Joe Biden in Ukraine

You should have more respect for YOUR President, especially when he is overseas risking life and limb to offer support to an American ally.
The question is, why do you choose nazis and terrorists as your allies? It can only be because your goals are dirty and criminal. That's the only way.
The bottom line is simple.Comparing Trump's Presidency and
leadership to Biden is like comparing Radio personality
Paul Harvey to Former Host now Podcaster Keith Olbermann.
Or Johnny Carson to Stephen Colbert.
Correct. Biden is superior to Trump as a person, a politician, a father, and a person. Trump is low grade garbage.
Nope that's not what happened. Not even close to what happened.
Sure it is. Biden didn't ask Putin if he could come. He _told_ him he was coming, with the implied message being "Try something. Make our day."

How did Trump cause a train to derail while he wasnt President?

That's right. An accident happened in an entirely Republican-controlled state, by a train company owned by Republicans, due to policies implemented by Republicans. Then the Republicans said "set it all on fire!", and the governor refused the federal aid that was instantly offered.

And that causes you to yell "It's all Biden's fault!".

To think you wonder why the adults don't take you seriously.
Biden and his Rotten bunch in Leadership are gonna get many
Citizens of this country more than headaches.They are gonna
hurt Average Joe Americans by allowing illegals free reign and
also drug smuggling.Spending money We don't have thereby
bankrupting any future for all involved.Weakening us Militarily
virtually every month.Taking away cherished freedoms like
Our First Amendment,and also Due Process.
No Potus has that right.But Biden and bunch believe they have
all that knocked.Just use Executive Orders and don't explain.
Use the MSM as an adjunct to the Dispicable Democrat Party
to Stalinize our Country.Like how Bolshevism took over in Old
Russia.Where Theoretical Marxism as realized in Russian Bolshevism
as written by Marx,and acquired energy " have taken the place
of the Bible. "
Just try and hear Biden or his bunch talk of the Bible.
You'll be waiting till the cows start to crow.
Right wing talking points here.
Propaganda for clueless SHEEPLE!
Correct. Biden is superior to Trump as a person, a politician, a father, and a person. Trump is low grade garbage.
Whoring around with a married Jill?
Letting little children feel his hairy legs?
Enriching his family through his public shakedown, 'er I mean service?
Tara Reid?
Sure it is. Biden didn't ask Putin if he could come. He _told_ him he was coming, with the implied message being "Try something. Make our day."

Do you have a reading comprehension problem?

The POTUS isnt Dirty Harry. Yes we told the Russian Government the POTUS was visiting. It wasnt a request or asking permission. It also wasnt a challenge to the Russian Government to do something stupid. The Russian Government killing or injuring the President doesnt end in a good outcome for anyone. The US, Europe, Ukraine or Russia.

That's right. An accident happened in an entirely Republican-controlled state, by a train company owned by Republicans, due to policies implemented by Republicans. Then the Republicans said "set it all on fire!", and the governor refused the federal aid that was instantly offered
? You seriously aren't saying that one party is at fault for this are you? The US Government has been in bed with the rail companies for a hundred years, spanning all party affiliations, and administrations. Im sure the EPA is filled with GOPer's.
And that causes you to yell "It's all Biden's fault!".
I never said it was Biden's fault. In fact I said the opposite in the post you quoted.
To think you wonder why the adults don't take you seriously.

You not taking me seriously doesn't mean adults don't....
Correct. Biden is superior to Trump as a person, a politician, a father, and a person. Trump is low grade garbage.
You've been visiting Dante's Inferno agin'. Right.
Which circle did you venture around ?
And if allowed to sit,how low was the 3 legged dunce stool.
Whoring around with a married Jill?
Letting little children feel his hairy legs?
Enriching his family through his public shakedown, 'er I mean service?
Tara Reid?
I nude Scranton Joe liked to sneak up on galsy real creepy-like
and sniff their hair from behind.I dint know about this hairy leg
routine.There needs to be some research into this activity.
Like was he wearing Women's Nylons on some occasions.
Don't laugh ... some guys are like that.Handsome Hollywood
Actor who stood 6'4" Jeff Chandler got outted like a decade later
after dying young.His secret life as a Cross Dresser.
You should have more respect for YOUR President, especially when he is overseas risking life and limb to offer support to an American ally.
You shouldn't be mouthing off in a public forum giving America's Commie enemy (Russia) propaganda to use against your country.
WHOSE side are you on man???
With "friends" like you the U.S. and its allies don't even NEED enemies!
I support getting him an escalator to get into air-force one :auiqs.jpg:
You should have more respect for YOUR President, especially when he is overseas risking life and limb to offer support to an American ally.
You shouldn't be mouthing off in a public forum giving America's Commie enemy (Russia) propaganda to use against your country.
WHOSE side are you on man???
With "friends" like you the U.S. and its allies don't even NEED enemies!
Is Ukraine an ally or just a vassal state?
And Trump's SoS called him a "fucking idiot".
Lots of people called Trump an idiot. Many were Deep Staters who have managed to get our nation into unnecessary wars in far off Hell holes so the military-industrial complex could profit. Trump was not fond of dirty little wars so of course he was called an idiot.


