Joe Biden is reportedly 'planning first major tax hike in almost 30 years'

Get rid of every other tax and just pay a flat-tax at the register.

Lets divide all government spending equally, every man and woman pays the same equal share of the spending. THAT will get the damn spending under control in short order. No more freeloaders.
You’ve never handled operations at any kind of significant scale before have you?

Touched a nerve I see. All you losers get a job and pay your share of the spending. Stop mooching off me you lazy fat ass deadbeats. :talk2hand:
Haha, a nerve? No. You just don’t seem to know what yoir talking about. Your plan isn’t close to practical

You really need to work on your reading comprehension, or you are being intentionally dense. :talk2hand:
Get rid of every other tax and just pay a flat-tax at the register.

Lets divide all government spending equally, every man and woman pays the same equal share of the spending. THAT will get the damn spending under control in short order. No more freeloaders.
You’ve never handled operations at any kind of significant scale before have you?

Touched a nerve I see. All you losers get a job and pay your share of the spending. Stop mooching off me you lazy fat ass deadbeats. :talk2hand:
Haha, a nerve? No. You just don’t seem to know what yoir talking about. Your plan isn’t close to practical

You really need to work on your reading comprehension, or you are being intentionally dense. :talk2hand:
Nope, I’m following right along. Is something confusing you?
Get rid of every other tax and just pay a flat-tax at the register.

Lets divide all government spending equally, every man and woman pays the same equal share of the spending. THAT will get the damn spending under control in short order. No more freeloaders.
You’ve never handled operations at any kind of significant scale before have you?

Touched a nerve I see. All you losers get a job and pay your share of the spending. Stop mooching off me you lazy fat ass deadbeats. :talk2hand:
Haha, a nerve? No. You just don’t seem to know what yoir talking about. Your plan isn’t close to practical

You really need to work on your reading comprehension, or you are being intentionally dense. :talk2hand:
Nope, I’m following right along. Is something confusing you?

Yeah, how dense you are.
Get rid of every other tax and just pay a flat-tax at the register.

Lets divide all government spending equally, every man and woman pays the same equal share of the spending. THAT will get the damn spending under control in short order. No more freeloaders.
Total federal revenue is about $3.9T. About half, $1.9T comes from income taxes.

So the per-Capita tax burden for 330M people in the US would be less than $6k. Of course, you can't make children or people with no income pay income tax. About half of Americans pay no income tax at all, so the burden for the average taxpayer would be about double that, or $12k. I used to pay more than that, but I think that's pretty close to what I pay now after the Trump tax breaks. Obviously, a lot of people would not be able to afford that equal tax burden.

A better idea might be a flat tax, where everyone pays a certain percentage. Let's say 10% of gross earnings, with no deductions. So, the people making $10M per year would pay $1M each, and those making $50k would pay $5k. The richest among us would still pay most of the taxes, but the pain would be felt equally, and we'd all have skin in the game. Seems fair, but lower earners would pay more than they currently do, and even I would.

Get rid of every other tax and just pay a flat-tax at the register.

Lets divide all government spending equally, every man and woman pays the same equal share of the spending. THAT will get the damn spending under control in short order. No more freeloaders.
You’ve never handled operations at any kind of significant scale before have you?
You misinterpreted the post.
The issue is that every tax payer should pay an equal share, regardless of income.
That would get the lowest paid people to stop wanting more projects by government.
Get rid of every other tax and just pay a flat-tax at the register.

Lets divide all government spending equally, every man and woman pays the same equal share of the spending. THAT will get the damn spending under control in short order. No more freeloaders.
You’ve never handled operations at any kind of significant scale before have you?
You misinterpreted the post.
The issue is that every tax payer should pay an equal share, regardless of income.
That would get the lowest paid people to stop wanting more projects by government.

Correct, that one is particular slow.
Get rid of every other tax and just pay a flat-tax at the register.

Lets divide all government spending equally, every man and woman pays the same equal share of the spending. THAT will get the damn spending under control in short order. No more freeloaders.
You’ve never handled operations at any kind of significant scale before have you?
You misinterpreted the post.
The issue is that every tax payer should pay an equal share, regardless of income.
That would get the lowest paid people to stop wanting more projects by government.

Correct, that one is particular slow.
Slade has his POV and will never bend.
Get rid of every other tax and just pay a flat-tax at the register.

Lets divide all government spending equally, every man and woman pays the same equal share of the spending. THAT will get the damn spending under control in short order. No more freeloaders.
Yeah sure, you ever try to ween white people of freeloading?
Get rid of every other tax and just pay a flat-tax at the register.

Lets divide all government spending equally, every man and woman pays the same equal share of the spending. THAT will get the damn spending under control in short order. No more freeloaders.
Yeah sure, you ever try to ween white people of freeloading?
>Yeah sure, you ever try to ween white people of freeloading?

Your racism is showing.

Don't you mean, "you ever try to ween freeloaders of freeloading?"
Get rid of every other tax and just pay a flat-tax at the register.

