Joe Biden is reportedly 'planning first major tax hike in almost 30 years'

Yeah, on those making $400K or more per year. As he promised in his campaign.
He will repeal the Trump tax cuts, which will reduce the take home pay of working middle class Americans such as myself....

Dem's lie. At least they are consistent.

>Unlikely. [Biden will repeal the Trump tax cuts.]

Did Biden pledge to undue the Trump tax cuts?

Verdict: True.

Details on what he promised to do to continue to destroy US comptetiveness and send more jobs to China like he did as Obama's VP:

You know darn well he is going to raise taxes on people. The Green energy initiatives he proposed will not do squat to address theorized anthropogenic global warming, but it will increase energy prices and thus, the cost of everything. Taxes are a typically a percentage of price (not true of gas at the pump which is per gallon), so these taxes will increase proportionally.
When I said unlikely....Unlikely you will see a tax increase. Few working class Americans are seeing any benefit from the tax cuts which expired long ago. The well-off still enjoy their tax cuts and the $8T in new debt that they added.
My community benefitted and the slums of Nassau benefitted.
Yeah, on those making $400K or more per year. As he promised in his campaign.
He will repeal the Trump tax cuts, which will reduce the take home pay of working middle class Americans such as myself....

Dem's lie. At least they are consistent.

>Unlikely. [Biden will repeal the Trump tax cuts.]

Did Biden pledge to undue the Trump tax cuts?

Verdict: True.

Details on what he promised to do to continue to destroy US comptetiveness and send more jobs to China like he did as Obama's VP:

You know darn well he is going to raise taxes on people. The Green energy initiatives he proposed will not do squat to address theorized anthropogenic global warming, but it will increase energy prices and thus, the cost of everything. Taxes are a typically a percentage of price (not true of gas at the pump which is per gallon), so these taxes will increase proportionally.
Rolling back the former presidents unnecessary tax cuts to the 1% will do nothing to our competitiveness.

Moving to a green energy based system will do a lot to combat AGM.

The costs of green energy are already rivaling those of dirty.

Raising taxes on the 1% will not do anything to the price of a big mac.
Rolling back the former presidents unnecessary tax cuts to the 1% will do nothing to our competitiveness.

It's obvious you have no clue as to the stinginess of this class of people.
Yeah, on those making $400K or more per year. As he promised in his campaign.
He will repeal the Trump tax cuts, which will reduce the take home pay of working middle class Americans such as myself....

Dem's lie. At least they are consistent.

>Unlikely. [Biden will repeal the Trump tax cuts.]

Did Biden pledge to undue the Trump tax cuts?

Verdict: True.

Details on what he promised to do to continue to destroy US comptetiveness and send more jobs to China like he did as Obama's VP:

You know darn well he is going to raise taxes on people. The Green energy initiatives he proposed will not do squat to address theorized anthropogenic global warming, but it will increase energy prices and thus, the cost of everything. Taxes are a typically a percentage of price (not true of gas at the pump which is per gallon), so these taxes will increase proportionally.
When I said unlikely....Unlikely you will see a tax increase. Few working class Americans are seeing any benefit from the tax cuts which expired long ago. The well-off still enjoy their tax cuts and the $8T in new debt that they added.
> When I said unlikely....Unlikely you will see a tax increase. Few working class Americans are seeing any benefit from the tax cuts which expired long ago. The well-off still enjoy their tax cuts and the $8T in new debt that they added.

I understand your point, but you are incorrect.

You apparently don't work, or you are rich and live in a Democrat-controlled area, LOL. If you did work, you would have seen an increase in your paycheck due to lower tax rates, like almost everyone did.

My annual federal income tax burden decreased by well over $1000.

Everyone who pays federal income taxes benefited, except rich people living in Democrat states with high local and state income taxes, the deduction for which was capped by Trump.

Get rid of every other tax and just pay a flat-tax at the register.

