Joe Biden is reportedly 'planning first major tax hike in almost 30 years'

Latest news breaking is how Socialist Dems were caught on a 'hot mic' yet again talking about how they are soon going to partisanly ram several TRILLION more 'deficit dollars through at one time as part of an 'Obama Shovel-Ready Project infrastructure spending bill (guaranteed to contain at least another $1 trillion in Democrat-benefitting pork spending, like their $1.9 trillion Blue-State-Bailout Bill they just rammed through).

If there was EVER any doubt who the massive Deficit-Pork-Spending Party is the Democrats are making sure no one will ever doubt them again.

Perhaps Biden can put a couple million more Americans out of work by ending their jobs or wiping them out through his massive Illegal Immigrant Super Spreader Event before he burdens everyone left with a job with heavy taxes to pay for their new TRILLIONS in spending...

Get rid of every other tax and just pay a flat-tax at the register.

Lets divide all government spending equally, every man and woman pays the same equal share of the spending. THAT will get the damn spending under control in short order. No more freeloaders.
You’ve never handled operations at any kind of significant scale before have you?
You misinterpreted the post.
The issue is that every tax payer should pay an equal share, regardless of income.
That would get the lowest paid people to stop wanting more projects by government.
I don't like that idea. The value of a dollar is far greater to a poor person than it is to a rich person. Because of that I think rich people should pay a higher percentage than poor people. It is better for our economy for money to cycle from the top to the bottom as much as possible. It is too easy for the wealthy to suck up all the wealth in this country which ultimately destroys the middle class
Define rich.
I see lots of poor people people being employed by rich people to build malls, stores and homes.
Yes that is true rich people do employ poor people. For argument sake I’d say $400k + a year is a line to separate the classes

Way to fan those flames of Socialist Democrat Class least you admitted poor people don't create jobs and pay salaries, snowflake.
Get rid of every other tax and just pay a flat-tax at the register.

Lets divide all government spending equally, every man and woman pays the same equal share of the spending. THAT will get the damn spending under control in short order. No more freeloaders.
You’ve never handled operations at any kind of significant scale before have you?
You misinterpreted the post.
The issue is that every tax payer should pay an equal share, regardless of income.
That would get the lowest paid people to stop wanting more projects by government.
I don't like that idea. The value of a dollar is far greater to a poor person than it is to a rich person. Because of that I think rich people should pay a higher percentage than poor people. It is better for our economy for money to cycle from the top to the bottom as much as possible. It is too easy for the wealthy to suck up all the wealth in this country which ultimately destroys the middle class
Define rich.
I see lots of poor people people being employed by rich people to build malls, stores and homes.
Yes that is true rich people do employ poor people. For argument sake I’d say $400k + a year is a line to separate the classes

Way to fan those flames of Socialist Democrat Class least you admitted poor people don't create jobs and pay salaries, snowflake.
How do you think I fanned the flames of Socialist Democrat Class Warfare?

You know the name calling doesn't phase me right? Is it just something you need to do to feel macho or something?
Get rid of every other tax and just pay a flat-tax at the register.

Lets divide all government spending equally, every man and woman pays the same equal share of the spending. THAT will get the damn spending under control in short order. No more freeloaders.
You’ve never handled operations at any kind of significant scale before have you?
You misinterpreted the post.
The issue is that every tax payer should pay an equal share, regardless of income.
That would get the lowest paid people to stop wanting more projects by government.
I don't like that idea. The value of a dollar is far greater to a poor person than it is to a rich person. Because of that I think rich people should pay a higher percentage than poor people. It is better for our economy for money to cycle from the top to the bottom as much as possible. It is too easy for the wealthy to suck up all the wealth in this country which ultimately destroys the middle class
Define rich.
I see lots of poor people people being employed by rich people to build malls, stores and homes.
Yes that is true rich people do employ poor people. For argument sake I’d say $400k + a year is a line to separate the classes
Which is why there are loopholes since different people invest &/or spend their money is different ways.
For instance, let's destroy the Travel Industry because people who make 400K can afford a vacation that someone making 20K can't.
The result is that the uppity vacation spots and services will go under.
Get rid of every other tax and just pay a flat-tax at the register.