Lets divide all government spending equally, every man and woman pays the same equal share of the spending. THAT will get the damn spending under control in short order. No more freeloaders.
Yeah sure, you ever try to ween white people of freeloading?
>Yeah sure, you ever try to ween white people of freeloading?

Your racism is showing.

Don't you mean, "you ever try to ween freeloaders of freeloading?"
Get rid of every other tax and just pay a flat-tax at the register.

Lets divide all government spending equally, every man and woman pays the same equal share of the spending. THAT will get the damn spending under control in short order. No more freeloaders.
You’ve never handled operations at any kind of significant scale before have you?

Touched a nerve I see. All you losers get a job and pay your share of the spending. Stop mooching off me you lazy fat ass deadbeats. :talk2hand:
Haha, a nerve? No. You just don’t seem to know what yoir talking about. Your plan isn’t close to practical

You really need to work on your reading comprehension, or you are being intentionally dense. :talk2hand:
Nope, I’m following right along. Is something confusing you?

Yeah, how dense you are.
I think I’m pretty fluffy to be honest
Get rid of every other tax and just pay a flat-tax at the register.

Lets divide all government spending equally, every man and woman pays the same equal share of the spending. THAT will get the damn spending under control in short order. No more freeloaders.
You’ve never handled operations at any kind of significant scale before have you?
You misinterpreted the post.
The issue is that every tax payer should pay an equal share, regardless of income.
That would get the lowest paid people to stop wanting more projects by government.

Correct, that one is particular slow.
Slade has his POV and will never bend.
No point in bending on things I'm right about. But I bend all the time when I'm wrong which is all the time. I actually don't express my POV that often on this board though. I mostly ask questions and try and understand other peoples POV.
Get rid of every other tax and just pay a flat-tax at the register.

Lets divide all government spending equally, every man and woman pays the same equal share of the spending. THAT will get the damn spending under control in short order. No more freeloaders.
You’ve never handled operations at any kind of significant scale before have you?
You misinterpreted the post.
The issue is that every tax payer should pay an equal share, regardless of income.
That would get the lowest paid people to stop wanting more projects by government.
I don't like that idea. The value of a dollar is far greater to a poor person than it is to a rich person. Because of that I think rich people should pay a higher percentage than poor people. It is better for our economy for money to cycle from the top to the bottom as much as possible. It is too easy for the wealthy to suck up all the wealth in this country which ultimately destroys the middle class
View attachment 467956
'Hold onto your wallets'! Hope you enjoyed
your economic stimulus, because Joe Biden
is reportedly 'planning
first major tax hike in

almost 30 years'

President Biden is reportedly planning the first major hike in federal taxes in almost 30 years to fund the economic program set to follow the recently approved $1.9 trillion pandemic stimulus package.

The planned increases reportedly include: raising the corporate tax from 21 percent to 28 percent; increasing the income tax rate on people making more than $400,000; expanding the estate tax; paring back tax preferences on pass-through businesses such as limited-liability companies; and setting up a higher capital gains tax rate for individuals making at least $1 million.


“After we allow you to open your business back up, we’re gonna raise not only your wages, but your corporate tax rate to pay for a bill that sent billions of your dollars to the teachers unions that they donate back to my campaign.”

"But at least we got stimulus checks!
- And just like that, Joe Biden undoes any benefit that might have come from a stimulus check. "

"Taxing those who have the financial resources to reinvest in struggling businesses and help spur economic growth post-pandemic makes no sense."

The Democrats put more than 50% of minority-owned small businesses out of business ... put millions of Americans out of work, back on unemployment, back on welfare, and back on food stamps...put tens of thousands of Americans out of work in his 1st 10 days by declaring 'war' on the fossil fuel industry....the militant arm of he Democratic party (Antifa) is still burning, pillaging, and destroying businesses and Democrat-run communities all over the US.....class warfare is a Democrat 'specialty', and the Democrats' disdain for the middle and lower class
'deplorables' and 'Neanderthals' has been on full display since the self-appointed rulers took office.

After bribing the American people with $1400 each in a $1.9 Trillion 'COVID-19 Relief' deficit bomb - 90% of which had nothing to do with COVID-19, Biden plans on sticking Americans with a huge Tax Increase....just what a country still in the midst of a pandemic, Democrats-mandated, travel-restricted, Clue-State oppressed / locked-down, forced unemployment, massive debt-increased, illegal immigrant invasion, humanitarian border crisis burdened economy needs!

I for one am thankful that the Democrats are so adamant about refusing to work with the GOP and insist in doing all of this by themselves ... while attempting to blame President Trump for every failure / problem resulting from what they have done and continue to do.

It's a good idea.
Especially raising the capital gains. Which will have the effect of encouraging people to keep their money invested and keeping it invested will bring economic growth from the top while the stimulus and other programs generate growth from the bottom.