Lets divide all government spending equally, every man and woman pays the same equal share of the spending. THAT will get the damn spending under control in short order. No more freeloaders.
You’ve never handled operations at any kind of significant scale before have you?
You misinterpreted the post.
The issue is that every tax payer should pay an equal share, regardless of income.
That would get the lowest paid people to stop wanting more projects by government.
I don't like that idea. The value of a dollar is far greater to a poor person than it is to a rich person. Because of that I think rich people should pay a higher percentage than poor people. It is better for our economy for money to cycle from the top to the bottom as much as possible. It is too easy for the wealthy to suck up all the wealth in this country which ultimately destroys the middle class
Define rich.
I see lots of poor people people being employed by rich people to build malls, stores and homes.
Yes that is true rich people do employ poor people. For argument sake I’d say $400k + a year is a line to separate the classes
Which is why there are loopholes since different people invest &/or spend their money is different ways.
For instance, let's destroy the Travel Industry because people who make 400K can afford a vacation that someone making 20K can't.
The result is that the uppity vacation spots and services will go under.
Who wants to destroy the travel industry and how?
You've got to be joking?
How does on measure the impact of a tax hike before it becomes reality?
We have no idea the impact of someone earning 400K/years having to lay out x more dollars as taxes.
One or more industries will pay the price and/or credit card interest rates will rise and when people default on their credit, the interest rates will rise even more.
I hate to bring up race, but if you're Black you can reconcile your debt once a year as my co-workers have done over the last 10 years time and again.
What does that have to do with people trying to destroy the vacation industry? Which is nobodies intent BTW. You are trying to connect way too many dots.
Yeah, on those making $400K or more per year. As he promised in his campaign.
He will repeal the Trump tax cuts, which will reduce the take home pay of working middle class Americans such as myself....

Dem's lie. At least they are consistent.

>Unlikely. [Biden will repeal the Trump tax cuts.]

Did Biden pledge to undue the Trump tax cuts?

Verdict: True.

Details on what he promised to do to continue to destroy US comptetiveness and send more jobs to China like he did as Obama's VP:

You know darn well he is going to raise taxes on people. The Green energy initiatives he proposed will not do squat to address theorized anthropogenic global warming, but it will increase energy prices and thus, the cost of everything. Taxes are a typically a percentage of price (not true of gas at the pump which is per gallon), so these taxes will increase proportionally.
Rolling back the former presidents unnecessary tax cuts to the 1% will do nothing to our competitiveness.

Moving to a green energy based system will do a lot to combat AGM.

The costs of green energy are already rivaling those of dirty.

Raising taxes on the 1% will not do anything to the price of a big mac.
Rolling back the former presidents unnecessary tax cuts to the 1% will do nothing to our competitiveness.

It's obvious you have no clue as to the stinginess of this class of people.

Can you explain what drives competitiveness?
Yeah, on those making $400K or more per year. As he promised in his campaign.
He will repeal the Trump tax cuts, which will reduce the take home pay of working middle class Americans such as myself....

Dem's lie. At least they are consistent.

>Unlikely. [Biden will repeal the Trump tax cuts.]

Did Biden pledge to undue the Trump tax cuts?

Verdict: True.

Details on what he promised to do to continue to destroy US comptetiveness and send more jobs to China like he did as Obama's VP:

You know darn well he is going to raise taxes on people. The Green energy initiatives he proposed will not do squat to address theorized anthropogenic global warming, but it will increase energy prices and thus, the cost of everything. Taxes are a typically a percentage of price (not true of gas at the pump which is per gallon), so these taxes will increase proportionally.
When I said unlikely....Unlikely you will see a tax increase. Few working class Americans are seeing any benefit from the tax cuts which expired long ago. The well-off still enjoy their tax cuts and the $8T in new debt that they added.
> When I said unlikely....Unlikely you will see a tax increase. Few working class Americans are seeing any benefit from the tax cuts which expired long ago. The well-off still enjoy their tax cuts and the $8T in new debt that they added.

I understand your point, but you are incorrect.

