Joe Biden is AWOL

Biden? Yes, very likely that's how this will end. Although the Taliban already has a head start killing our troops with weapons Bloody Joe Biden gave them.
The winners get the spoils of war. The Taliban won. They also must of had arms, they won.



Yes, and I fear they will use it on one or some of our planes leaving, while blaming it on Al Qaeda, ISIS or some other terrorist faction that endorse and support.
After the deadline, and they start killing everyone, then we bomb every target we know about. The palace first, then any weapon we can find
'Joe Biden Is Awol'

Just like Barry was during Benghazi....
The people who helped us are going to hate us more than the Tollybon after this.OMG.Think about it

Then there is the Afghanis here who lose their families...KABOOM in AMERICA
The winners get the spoils of war. The Taliban won. They also must of had arms, they won.
After the collapse we will have purely sadistic shows on TV. Many game show types. We will put people like you in others shoes and places as an example. With cameras and total surveillance. People get injured and die. In everything. Sometimes it is a screw up. Understood. Not when it is politically justified more and more over nothing.
I gave it to you. What the former President may have done is irrelevant. It’s your living in non reality that produces your non reality supposition for which no answer factually exists
The TDS is too far advanced and acute. Best to let her rant in obscurity for a purpose in life
Do you know that list that they just gave the Taliban of all our allies in that country? Joe & Co. could have used that list to evacuate them all months ago. On top of that, he could have had a slow withdrawal that included taking our equipment with us.

If the Taliban complained that it was taking too long, he should have shoved the 4th ID up their asses and told them to plain and simple.

We will leave when we decide to leave. Fuck off. If they took exception, kill them.
Do you know that list that they just gave the Taliban of all our allies in that country? Joe & Co. could have used that list to evacuate them all months ago. On top of that, he could have had a slow withdrawal that included taking our equipment with us.

If the Taliban complained that it was taking too long, he should have shoved the 4th ID up their asses and told them to plain and simple.

We will leave when we decide to leave. Fuck off. If they took exception, kill them.

This makes Joe and the Dimm Party terrorist collaborators!!
I thought I'd never live to see an outcome like this!

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