Joe Biden is not mentally fit

Trump was also vilified for being demented.

Trumps own relatives and coworkers are spilling the beans on the Trumpster.
EVERYONE IN THE WORLD KNOWS BIDEN IS 'UNFIT'....allies, enemies, Democrats, even snowflakes...they just won't admit it.
Unfit ? Oh, no recession yet. That’s the gop definition of fitness. Promote dying and economic collapse. Neat.
The only ones demented are the obsessed TDS-suffering freaks who can't let him go
According to Trump, he’s still president. I guess he’s doing a hell of a job. Record employment, wages going up. Trump never looked so good till Biden made the decisions for him.
tRump babbled incoherently on a daily basis and had ministrokes in the middle of his rants. You can compare videos of tRump from the eighties to current stuff and see the difference. Joe Biden on the be other hand has always been a verbal gaff machine. No change there.

And just so you know, we normal folks laugh our asses off when some bloody tRumpling tries to call us "indoctrinated". I mean talk about projection! Lol.
You just put you and “normal” on the same plane. 😆😆😆🤣🤣🤣😂😂🤣😂
The press used to cover for JFK and his marital infidelity.

These days, the press covers for Brandon when he shits his Depends in front of a Queen and a Pope on separate occasions.
We'll settle for deranged. All good?

Whatever floats your boat. All I know is that pre-COVID our country was headed in the right direction with energy independence, low taxes, low inflation and higher wages. Biden is doing quite the opposite and it getting ready to make it much worse with his Green New Deal/Build Back Better nonsense.
Trump was also vilified for being demented.

I think the two situations are mutually exclusive. Biden's own party is questioning how fit he is.

Even Leftist Politico is publishing this. The man is a joke, an embarrassment and his gaffes cost lives and money. See Afghanistan, see the Border Crisis, see inflation, watch his press conferences.

Only 40 percent of voters surveyed agreed with the statement that Biden “is in good health,” while 50 percent disagreed. And yes Leftists this is new as this represents a massive 29-point shift since October 2020, when Morning Consult last surveyed the question and found voters believed Biden was in good health by a 19-point margin.

And before you say buuuut Trump. DJT was vilified for being outspoken and narcissistic not for sounding like a dementia ridden fool. Even SNL is mocking him.

Truth over Facts

Everybody knows he suffers from dementia.

The whole world knows.

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