You apparently don't work, or you are rich and live in a Democrat-controlled area, LOL. If you did work, you would have seen an increase in your paycheck due to lower tax rates, like almost everyone did.

My annual federal income tax burden decreased by well over $1000.

Everyone who pays federal income taxes benefited, except rich people living in Democrat states with high local and state income taxes, the deduction for which was capped by Trump.

Can you post the deductions taken away by the former presidents tax give away?
Yeah, on those making $400K or more per year. As he promised in his campaign.
He will repeal the Trump tax cuts, which will reduce the take home pay of working middle class Americans such as myself....

Dem's lie. At least they are consistent.

>Unlikely. [Biden will repeal the Trump tax cuts.]

Did Biden pledge to undue the Trump tax cuts?

Verdict: True.

Details on what he promised to do to continue to destroy US comptetiveness and send more jobs to China like he did as Obama's VP:

You know darn well he is going to raise taxes on people. The Green energy initiatives he proposed will not do squat to address theorized anthropogenic global warming, but it will increase energy prices and thus, the cost of everything. Taxes are a typically a percentage of price (not true of gas at the pump which is per gallon), so these taxes will increase proportionally.
When I said unlikely....Unlikely you will see a tax increase. Few working class Americans are seeing any benefit from the tax cuts which expired long ago. The well-off still enjoy their tax cuts and the $8T in new debt that they added.
> When I said unlikely....Unlikely you will see a tax increase. Few working class Americans are seeing any benefit from the tax cuts which expired long ago. The well-off still enjoy their tax cuts and the $8T in new debt that they added.

I understand your point, but you are incorrect.

You apparently don't work, or you are rich and live in a Democrat-controlled area, LOL. If you did work, you would have seen an increase in your paycheck due to lower tax rates, like almost everyone did.

My annual federal income tax burden decreased by well over $1000.

Everyone who pays federal income taxes benefited, except rich people living in Democrat states with high local and state income taxes, the deduction for which was capped by Trump.

Can you post the deductions taken away by the former presidents tax give away?
I could, but they generally really only affected rich people who you don't like and wish would pay more taxes. There are some minor exceptions like moving expenses and some other esoteric stuff that generally only affects the wealthy like large charitable donations.

Lower income working Americans all got a significant tax cut. Their standard deduction doubled.

Like candycorn, You don't pay federal income taxes either, but want' others pay more?
Yeah, on those making $400K or more per year. As he promised in his campaign.
He will repeal the Trump tax cuts, which will reduce the take home pay of working middle class Americans such as myself....

Dem's lie. At least they are consistent.

>Unlikely. [Biden will repeal the Trump tax cuts.]

Did Biden pledge to undue the Trump tax cuts?

Verdict: True.

Details on what he promised to do to continue to destroy US comptetiveness and send more jobs to China like he did as Obama's VP:

You know darn well he is going to raise taxes on people. The Green energy initiatives he proposed will not do squat to address theorized anthropogenic global warming, but it will increase energy prices and thus, the cost of everything. Taxes are a typically a percentage of price (not true of gas at the pump which is per gallon), so these taxes will increase proportionally.
When I said unlikely....Unlikely you will see a tax increase. Few working class Americans are seeing any benefit from the tax cuts which expired long ago. The well-off still enjoy their tax cuts and the $8T in new debt that they added.
> When I said unlikely....Unlikely you will see a tax increase. Few working class Americans are seeing any benefit from the tax cuts which expired long ago. The well-off still enjoy their tax cuts and the $8T in new debt that they added.

I understand your point, but you are incorrect.

You apparently don't work, or you are rich and live in a Democrat-controlled area, LOL. If you did work, you would have seen an increase in your paycheck due to lower tax rates, like almost everyone did.

My annual federal income tax burden decreased by well over $1000.

Everyone who pays federal income taxes benefited, except rich people living in Democrat states with high local and state income taxes, the deduction for which was capped by Trump.