Lets divide all government spending equally, every man and woman pays the same equal share of the spending. THAT will get the damn spending under control in short order. No more freeloaders.
You’ve never handled operations at any kind of significant scale before have you?
You misinterpreted the post.
The issue is that every tax payer should pay an equal share, regardless of income.
That would get the lowest paid people to stop wanting more projects by government.
I don't like that idea. The value of a dollar is far greater to a poor person than it is to a rich person. Because of that I think rich people should pay a higher percentage than poor people. It is better for our economy for money to cycle from the top to the bottom as much as possible. It is too easy for the wealthy to suck up all the wealth in this country which ultimately destroys the middle class
Define rich.
I see lots of poor people people being employed by rich people to build malls, stores and homes.
Yes that is true rich people do employ poor people. For argument sake I’d say $400k + a year is a line to separate the classes
Which is why there are loopholes since different people invest &/or spend their money is different ways.
For instance, let's destroy the Travel Industry because people who make 400K can afford a vacation that someone making 20K can't.
The result is that the uppity vacation spots and services will go under.
Who wants to destroy the travel industry and how?
Get rid of every other tax and just pay a flat-tax at the register.

Lets divide all government spending equally, every man and woman pays the same equal share of the spending. THAT will get the damn spending under control in short order. No more freeloaders.
You’ve never handled operations at any kind of significant scale before have you?
You misinterpreted the post.
The issue is that every tax payer should pay an equal share, regardless of income.
That would get the lowest paid people to stop wanting more projects by government.
I don't like that idea. The value of a dollar is far greater to a poor person than it is to a rich person. Because of that I think rich people should pay a higher percentage than poor people. It is better for our economy for money to cycle from the top to the bottom as much as possible. It is too easy for the wealthy to suck up all the wealth in this country which ultimately destroys the middle class
Define rich.
I see lots of poor people people being employed by rich people to build malls, stores and homes.
Yes that is true rich people do employ poor people. For argument sake I’d say $400k + a year is a line to separate the classes
Which is why there are loopholes since different people invest &/or spend their money is different ways.
For instance, let's destroy the Travel Industry because people who make 400K can afford a vacation that someone making 20K can't.
The result is that the uppity vacation spots and services will go under.
Who wants to destroy the travel industry and how?
You've got to be joking?
How does on measure the impact of a tax hike before it becomes reality?
We have no idea the impact of someone earning 400K/years having to lay out x more dollars as taxes.
One or more industries will pay the price and/or credit card interest rates will rise and when people default on their credit, the interest rates will rise even more.
I hate to bring up race, but if you're Black you can reconcile your debt once a year as my co-workers have done over the last 10 years time and again.
Yeah, on those making $400K or more per year. As he promised in his campaign.
He will repeal the Trump tax cuts, which will reduce the take home pay of working middle class Americans such as myself....

Dem's lie. At least they are consistent.

Latest news breaking is how Socialist Dems were caught on a 'hot mic' yet again talking about how they are soon going to partisanly ram several TRILLION more 'deficit dollars through at one time as part of an 'Obama Shovel-Ready Project infrastructure spending bill (guaranteed to contain at least another $1 trillion in Democrat-benefitting pork spending, like their $1.9 trillion Blue-State-Bailout Bill they just rammed through).

If there was EVER any doubt who the massive Deficit-Pork-Spending Party is the Democrats are making sure no one will ever doubt them again.

Perhaps Biden can put a couple million more Americans out of work by ending their jobs or wiping them out through his massive Illegal Immigrant Super Spreader Event before he burdens everyone left with a job with heavy taxes to pay for their new TRILLIONS in spending...

Yeah, all construction companies are Democratic and fixing our highways and bridges hurt commerce...
Latest news breaking is how Socialist Dems were caught on a 'hot mic' yet again talking about how they are soon going to partisanly ram several TRILLION more 'deficit dollars through at one time as part of an 'Obama Shovel-Ready Project infrastructure spending bill (guaranteed to contain at least another $1 trillion in Democrat-benefitting pork spending, like their $1.9 trillion Blue-State-Bailout Bill they just rammed through).

If there was EVER any doubt who the massive Deficit-Pork-Spending Party is the Democrats are making sure no one will ever doubt them again.

Perhaps Biden can put a couple million more Americans out of work by ending their jobs or wiping them out through his massive Illegal Immigrant Super Spreader Event before he burdens everyone left with a job with heavy taxes to pay for their new TRILLIONS in spending...

