Joe Biden in Ukraine

And the Democrats howled about how much we were spending. There is also the difference that the vast, vast majority of that was the DOD spending it not just giving it to Afghanistan so there was an accounting of where the money was going.
Billions went directly to Afghanistan no questions asked
You are confused Moon Bat.

Hunter Biden was getting $80K a month from the Ukrainians for a position in an Energy company that he was no way in hell qualified to have. The sonofabitch got kicked out of the Navy for being a coke head for Heaven's sake. He is a fucking moron but he could sell Daddy's influence.

The Potatohead family was selling government influence big time. Potatohead is even on record saying that if the Ukrainians were to investigate the corruption of Hunter he would cut them off from American military and humanitarian support.

Not only to the Ukrainians but to other buyers like the Chinese.

Yes, President Potatohead was in Ukraine to inquire as to why the Ukrainians were not making their payments. If it wasn't for the fact that Potatohead knew he was suppose to be getting a monthly check from the Ukrainians he probably couldn't find the country on a map. He is that stupid.

President Potatohead is a fucking corrupt idiot and anybody that voted for the shithead is also an idiot.
Your posts are worthless. Every worthless paragraph above includes an ad hominem. Grow up.
Not for long

If Bush was hunting Bin Laden, why didn’t he follow him into Pakistan?

We didn't know where he was exactly. Northern Pakistan, all of Nimruz Province, part of Helmand and Kandahar Provinces Afghanistan, and Eastern Iran are inhabited by the Baluch. They are a different culture, speak a different language (Baluch) and none of those countries cares much about what goes on there. It's a lawless area, with little to no services or government, at least not national government influence. OBL dropped off the map. He wasn't up on comms regularly and when it was it typically was by proxy. There came point in the war where no one of any significance was ever on a cell phone. We killed all the dumb ones who couldn't make the correlation between the missile that landed on their head and the little beacon they carried around in their pocket. If OBL didn't have kidney problems we likely would have never gotten him.

Do you really think the intelligence community had stopped trying to find OBL while Bush was President and Obama changed that and we figured out where he was and gathered all the intel needed to run that strike in the matter of a couple years? Really?
The best part?

Biden told Putin he was coming. He didn't ask Putin for permission. He just told him, daring him to do something about it.

Now Putin looks weak, in front of the whole world.

By association, the Trump cult Russian lackeys look even weaker. And they know it. Thus, the copious fascist tears we're seeing from the RepubliRussian Trump cult.

The funniest part? Biden goes to a war zone, Trump goes to a Republican-caused disaster in Ohio ... and they think this makes Trump look good.

Actually, leading the global effort in support of Ukraine is a priority

Yeah that's very clear. People are free to question whether a war involving 2 countries not called the United States or a NATO partner in Europe is more important than an ecological disaster in Ohio. No one in the US will be directly affected by the Ukraine losing their war against Russia, at least not in the near term. That cant be said of the train wreck in Ohio.

This war will be significant decades from now


Nobody will remember remember the train wreck in two weeks

Pretty sure that's not true. It happened almost 3 weeks ago is still in the news (whether you like it or not) and the cleanup and ramifications of that train wreck will likely last longer than the war. We likely wont know the extent of the damage that train wreck had for a decade or more.

I get that it's inconvenient for your team but that's irrelevant.
Are you by any chance one of those Trump University graduates?
So how do you take Biden sending hundreds of billions of dollars to Ukraine to prop up their social security program as ours is going broke?... by the way Joe has spent 6 Trillion dollars in just two years.... how much of that have you gotten?....
The best part?

Biden told Putin he was coming. He didn't ask Putin for permission. He just told him, daring him to do something about it.

Nope that's not what happened. Not even close to what happened. The State Dept informed Russia that POTUS was traveling to Ukraine and specifically Kiev so that any military operations they might have had planned for that timeframe would be suspended. It wasnt a challenge to the Russians or Putin. We didnt play chicken with the POTUS's life. Nor should we that would be wildly irresponsible and frankly, fucking moronic. If there was any thought that Putin might actually try and kill the POTUS while he was in Kiev he wouldnt have gone. At least I hope he wouldnt have gone. Nothing positive comes from the Russians even attempting to kill a sitting or even former POTUS. Putin knows this, just like everyone else.
Now Putin looks weak, in front of the whole world.

No he doesnt. Not killing the POTUS doesnt make you look weak.

By association, the Trump cult Russian lackeys look even weaker. And they know it. Thus, the copious fascist tears we're seeing from the RepubliRussian Trump cult.

How does this have anything to do with Trump?

The funniest part? Biden goes to a war zone, Trump goes to a Republican-caused disaster in Ohio ... and they think this makes Trump look good.

How did Trump cause a train to derail while he wasnt President? How would Biden cause it while he WAS President? Biden not going to East Palestine isnt about who caused the accident it priority of effort/concern. Biden looks like he's more concerned with a war in Europe that doesnt involve the US or a NATO partner than he is about an ecological disaster in his own country. If anything this plays directly to Trumps "America First" schtick.
He also mocked NATO as ineffective and no longer necessary
He would not commit to NATO Article 5 mutual defense

We have seen how important NATO is

We should question NATO's effectiveness and necessity. NATO was created as a hedge to the Soviet Union and the Warsaw pact. Something that hasnt existed for decades. NATO seems to be causing more tension in the region than it's alleviating at this point.

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