Can you post the deductions taken away by the former presidents tax give away?
I could, but they generally really only affected rich people who you don't like and wish would pay more taxes. There are some minor exceptions like moving expenses and some other esoteric stuff that generally only affects the wealthy like large charitable donations.

Lower income working Americans all got a significant tax cut. Their standard deduction doubled.

Like candycorn, You don't pay federal income taxes either, but want' others pay more?
Get rid of every other tax and just pay a flat-tax at the register.

Lets divide all government spending equally, every man and woman pays the same equal share of the spending. THAT will get the damn spending under control in short order. No more freeloaders.
You’ve never handled operations at any kind of significant scale before have you?
You misinterpreted the post.
The issue is that every tax payer should pay an equal share, regardless of income.
That would get the lowest paid people to stop wanting more projects by government.
I don't like that idea. The value of a dollar is far greater to a poor person than it is to a rich person. Because of that I think rich people should pay a higher percentage than poor people. It is better for our economy for money to cycle from the top to the bottom as much as possible. It is too easy for the wealthy to suck up all the wealth in this country which ultimately destroys the middle class
Define rich.
I see lots of poor people people being employed by rich people to build malls, stores and homes.
Yes that is true rich people do employ poor people. For argument sake I’d say $400k + a year is a line to separate the classes
Which is why there are loopholes since different people invest &/or spend their money is different ways.
For instance, let's destroy the Travel Industry because people who make 400K can afford a vacation that someone making 20K can't.
The result is that the uppity vacation spots and services will go under.
Who wants to destroy the travel industry and how?
You've got to be joking?
How does on measure the impact of a tax hike before it becomes reality?
We have no idea the impact of someone earning 400K/years having to lay out x more dollars as taxes.
One or more industries will pay the price and/or credit card interest rates will rise and when people default on their credit, the interest rates will rise even more.
I hate to bring up race, but if you're Black you can reconcile your debt once a year as my co-workers have done over the last 10 years time and again.
What does that have to do with people trying to destroy the vacation industry? Which is nobodies intent BTW. You are trying to connect way too many dots.
More of your tunnel vision bullshit.
It is not the intention of a victim of dementia to destroy an industry; it is a consequence of not considering the ripple effects of a economic policy.
I am grateful to God that you are not in charge of the economy.
Yeah, on those making $400K or more per year. As he promised in his campaign.
He will repeal the Trump tax cuts, which will reduce the take home pay of working middle class Americans such as myself....

Dem's lie. At least they are consistent.

>Unlikely. [Biden will repeal the Trump tax cuts.]

Did Biden pledge to undue the Trump tax cuts?

Verdict: True.

Details on what he promised to do to continue to destroy US comptetiveness and send more jobs to China like he did as Obama's VP:

You know darn well he is going to raise taxes on people. The Green energy initiatives he proposed will not do squat to address theorized anthropogenic global warming, but it will increase energy prices and thus, the cost of everything. Taxes are a typically a percentage of price (not true of gas at the pump which is per gallon), so these taxes will increase proportionally.
Rolling back the former presidents unnecessary tax cuts to the 1% will do nothing to our competitiveness.

Moving to a green energy based system will do a lot to combat AGM.

The costs of green energy are already rivaling those of dirty.

Raising taxes on the 1% will not do anything to the price of a big mac.
Rolling back the former presidents unnecessary tax cuts to the 1% will do nothing to our competitiveness.

It's obvious you have no clue as to the stinginess of this class of people.

Can you explain what drives competitiveness?
For 99% of so-called entrepreneurs and Ivy School Graduates...Greed and avarice.
View attachment 467956
'Hold onto your wallets'! Hope you enjoyed
your economic stimulus, because Joe Biden
is reportedly 'planning
first major tax hike in

almost 30 years'

President Biden is reportedly planning the first major hike in federal taxes in almost 30 years to fund the economic program set to follow the recently approved $1.9 trillion pandemic stimulus package.