Yeah, all construction companies are Democratic and fixing our highways and bridges hurt commerce...

Remember when Barry was forced to admit there was mo such thing as 'shovel-ready' jobs?!

Was the reason he did not know because he was stupid or was he just lying his ass off as usual?

I guess CCP Joe doesn't remember it because he is so dementia-ravaged...
Latest news breaking is how Socialist Dems were caught on a 'hot mic' yet again talking about how they are soon going to partisanly ram several TRILLION more 'deficit dollars through at one time as part of an 'Obama Shovel-Ready Project infrastructure spending bill (guaranteed to contain at least another $1 trillion in Democrat-benefitting pork spending, like their $1.9 trillion Blue-State-Bailout Bill they just rammed through).

If there was EVER any doubt who the massive Deficit-Pork-Spending Party is the Democrats are making sure no one will ever doubt them again.

Perhaps Biden can put a couple million more Americans out of work by ending their jobs or wiping them out through his massive Illegal Immigrant Super Spreader Event before he burdens everyone left with a job with heavy taxes to pay for their new TRILLIONS in spending...

Yeah, all construction companies are Democratic and fixing our highways and bridges hurt commerce...

Remember when Barry was forced to admit there was mo such thing as 'shovel-ready' jobs?!

Was the reason he did not know because he was stupid or was he just lying his ass off as usual?

I guess CCP Joe doesn't remember it because he is so dementia-ravaged...
You can't remember something that didn't happen.
Latest news breaking is how Socialist Dems were caught on a 'hot mic' yet again talking about how they are soon going to partisanly ram several TRILLION more 'deficit dollars through at one time as part of an 'Obama Shovel-Ready Project infrastructure spending bill (guaranteed to contain at least another $1 trillion in Democrat-benefitting pork spending, like their $1.9 trillion Blue-State-Bailout Bill they just rammed through).

If there was EVER any doubt who the massive Deficit-Pork-Spending Party is the Democrats are making sure no one will ever doubt them again.

Perhaps Biden can put a couple million more Americans out of work by ending their jobs or wiping them out through his massive Illegal Immigrant Super Spreader Event before he burdens everyone left with a job with heavy taxes to pay for their new TRILLIONS in spending...

Yeah, all construction companies are Democratic and fixing our highways and bridges hurt commerce...

Remember when Barry was forced to admit there was mo such thing as 'shovel-ready' jobs?!

Was the reason he did not know because he was stupid or was he just lying his ass off as usual?

I guess CCP Joe doesn't remember it because he is so dementia-ravaged...
You can't remember something that didn't happen.
There were no shovel ready jobs.
Latest news breaking is how Socialist Dems were caught on a 'hot mic' yet again talking about how they are soon going to partisanly ram several TRILLION more 'deficit dollars through at one time as part of an 'Obama Shovel-Ready Project infrastructure spending bill (guaranteed to contain at least another $1 trillion in Democrat-benefitting pork spending, like their $1.9 trillion Blue-State-Bailout Bill they just rammed through).

If there was EVER any doubt who the massive Deficit-Pork-Spending Party is the Democrats are making sure no one will ever doubt them again.

Perhaps Biden can put a couple million more Americans out of work by ending their jobs or wiping them out through his massive Illegal Immigrant Super Spreader Event before he burdens everyone left with a job with heavy taxes to pay for their new TRILLIONS in spending...

Yeah, all construction companies are Democratic and fixing our highways and bridges hurt commerce...

Remember when Barry was forced to admit there was mo such thing as 'shovel-ready' jobs?!

Was the reason he did not know because he was stupid or was he just lying his ass off as usual?

I guess CCP Joe doesn't remember it because he is so dementia-ravaged...
You can't remember something that didn't happen.
There were no shovel ready jobs.
Sure, okay wingnut.
Yeah, on those making $400K or more per year. As he promised in his campaign.
He will repeal the Trump tax cuts, which will reduce the take home pay of working middle class Americans such as myself....

Dem's lie. At least they are consistent.

>Unlikely. [Biden will repeal the Trump tax cuts.]

Did Biden pledge to undue the Trump tax cuts?

Verdict: True.

