Joe Biden in Ukraine

I asked you what Trump was doing for Putin, that Biden had reversed, you had no answer so this is what I get? :laugh2:
And I told you twice.
Trump was weakening western alliances like NATO making it easier for Putin to work his mischief.
The plan was for Putin to wait until enough damage was done by Trump tbat the invasion would be a cakewalk.
But Trump never got that second term so Putin had to go with what he had.

Bwre is tge part where you ask me to tell you AGAIN.
And I told you twice.
Trump was weakening western alliances like NATO making it easier for Putin to work his mischief.
You're not being specific though are you? You're just saying it happened without actually saying how.
The plan was for Putin to wait until enough damage was done by Trump tbat the invasion would be a cakewalk.
But Trump never got that second term so Putin had to go with what he had.

Link? Again your fantasies of what the "plan" was is irrelevant.
Bwre is tge part where you ask me to tell you AGAIN.

You need to tell us the first time in order for there to be an "AGAIN".
And I told you twice.
Trump was weakening western alliances like NATO making it easier for Putin to work his mischief.
The plan was for Putin to wait until enough damage was done by Trump tbat the invasion would be a cakewalk.
But Trump never got that second term so Putin had to go with what he had.

Bwre is tge part where you ask me to tell you AGAIN.
Trump simply asked for other nato countries to pay their fair share that is it.

It's pretty much just the US. And the Republicans are calling for an accounting of the money we are spending. Not sure why that is controversial.
We spent trillions in Afghanistan and Iraq and Republicans never demanded an accounting

But those were Republican wars
Democrats love war. Those mfer’s are bound and determined to start ww3. I hope they start the draft back again if it happens. We’ll see how tough are trans faggot army will be.
We spent trillions in Afghanistan and Iraq and Republicans never demanded an accounting

But those were Republican wars
Also Republicans on this board 20 years ago were so gung-ho on the Iraq/Afghanistan wars there was no reasoning with them.
They were literally BLIND with faux "I support the troops" cheap, Chi-Com, magnetic yellow ribbons from Wal Mart mania!

I remember trying to tell all the neocons on this board at the time how criminal and misguided our invasion of Iraq was and how it was all about Dubya's vendetta and Cheney's financial interests and hiw we were destroying the wrong country and so on.
I also predicted that we were going to be mired down in Afghanistan for at least 20 years.

For that I was accused if "sympathizing" with Saddam Hussein and our AlQaeda enemies and I was banned from U.S. Message Board.


Then twenty years later I come back on and I find a COMPLETELY NEW generation of "Republicans."
Sheeple....completely willing to side with America's Commie enemies and an incompetent tyrant like Donald Trump.

A COMPLETE, 180 degree flip-flop!

Go figure.
Ukraine must of missed their monthly payoff to the Biden family and he is there to collect.
Idiot-Gram ^^^

Yes, you are too! Having not making a credible post, it's clear you don't have a substance or thought provoking for the readers.
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If you read the Russian military bloggers (even in translation) you know they are criticizing Putin for not having the balls to visit even Crimea and Russian cities near the border. They themselves compare Putin unfavorably with Biden, who they say is tough, traveling on a train for ten hours to Kiev and walking around streets in a city under frequent missile attack.

This was, in my opinion, a bold move, and undercut confidence in Putin at home. The rightwingers here are wrong in thinking Biden “is weak.”

Of course this doesn’t address the underlying political questions about whether, or how soon, Biden’s administration will put pressure on the Ukrainian government to seek peace negotiations, what Biden’s real policy will ultimately be regarding jets and long-range missiles to Ukraine, whether Biden will show any flexibility on a compromise over Crimea, Donbas, etc. Such questions are very important, though ultra-partisan rightwing critics of Biden never even bother to discuss them.
Also Republicans on this board 20 years ago were so gung-ho on the Iraq/Afghanistan wars there was no reasoning with them.
They were literally BLIND with faux "I support the troops" cheap, Chi-Com, magnetic yellow ribbons from Wal Mart mania!

I remember trying to tell all the neocons on this board at the time how criminal and misguided our invasion of Iraq was and how it was all about Dubya's vendetta and Cheney's financial interests and hiw we were destroying the wrong country and so on.
I also predicted that we were going to be mired down in Afghanistan for at least 20 years.

For that I was accused if "sympathizing" with Saddam Hussein and our AlQaeda enemies and I was banned from U.S. Message Board.


Then twenty years later I come back on and I find a COMPLETELY NEW generation of "Republicans."
Sheeple....completely willing to side with America's Commie enemies and an incompetent tyrant like Donald Trump.

A COMPLETE, 180 degree flip-flop!

Go figure.
Afghanistan was harboring Bin Laden and were given a choice, Iraq never kept the cease fire agreement, had WMD's and tried to assassinate a former President what else do you want

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