The planned increases reportedly include: raising the corporate tax from 21 percent to 28 percent; increasing the income tax rate on people making more than $400,000; expanding the estate tax; paring back tax preferences on pass-through businesses such as limited-liability companies; and setting up a higher capital gains tax rate for individuals making at least $1 million.


“After we allow you to open your business back up, we’re gonna raise not only your wages, but your corporate tax rate to pay for a bill that sent billions of your dollars to the teachers unions that they donate back to my campaign.”

"But at least we got stimulus checks!
- And just like that, Joe Biden undoes any benefit that might have come from a stimulus check. "

"Taxing those who have the financial resources to reinvest in struggling businesses and help spur economic growth post-pandemic makes no sense."

The Democrats put more than 50% of minority-owned small businesses out of business ... put millions of Americans out of work, back on unemployment, back on welfare, and back on food stamps...put tens of thousands of Americans out of work in his 1st 10 days by declaring 'war' on the fossil fuel industry....the militant arm of he Democratic party (Antifa) is still burning, pillaging, and destroying businesses and Democrat-run communities all over the US.....class warfare is a Democrat 'specialty', and the Democrats' disdain for the middle and lower class
'deplorables' and 'Neanderthals' has been on full display since the self-appointed rulers took office.

After bribing the American people with $1400 each in a $1.9 Trillion 'COVID-19 Relief' deficit bomb - 90% of which had nothing to do with COVID-19, Biden plans on sticking Americans with a huge Tax Increase....just what a country still in the midst of a pandemic, Democrats-mandated, travel-restricted, Clue-State oppressed / locked-down, forced unemployment, massive debt-increased, illegal immigrant invasion, humanitarian border crisis burdened economy needs!

I for one am thankful that the Democrats are so adamant about refusing to work with the GOP and insist in doing all of this by themselves ... while attempting to blame President Trump for every failure / problem resulting from what they have done and continue to do.

Not on you.
Yeah, on those making $400K or more per year. As he promised in his campaign.
He will repeal the Trump tax cuts, which will reduce the take home pay of working middle class Americans such as myself....

Dem's lie. At least they are consistent.

>Unlikely. [Biden will repeal the Trump tax cuts.]

Did Biden pledge to undue the Trump tax cuts?

Verdict: True.

Details on what he promised to do to continue to destroy US comptetiveness and send more jobs to China like he did as Obama's VP:

You know darn well he is going to raise taxes on people. The Green energy initiatives he proposed will not do squat to address theorized anthropogenic global warming, but it will increase energy prices and thus, the cost of everything. Taxes are a typically a percentage of price (not true of gas at the pump which is per gallon), so these taxes will increase proportionally.
When I said unlikely....Unlikely you will see a tax increase. Few working class Americans are seeing any benefit from the tax cuts which expired long ago. The well-off still enjoy their tax cuts and the $8T in new debt that they added.
> When I said unlikely....Unlikely you will see a tax increase. Few working class Americans are seeing any benefit from the tax cuts which expired long ago. The well-off still enjoy their tax cuts and the $8T in new debt that they added.

I understand your point, but you are incorrect.

You apparently don't work, or you are rich and live in a Democrat-controlled area, LOL. If you did work, you would have seen an increase in your paycheck due to lower tax rates, like almost everyone did.

My annual federal income tax burden decreased by well over $1000.

Everyone who pays federal income taxes benefited, except rich people living in Democrat states with high local and state income taxes, the deduction for which was capped by Trump.

Can you post the deductions taken away by the former presidents tax give away?
I could, but they generally really only affected rich people who you don't like and wish would pay more taxes. There are some minor exceptions like moving expenses and some other esoteric stuff that generally only affects the wealthy like large charitable donations.

Lower income working Americans all got a significant tax cut. Their standard deduction doubled.

Like candycorn, You don't pay federal income taxes either, but want' others pay more?
Why no mention of the roll back of personnel income taxes starting this year, but corporate rates are permanent. Also, took away deductions for state and local taxes...
Yeah, on those making $400K or more per year. As he promised in his campaign.
He will repeal the Trump tax cuts, which will reduce the take home pay of working middle class Americans such as myself....