Details on what he promised to do to continue to destroy US comptetiveness and send more jobs to China like he did as Obama's VP:

You know darn well he is going to raise taxes on people. The Green energy initiatives he proposed will not do squat to address theorized anthropogenic global warming, but it will increase energy prices and thus, the cost of everything. Taxes are a typically a percentage of price (not true of gas at the pump which is per gallon), so these taxes will increase proportionally.
Latest news breaking is how Socialist Dems were caught on a 'hot mic' yet again talking about how they are soon going to partisanly ram several TRILLION more 'deficit dollars through at one time as part of an 'Obama Shovel-Ready Project infrastructure spending bill (guaranteed to contain at least another $1 trillion in Democrat-benefitting pork spending, like their $1.9 trillion Blue-State-Bailout Bill they just rammed through).

If there was EVER any doubt who the massive Deficit-Pork-Spending Party is the Democrats are making sure no one will ever doubt them again.

Perhaps Biden can put a couple million more Americans out of work by ending their jobs or wiping them out through his massive Illegal Immigrant Super Spreader Event before he burdens everyone left with a job with heavy taxes to pay for their new TRILLIONS in spending...

Yeah, all construction companies are Democratic and fixing our highways and bridges hurt commerce...

Remember when Barry was forced to admit there was mo such thing as 'shovel-ready' jobs?!

Was the reason he did not know because he was stupid or was he just lying his ass off as usual?

I guess CCP Joe doesn't remember it because he is so dementia-ravaged...
You can't remember something that didn't happen.
There were no shovel ready jobs.
Sure, okay wingnut.
Where were these jobs?
What cities?
Yeah, on those making $400K or more per year. As he promised in his campaign.
He will repeal the Trump tax cuts, which will reduce the take home pay of working middle class Americans such as myself....

Dem's lie. At least they are consistent.

>Unlikely. [Biden will repeal the Trump tax cuts.]

Did Biden pledge to undue the Trump tax cuts?

Verdict: True.

Details on what he promised to do to continue to destroy US comptetiveness and send more jobs to China like he did as Obama's VP:

You know darn well he is going to raise taxes on people. The Green energy initiatives he proposed will not do squat to address theorized anthropogenic global warming, but it will increase energy prices and thus, the cost of everything. Taxes are a typically a percentage of price (not true of gas at the pump which is per gallon), so these taxes will increase proportionally.
Yeah, on those making $400K or more per year. As he promised in his campaign.
He will repeal the Trump tax cuts, which will reduce the take home pay of working middle class Americans such as myself....

Dem's lie. At least they are consistent.

>Unlikely. [Biden will repeal the Trump tax cuts.]

Did Biden pledge to undue the Trump tax cuts?

Verdict: True.

Details on what he promised to do to continue to destroy US comptetiveness and send more jobs to China like he did as Obama's VP:

You know darn well he is going to raise taxes on people. The Green energy initiatives he proposed will not do squat to address theorized anthropogenic global warming, but it will increase energy prices and thus, the cost of everything. Taxes are a typically a percentage of price (not true of gas at the pump which is per gallon), so these taxes will increase proportionally.
When I said unlikely....Unlikely you will see a tax increase. Few working class Americans are seeing any benefit from the tax cuts which expired long ago. The well-off still enjoy their tax cuts and the $8T in new debt that they added.
Yeah, on those making $400K or more per year. As he promised in his campaign.
He will repeal the Trump tax cuts, which will reduce the take home pay of working middle class Americans such as myself....

Dem's lie. At least they are consistent.

>Unlikely. [Biden will repeal the Trump tax cuts.]

Did Biden pledge to undue the Trump tax cuts?

Verdict: True.

Details on what he promised to do to continue to destroy US comptetiveness and send more jobs to China like he did as Obama's VP:

You know darn well he is going to raise taxes on people. The Green energy initiatives he proposed will not do squat to address theorized anthropogenic global warming, but it will increase energy prices and thus, the cost of everything. Taxes are a typically a percentage of price (not true of gas at the pump which is per gallon), so these taxes will increase proportionally.
Rolling back the former presidents unnecessary tax cuts to the 1% will do nothing to our competitiveness.

Moving to a green energy based system will do a lot to combat AGM.

The costs of green energy are already rivaling those of dirty.

Raising taxes on the 1% will not do anything to the price of a big mac.

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