Unleashing the awesome and massive power of the American military should only be done to defend against threats to our democracy and the values and hard-won rights of its citizens. Since World War Two, we have repeatedly used this power unwisely, resulting in a humiliating cycle of wasted lives and money.

But there are a wide range of ways to stop this. One way is getting more combat veterans, who have personally experienced war’s horrible costs, involved in decision-making, reigning in the corruptive elements of the military-industrial complex, and weeding out people whose careers are more important than what’s good for the country. But the best and overriding means of ending this cycle, however, is to get back in touch with what ultimately is worth fighting for. In Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq we sacrificed our young and spent massive amounts of money fighting to build nations that look and think like we do, a. goal that most Americans don’t really care about, especially when they don’t face getting drafted. In those wars there was no direct threat to Americans that our fundamental values would be taken from us. The reason we lose these wars is that our opponents are fighting for something they care about very much indeed.

These rights and values are broadly defined and open to interpretation. There is no hard line about when these rights and values are jeopardized enough to go to war. That is why our founders required that the Congress declare war, not the President, so that Congress can debate and discuss our choices. At best, in our current political balance, just over half of the American electorate has voted for a President and the policy debate about using military force takes place among people who work for and are chosen by the President. The Congress is a broad representation of the American people and therefore has a much better chance of expressing in open debate the wide range of opinion about what is at stake and how scared we should be about it. The debate should range over numerous interpretations and judgements, but then there is a vote. The result of the vote is an unambiguous hard line. What follows then is the strongest military organization in the world doing its Constitutional duty to fight or not fight and members of Congress having to go back to their states and districts to justify and defend their vote in open debate before their electorate. Politicians have sensitive antenna about voter opinion. If the American people decide they want out of a war, the Congress has far more incentive to do so than the Executive. Members of the House face a vote every two years. The President only faces a vote if the decision came in the first half of a two-term presidency.000000000000000
Biden will manage to get us into an all out nuclear war with Russia. He is the wrong man at the wrong time to be President now.

Let’s not forget what Obama said about Biden.

View attachment 759365
Supposedly, that quote came from the presidential primary in 2008 when Obama was running against Biden. It is attributed to Obama but it supposedly came from a campaign worker. This quote has been running around both Twitter and Facebook for years. It has been inscribed on T shirts and other campaign material. Like most quotes in politics, if they are repeated enough then what was actually said and by who becomes irrelevant.
Whoring around with a married Jill?
Letting little children feel his hairy legs?
Enriching his family through his public shakedown, 'er I mean service?
Tara Reid?
What the hell is wrong with you? Has no one pointed out that your behavior is disgusting?

I imagine not. Any decent human beings stopped associating with you long ago. Now you only hang out with other conservative shit-humans, and you spend your days egging each other on to ever-greater heights of depravity.

When you were young, did you hope to grow up to be a shit-human?

So where did you go wrong? Where did all of you conservatives go wrong? What specifically set you on the path of becoming shit-humans?
What the hell is wrong with you? Has no one pointed out that your behavior is disgusting?

I imagine not. Any decent human beings stopped associating with you long ago. Now you only hang out with other conservative shit-humans, and you spend your days egging each other on to ever-greater heights of depravity.

When you were young, did you hope to grow up to be a shit-human?

So where did you go wrong? Where did all of you conservatives go wrong? What specifically set you on the path of becoming shit-humans?
Hard to accept the truth about your chosen one, isn't it. It's just more acceptable when it's about Trump, right?
Whoring around with a married Jill?
Letting little children feel his hairy legs?
Enriching his family through his public shakedown, 'er I mean service?
Tara Reid?
Supposedly, that quote came from the presidential primary in 2008 when Obama was running against Biden. It is attributed to Obama but it supposedly came from a campaign worker. This quote has been running around both Twitter and Facebook for years. It has been inscribed on T shirts and other campaign material. Like most quotes in politics, if they are repeated enough then what was actually said and by who becomes irrelevant.
I would be willing to bet that if Obama didn’t actually say that quote he would agree with it.
Hard to accept the truth about your chosen one, isn't it. It's just more acceptable when it's about Trump, right?
Since every accuastion from a conservative is a confession, you're here admitting you back a molestor.

Come on. You do it on every topic. In order to excuse your own side's criminality and perversion, you project it on to ethical people. It's not like you're fooling anyone. Perversion and criminality are seen as disqualifiers for Democrats, but as resume-builders for Republicans.

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