Dem's lie. At least they are consistent.

>Unlikely. [Biden will repeal the Trump tax cuts.]

Did Biden pledge to undue the Trump tax cuts?

Verdict: True.

Details on what he promised to do to continue to destroy US comptetiveness and send more jobs to China like he did as Obama's VP:

You know darn well he is going to raise taxes on people. The Green energy initiatives he proposed will not do squat to address theorized anthropogenic global warming, but it will increase energy prices and thus, the cost of everything. Taxes are a typically a percentage of price (not true of gas at the pump which is per gallon), so these taxes will increase proportionally.
When I said unlikely....Unlikely you will see a tax increase. Few working class Americans are seeing any benefit from the tax cuts which expired long ago. The well-off still enjoy their tax cuts and the $8T in new debt that they added.
> When I said unlikely....Unlikely you will see a tax increase. Few working class Americans are seeing any benefit from the tax cuts which expired long ago. The well-off still enjoy their tax cuts and the $8T in new debt that they added.

I understand your point, but you are incorrect.

You apparently don't work, or you are rich and live in a Democrat-controlled area, LOL. If you did work, you would have seen an increase in your paycheck due to lower tax rates, like almost everyone did.

My annual federal income tax burden decreased by well over $1000.

Everyone who pays federal income taxes benefited, except rich people living in Democrat states with high local and state income taxes, the deduction for which was capped by Trump.

Can you post the deductions taken away by the former presidents tax give away?
I could, but they generally really only affected rich people who you don't like and wish would pay more taxes. There are some minor exceptions like moving expenses and some other esoteric stuff that generally only affects the wealthy like large charitable donations.

Lower income working Americans all got a significant tax cut. Their standard deduction doubled.

Like candycorn, You don't pay federal income taxes either, but want' others pay more?
Why no mention of the roll back of personnel income taxes starting this year, but corporate rates are permanent. Also, took away deductions for state and local taxes...
I agree.
Get rid of every other tax and just pay a flat-tax at the register.

Lets divide all government spending equally, every man and woman pays the same equal share of the spending. THAT will get the damn spending under control in short order. No more freeloaders.
You’ve never handled operations at any kind of significant scale before have you?
You misinterpreted the post.
The issue is that every tax payer should pay an equal share, regardless of income.
That would get the lowest paid people to stop wanting more projects by government.
I don't like that idea. The value of a dollar is far greater to a poor person than it is to a rich person. Because of that I think rich people should pay a higher percentage than poor people. It is better for our economy for money to cycle from the top to the bottom as much as possible. It is too easy for the wealthy to suck up all the wealth in this country which ultimately destroys the middle class
Define rich.
I see lots of poor people people being employed by rich people to build malls, stores and homes.
Yes that is true rich people do employ poor people. For argument sake I’d say $400k + a year is a line to separate the classes
Which is why there are loopholes since different people invest &/or spend their money is different ways.
For instance, let's destroy the Travel Industry because people who make 400K can afford a vacation that someone making 20K can't.
The result is that the uppity vacation spots and services will go under.
Who wants to destroy the travel industry and how?
You've got to be joking?
How does on measure the impact of a tax hike before it becomes reality?
We have no idea the impact of someone earning 400K/years having to lay out x more dollars as taxes.
One or more industries will pay the price and/or credit card interest rates will rise and when people default on their credit, the interest rates will rise even more.
I hate to bring up race, but if you're Black you can reconcile your debt once a year as my co-workers have done over the last 10 years time and again.
What does that have to do with people trying to destroy the vacation industry? Which is nobodies intent BTW. You are trying to connect way too many dots.
More of your tunnel vision bullshit.
It is not the intention of a victim of dementia to destroy an industry; it is a consequence of not considering the ripple effects of a economic policy.
I am grateful to God that you are not in charge of the economy.
You’re seeing way more ripples than there actually are. Anger and paranoia will do that to ya
Speaking as a Democrat who hasn't rec'd a fair shake due I'm black, unemployed, female and cross-gender too, I feel the entitlements to come with these tax increases, and it's good. I feel the govt. having the money will build our ecomoney, open doors for our immigrants and work conditions very strong, including an advancement in minimum wage. Maybe then we'll see who the real competitors are.
Biden's not Robin Hood, he's Robin' you!

they want a mileage tax, a carbon tax, and more!


we have a higher corporate tax rates than the rest of the world...

