Joe Biden Is At War Against America & Israel

Wrong. You have no clue. Emerson college poll ? Hilarious. You don‘t trust colleges do you ? They promote climate change.

Well dufus, look it up in the dictionary. Both Sessions and Barr, two different DOJ cabinet officials held the same position at different times under Trump. Hilarious….it’s called, turnover.
OK turnover. SO WHAT, DUPIE ?
That meant the kind of combat you were referring to > ground combat. Besides, I'm not suing over a trivial point of semantics. I'm suing you candycorn, because you said I'm not a veteran (about a dozen times), and you can't escape from that, no matter how much wiggling you do.
So you support Biden giving Iran $6 Billion, and Hundreds of Millions$$ to the Palestinians. So you're at war against America too. 10-4.
They hear the current exaggerated narrative and believe it 100%. I have estimated that 315,000 terrorists entered this country when Joe Biden welcomed the third world prison and severely mentally ill institutional populations and eee-v-v-v-rybody to come over the border. Biden is unfit to rule this country. He really did it on the Southern Border. We spend millions of dollars on our own prisoners. Now, we are the world to all the earth's most notorious evildoers, rapists, murderers, and very violence-oriented serial armed criminals, and it won't be long till they are in newly-built American federal prisons for housing them where they cannot harm themselves and others, and the deceptions they pull are already destroying the most populated areas. New Yorkers, Californians, and Chicagoians are leaving by the thousands per diem for smaller and less dangerous areas. The only problem is that 8 million immigrants will not be trusted once the terrorists do their thing to destroy not only Americans, but their fellow travellers as well because they are poor and terrorists have no patience with people who cannot enrich their wallets so they can afford more ammunition to kill the current Americans of many generations on this continent. Laws of mercy, a 10-year-old would know better than to bring endless thousands of terrorists into the country. Biden is still asleep to the future he has created of a country that will be erupting with crime and killing Americans whom the terrorists hate through and through.

God is our only friend, so I'm headed upstairs to appeal to God for mercy on us when the trouble starts for vespers hour. Some of the people coming here will be delightful and glad they are able to live in a modicum of peace, but we will have to hire and train an army of anti-terrorist specialists to stay on top of the terrorism conniving America-hating entities may engage in small as well as large cities. I hope I am wrong, but the trouble with terrorism is that it is omerta-planned and benefits from surprise attacks orchestrated to coincide from sea to shining sea. The cartel terrorists have already turned children into monsters by performing acts of evil upon those whose parents unwisely sent them to the border with smooth-talking criminal elements. My prayers are up for all posters here at USMB for safety and security. :hands:
They hear the current exaggerated narrative and believe it 100%. I have estimated that 315,000 terrorists entered this country when Joe Biden welcomed the third world prison and severely mentally ill institutional populations and eee-v-v-v-rybody to come over the border. Biden is unfit to rule this country. He really did it on the Southern Border. We spend millions of dollars on our own prisoners. Now, we are the world to all the earth's most notorious evildoers, rapists, murderers, and very violence-oriented serial armed criminals, and it won't be long till they are in newly-built American federal prisons for housing them where they cannot harm themselves and others, and the deceptions they pull are already destroying the most populated areas. New Yorkers, Californians, and Chicagoians are leaving by the thousands per diem for smaller and less dangerous areas. The only problem is that 8 million immigrants will not be trusted once the terrorists do their thing to destroy not only Americans, but their fellow travellers as well because they are poor and terrorists have no patience with people who cannot enrich their wallets so they can afford more ammunition to kill the current Americans of many generations on this continent. Laws of mercy, a 10-year-old would know better than to bring endless thousands of terrorists into the country. Biden is still asleep to the future he has created of a country that will be erupting with crime and killing Americans whom the terrorists hate through and through.

God is our only friend, so I'm headed upstairs to appeal to God for mercy on us when the trouble starts for vespers hour. Some of the people coming here will be delightful and glad they are able to live in a modicum of peace, but we will have to hire and train an army of anti-terrorist specialists to stay on top of the terrorism conniving America-hating entities may engage in small as well as large cities. I hope I am wrong, but the trouble with terrorism is that it is omerta-planned and benefits from surprise attacks orchestrated to coincide from sea to shining sea. The cartel terrorists have already turned children into monsters by performing acts of evil upon those whose parents unwisely sent them to the border with smooth-talking criminal elements. My prayers are up for all posters here at USMB for safety and security. :hands:
Biden has zero concern for the country. His only interest is building VOTES
There is no such thing as "Palestinian land". Israel needs to wipe Hamas, Hezbollah, and all the rest of that rat pack off the face of the earth. An attack on Iran could be coming soon too, as they are 3 months from having nuclear weapons.

Well, Joe Biden, who never does anything right, has really f'kd up again. The idiot gave $6 Billion to Iran, and consequently we now are seeing attacks coming from Iran's proxies. Biden also gave hundreds of Million$$$ to the Palestinians.

In summation, on the one side, we have the American people and Israel. On the other is Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Palestinians, the Muslim Brotherhood, and Joe Biden. We, as always, are firmly united with Israel. We are at war against our "own" president.

Crackpot source.

Billboards surfaced in Israel this week thanking President Joe Biden for reassuring Israelis of America's commitment to the country following the recent Hamas terrorist attacks and the subsequent war.
... Billboards can be seen featuring an image of Biden in front of the American flag, with the words "Thank you, Mr. President."
The US gives money to both sides.

I didn't read all 13 pages of the thread so I don't know if someone already pointed that out.

It's been a hoot watching these people trying so hard to re-imagine the spectacularly mediocre Joe Biden into Satan reincarnate.
They have presented themselves with a unique challenge with their intellectually-impaired criminal mastermind against whom they have been unable to concoct a single misdemeanor as he leads an international coalition of nations in support of democracy.

Perhaps, they should try to contrive a less frustrating "Chance the Gardener" sort of confection. Being There

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