Joe Biden in Ukraine

Yeah How brave of the Old Fart.Like his braving visitng our Southern
Border or even a small Town { E.Palestine,O. } who is surrounded by
an Environmental disaster.In fact,former president Trump will be in that
Town tomorrow.We get how desperate Biden is for Photo Ops.
Like the staged blasting of Air Raids Sirens as he traipsed { wobbly |
down some main street in Kiev.What a definable :
So how do you take Biden sending hundreds of billions of dollars to Ukraine to prop up their social security program as ours is going broke?... by the way Joe has spent 6 Trillion dollars in just two years.... how much of that have you gotten?....
I just heard every one of these talking points on Sean Hannity's radio show while I was driving around town running errands today.

This is the part where you claim you never listen to Hannity.

You just happen to channel his radio script straight from the psychic ether right?

I just heard every one of these talking points on Sean Hannity's radio show while I was driving around town running errands today.

This is the part where you claim you never listen to Hannity.

You just happen to channel his radio script straight from the psychic ether right?

Never in the history of a Free press and Mainstream media has the
Democrat Party and the left conspired in league to defraud the truth
en masse.In fact it was so emboldened that they even used the exact same
words and phrases among each other.I mean,if that ain't the precise
Orwellian definition of Doublethink { to tell deliberate lies while genuinely
believing in them }.
I just heard every one of these talking points on Sean Hannity's radio show while I was driving around town running errands today.

This is the part where you claim you never listen to Hannity.

You just happen to channel his radio script straight from the psychic ether right?

I don't even like Hannity... he always talks more about himself than the subject at hand... and so I haven't listened to or watched him in years..... are you denying that Biden said he the USA is going to prop up Ukraine's social security program?.....
I just heard every one of these talking points on Sean Hannity's radio show while I was driving around town running errands today.

This is the part where you claim you never listen to Hannity.

You just happen to channel his radio script straight from the psychic ether right?

If you have to divert.... you have already lost the debate....
Furthermore ... even when using the word Doublethink
it is necessary to exercise doublethink.For by using the
word one admits to tampering with reality.
by a fresh act of doublethink one erases this knowledge;
and so on indefinitely,with the lie one leap ahead of
the truth.
Keeping in mind the golden rule :
The Left does not value Truth
And the Democrats howled about how much we were spending. There is also the difference that the vast, vast majority of that was the DOD spending it not just giving it to Afghanistan so there was an accounting of where the money was going.
Don’t forget the paints of cash Obummer gave Iran.
If you have to divert.... you have already lost the debate....
I guess so.
After all even people as ignorant as MAGAt Trumptards should know better than to be quoting Hannity....or any of the rest of those Fox twits after the recent bombshell report from the Dominion hearing.
I mean, we all know now that they lie to you on air and then text among themselves behind the scenes about how stupid you are for beliving it.
I don't even like Hannity... he always talks more about himself than the subject at hand... and so I haven't listened to or watched him in years..... are you denying that Biden said he the USA is going to prop up Ukraine's social security program?.....
I haven't heard about that.
Maybe you have a credible link to this quote?
Biden’s move was without doubt deeply demoralizing for the Russian regime … happening just before Putin’s “big speech.”

There were U.S. military jets covering Biden’s train for at least part of the way, but the move showed the confidence of the U.S. intelligence and military establishments, some real personal commitment and savvy by our President, and faith in the Ukrainians too.

The rightwingers here could not be more wrong in imagining that Biden and his team … are “weak.”

Old “Sleepy Joe” showed perfect competence in playing hardball with corrupt and over-extended Russia — but his team hasn’t yet shown it can end this Russian invasion & fratricidal proxy war in an intelligent manner. That will be a much harder trick to pull off.

Trump cultists and MAGAnuts generally worship “tough-talking” leaders — whether conmen loudmouths like Trump or genuine authoritarian ex-Communist dictators like Putin. They haven’t warmed to XiJinping just yet — but give them time.

This is war, and the U.S. is playing hardball (with enemies and allies alike) — without committing U.S. troops directly. The Ukrainians are paying a heavy price — but their nationalist leaders long ago rejected remaining “neutral” between East & West. War is terrible, and the stakes are high for the whole world.

It would have been infinitely better if war had been avoided, but this Ukrainian / Russian conflict was long in the making, Putin gambled stupidly believing Russia would win a quick victory, the U.S. has long had a pro-Ukrainian nationalist perspective, and the mistaken consensus of U.S. intelligence agencies was that the Ukrainians would not be able to successfully repulse the Russian invasion last year.

They figured Russia would take over most of the country and face a long quagmire occupation, losing face and being drained economically, and forcing the Europeans to take NATO more seriously and start to ween themselves off Russian oil and gas. Some always saw the possibility that war would be the beginning of the crumbling of Putin’s regime. As it turned out, we now have an entrenched anti-Russian Ukrainian nationalist state (backed by the West) … and a serious proxy war with Russia.

The underlying political questions facing the U.S. concern whether, and when, Biden’s administration will put real pressure on the Ukrainian government to seek peace negotiations. There is a real question of what Biden’s policy will be regarding jets and long-range missiles to Ukraine, and whether he will show any flexibility on a compromise over Crimea, Donbas, etc. — these key questions remain.

These issues are very important, though ultra-partisan rightwing critics of Biden … rarely even bother to discuss them.
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And you probably think the U.S. is doing this out of the goodness of its heart? The U.S. is NATO. Europe is the lackeys and slaves of the USA. What the U.S. says, the political prostitutes of Europe do.
By blowing up the gas pipeline from Russia to Europe (an act of terrorism, by the way), the U.S. will make huge money on Europe. So don't worry about U.S. spending on NATO. It's paid for by Europe.
... and then you woke up!

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