The GOP is in no position to lecture anyone on fiscal responsibility.

If you want to be "fiscally responsible", make spending cuts FIRST, BEFORE cutting taxes.

All you do now is borrow and spend.
But I'm not the GOP.

Wow, looks like I'm qualified then.
If you support Trumponomics you're not.
Yeah, on those making $400K or more per year. As he promised in his campaign.
To dense to look at pedo joes record and realize that he is a liar CANDY? Every time the socialist/communists say they are only going after the rich (which is immoral but I digress) the rich just give them bribes the middle class gets stuck with the higher taxes while the poor class soon finds the resulting inflation from corporations means that they can only buy less. Same cycle over and over and over and yet you haven't figured it out?

Oh and Candy---doing this will chase JOBS far far far away from the US--------------get ready for a spike in unemployment................
Yeah, on those making $400K or more per year. As he promised in his campaign.
not necessarily.

His capital gains hike will affect a lot more people than those who make a million a year.

For example,

A person owns a business and never made more than 100K in any single year and for most years only paid himself 50K a year retires and sells his business so he can fund his retirement. If his business is valued at 1 million instead of paying the current CG tax of 20% plus the Obama surtax of 3% he will have to pay 39.6% plus the Obama surtax or 3 % plus the .8% Pease tax for a total of over 41%

This guy isn't one of "the rich" and the government just stole his ability to retire with any security
Get rid of every other tax and just pay a flat-tax at the register.

Lets divide all government spending equally, every man and woman pays the same equal share of the spending. THAT will get the damn spending under control in short order. No more freeloaders.
You’ve never handled operations at any kind of significant scale before have you?
You misinterpreted the post.
The issue is that every tax payer should pay an equal share, regardless of income.
That would get the lowest paid people to stop wanting more projects by government.
I don't like that idea. The value of a dollar is far greater to a poor person than it is to a rich person. Because of that I think rich people should pay a higher percentage than poor people. It is better for our economy for money to cycle from the top to the bottom as much as possible. It is too easy for the wealthy to suck up all the wealth in this country which ultimately destroys the middle class
Define rich.
I see lots of poor people people being employed by rich people to build malls, stores and homes.
Yes that is true rich people do employ poor people. For argument sake I’d say $400k + a year is a line to separate the classes
Which is why there are loopholes since different people invest &/or spend their money is different ways.
For instance, let's destroy the Travel Industry because people who make 400K can afford a vacation that someone making 20K can't.
The result is that the uppity vacation spots and services will go under.
Who wants to destroy the travel industry and how?
You've got to be joking?
How does on measure the impact of a tax hike before it becomes reality?
We have no idea the impact of someone earning 400K/years having to lay out x more dollars as taxes.
One or more industries will pay the price and/or credit card interest rates will rise and when people default on their credit, the interest rates will rise even more.
I hate to bring up race, but if you're Black you can reconcile your debt once a year as my co-workers have done over the last 10 years time and again.
What does that have to do with people trying to destroy the vacation industry? Which is nobodies intent BTW. You are trying to connect way too many dots.
More of your tunnel vision bullshit.
It is not the intention of a victim of dementia to destroy an industry; it is a consequence of not considering the ripple effects of a economic policy.
I am grateful to God that you are not in charge of the economy.
You’re seeing way more ripples than there actually are. Anger and paranoia will do that to ya
I graduated in 1981 and went straight to Wall Street; I know what happens.

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