Joe Biden in Ukraine

see youre twisting my words again,,

I never said he wasnt invited or that they did acts of hostility to us directly,,

if you didnt have lies you wouldnt have anything,,

Then why would it take courage? Why does it take courage to accept the invitation from the leader of a different country that is not hostile to us directly?

Explain how that takes courage?
Then why would it take courage? Why does it take courage to accept the invitation from the leader of a different country that is not hostile to us directly?

Explain how that takes courage?
youre right,, its been done so many times before its just another day in the life of a POTUS,,

if you bothered to look at the context of my comment it was in response to someone else saying biden visit was courageous even though he had huge security force protecting him,,

have you ever been honest a day in your life??
I'm sure this has been brought up already but did you all notice the photo op with air raid sirens for the brave Joe Biden as he walked out of the polish embassy?....
He is not only a gaffe machine he is a photo op phony... remember... the most dangerous entity known to mankind is a democrat facing a tough re election....
"He didn't need to invade. He was getting everything he wanted. Trump was his tool and never posed a problem.
Putin had a useful idiot in The Oval Office. Of course that all changed when Biden won and replaced Trump".

Your brain is so full of shiite you think this is an answer to my question,
It is Troll.
youre right,, its been done so many times before its just another day in the life of a POTUS,,

if you bothered to look at the context of my comment it was in response to someone else saying biden visit was courageous even though he had huge security force protecting him,,

have you ever been honest a day in your life??

And you clamed that real courage was Trump, yet you cannot explain waht was courageous about it.

Would it not just have been easier to say waht Biden did was not courageous, without bringing your god in to the discussion?
I'm sure this has been brought up already but did you all notice the photo op with air raid sirens for the brave Joe Biden as he walked out of the polish embassy?....
He is not only a gaffe machine he is a photo op phony... remember the moist dangerous entity known to mankind is a democrat facing a tough re election....
You are just jelly because Biden makes your orange cat-turd king ex, failed one-term, twice impeached last POTUS look like a wimp.
You are just jelly because Biden makes your orange cat-turd king ex, failed one-term, twice impeached last POTUS look like a wimp.
Trump would have never ordered a fake air raid for his photo op moment..... Jelly???? what are you 12?.....
When your Politicians are given the instructions to launder about $100 billion and weaken Russia, it's amazing how fast they can turn Nazis into heros and the most corrupt country in Europe into a bastion of freedom and democracy
Trump was a weakling who appeased our enemies like Putin.
Putin knew this. Trump was his bitch.
As soon as Trump took office in 2016 he began appeasing Putin by weakening America's international alliances; NATO being one.
Putin was able to relax knowing he had a useful idiot in Trump who would abandon our allies in the face of Russian aggression.
The plan that these two tyrants had was that Putin would invade during Trump's second term.....and Trump wouldn't lift a finger to stop him.
But then Trump got unexpectedly kicked to rhe curb in 2020 and suddenly Putin's red carpet into Ukraine vanished.

America had a STRONG leader again who WASN'T gonna play nice with Russia.
And now he's pretty much slapped Putin in the face sneaking into Ukraine right under Putin's nose and making a fool of him.

Hay Dopey { Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs } there was not one
lick of trouble out of Putin when Trump ran the Presidency.
Not one.If so than name the Putin troublemaking.
Plus Biden has been reduced to being a confirmed Liar.
He allowed Victoria Nuland { Under Secretary-of-State for
Political Afairs } to lie and take most the heat for setting into
Motion the blowing up underwater of the Nord Stream Pipeline.
She eventually went before Congress and expressed her approval
of that act of sabotage.Of course our scumbag MSM covered for her.
I doubt Trump was ever made the fool when abroad.They { scumbagger media }
did try.Not like when Obama was caught with a hot mic telling Russian
President Dmitry Medvedev " after my election I have more flexibility. "
{ Nuclear Security Summit in Seoul South Korea [mon. march 26,2012 ]}
My opinion, and purely hypothetical at this stage.

I don’t think Putin would have invaded under Trump.

All sorts of conflicts raised their ugly heads after Biden became encumbent.
No actually being { For Real } like the common expression used
in the Hood.After all Trump did have a smash TV show - The Apprentice -.
Remember ...
Be For Real ... girl
Ronald Reagan ended the cold war with Russia and Joe Biden is starting a new one.
It goes beyond Biden, NATO and most of the Free World is supporting Ukraine

The only ones supporting Putin are Communist China and Republicans

It's pretty much just the US. And the Republicans are calling for an accounting of the money we are spending. Not sure why that is controversial.

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