. and its allies don't even NEED enemies!
Biden and his Rotten bunch in Leadership are gonna get many
Citizens of this country more than headaches.They are gonna
hurt Average Joe Americans by allowing illegals free reign and
also drug smuggling.Spending money We don't have thereby
bankrupting any future for all involved.Weakening us Militarily
virtually every month.Taking away cherished freedoms like
Our First Amendment,and also Due Process.
No Potus has that right.But Biden and bunch believe they have
all that knocked.Just use Executive Orders and don't explain.
Use the MSM as an adjunct to the Dispicable Democrat Party
to Stalinize our Country.Like how Bolshevism took over in Old
Russia.Where Theoretical Marxism as realized in Russian Bolshevism
as written by Marx,and acquired energy " have taken the place
of the Bible. "
Just try and hear Biden or his bunch talk of the Bible.
You'll be waiting till the cows start to crow.

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