Sound economic policy really, for the first time since 1981.
Dimm's can tax us at 80% and it still won't dent the debt.
All that will be ultimately left is a Soviet style ruling class and serfs!
Turn back the clock as we're all going medieval!
Is that anybody in there anybody home...

I just think far ahead and know where we're headin'.
Why do you feel that we need to dent the debt. Are you wanting it all paid off?
Didn’t the former president promise to pay it off?
yea---that was barrag-o
Get rid of every other tax and just pay a flat-tax at the register.

Lets divide all government spending equally, every man and woman pays the same equal share of the spending. THAT will get the damn spending under control in short order. No more freeloaders.
Yeah sure, you ever try to ween white people of freeloading?
>Yeah sure, you ever try to ween white people of freeloading?

Your racism is showing.

Don't you mean, "you ever try to ween freeloaders of freeloading?"

unemployment line - Atlanta Black Star

View attachment 467956
'Hold onto your wallets'! Hope you enjoyed
your economic stimulus, because Joe Biden
is reportedly 'planning
first major tax hike in

almost 30 years'

President Biden is reportedly planning the first major hike in federal taxes in almost 30 years to fund the economic program set to follow the recently approved $1.9 trillion pandemic stimulus package.

The planned increases reportedly include: raising the corporate tax from 21 percent to 28 percent; increasing the income tax rate on people making more than $400,000; expanding the estate tax; paring back tax preferences on pass-through businesses such as limited-liability companies; and setting up a higher capital gains tax rate for individuals making at least $1 million.


“After we allow you to open your business back up, we’re gonna raise not only your wages, but your corporate tax rate to pay for a bill that sent billions of your dollars to the teachers unions that they donate back to my campaign.”

"But at least we got stimulus checks!
- And just like that, Joe Biden undoes any benefit that might have come from a stimulus check. "

"Taxing those who have the financial resources to reinvest in struggling businesses and help spur economic growth post-pandemic makes no sense."

The Democrats put more than 50% of minority-owned small businesses out of business ... put millions of Americans out of work, back on unemployment, back on welfare, and back on food stamps...put tens of thousands of Americans out of work in his 1st 10 days by declaring 'war' on the fossil fuel industry....the militant arm of he Democratic party (Antifa) is still burning, pillaging, and destroying businesses and Democrat-run communities all over the US.....class warfare is a Democrat 'specialty', and the Democrats' disdain for the middle and lower class
'deplorables' and 'Neanderthals' has been on full display since the self-appointed rulers took office.

After bribing the American people with $1400 each in a $1.9 Trillion 'COVID-19 Relief' deficit bomb - 90% of which had nothing to do with COVID-19, Biden plans on sticking Americans with a huge Tax Increase....just what a country still in the midst of a pandemic, Democrats-mandated, travel-restricted, Clue-State oppressed / locked-down, forced unemployment, massive debt-increased, illegal immigrant invasion, humanitarian border crisis burdened economy needs!

I for one am thankful that the Democrats are so adamant about refusing to work with the GOP and insist in doing all of this by themselves ... while attempting to blame President Trump for every failure / problem resulting from what they have done and continue to do.

It's a good idea.
Especially raising the capital gains. Which will have the effect of encouraging people to keep their money invested and keeping it invested will bring economic growth from the top while the stimulus and other programs generate growth from the bottom.

Sound economic policy really, for the first time since 1981.
Your ideas on growth are wrong.
Get rid of every other tax and just pay a flat-tax at the register.

Lets divide all government spending equally, every man and woman pays the same equal share of the spending. THAT will get the damn spending under control in short order. No more freeloaders.
You’ve never handled operations at any kind of significant scale before have you?
You misinterpreted the post.
The issue is that every tax payer should pay an equal share, regardless of income.
That would get the lowest paid people to stop wanting more projects by government.
I don't like that idea. The value of a dollar is far greater to a poor person than it is to a rich person. Because of that I think rich people should pay a higher percentage than poor people. It is better for our economy for money to cycle from the top to the bottom as much as possible. It is too easy for the wealthy to suck up all the wealth in this country which ultimately destroys the middle class
Define rich.
I see lots of poor people people being employed by rich people to build malls, stores and homes.
Get rid of every other tax and just pay a flat-tax at the register.

Lets divide all government spending equally, every man and woman pays the same equal share of the spending. THAT will get the damn spending under control in short order. No more freeloaders.
You’ve never handled operations at any kind of significant scale before have you?
You misinterpreted the post.
The issue is that every tax payer should pay an equal share, regardless of income.
That would get the lowest paid people to stop wanting more projects by government.
I don't like that idea. The value of a dollar is far greater to a poor person than it is to a rich person. Because of that I think rich people should pay a higher percentage than poor people. It is better for our economy for money to cycle from the top to the bottom as much as possible. It is too easy for the wealthy to suck up all the wealth in this country which ultimately destroys the middle class
Define rich.
I see lots of poor people people being employed by rich people to build malls, stores and homes.
Yes that is true rich people do employ poor people. For argument sake I’d say $400k + a year is a line to separate the classes

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