Joe Biden is the definition of a president that should be impeached and put in prison


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
Current President Joe Biden fits the definition a president that should be impeached and put in prison. “High crimes and misdemeanors”, including bribery, which is what his drug addicted, child rapist, white privileged son was receiving from our enemies and adversaries, in order for Joe Biden to change United States policy as our vice president and later president, against our own national interests, doesn’t get any more treasonous than this.
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Current President Joe Biden fits the definition a president that should be impeached and put in prison. “High crimes and misdemeanors”, including bribery, which is what his drug addicted, child rapist, white privileged son was receiving from our enemies and adversaries, in order for Joe Biden to change United States policy as our vice president and later president, against our own national interest, doesn’t get any more treasonous than this

Execpt that you do not have the one thing you need. Evidence. Which something you people never have.
Current President Joe Biden fits the definition a president that should be impeached and put in prison. “High crimes and misdemeanors”, including bribery, which is what his drug addicted, child rapist, white privileged son was receiving from our enemies and adversaries, in order for Joe Biden to change United States policy as our vice president and later president, against our own national interests, doesn’t get any more treasonous than this.
His son is not an elected official so you can't impeach his son.
Execpt that you do not have the one thing you need. Evidence. Which something you people never have.
Oh, so you think the Chinese wired money into Joe Biden‘s grand childrens bank accounts because they were good looking? Or did the mayor of Moscow’s oligarch wife give Hunter $3 million just because Hunter was good at raping little Russian kids as a hobby?

You must be one of those who thinks Joe Biden brought decency back to the White House again. :cuckoo:
Execpt that you do not have the one thing you need. Evidence. Which something you people never have.
If they have one piece of evidence it is one more than the democrats impeached Trump with. That didn't seem to bother you. How about the politicized indictments. Democrats are fooling no one except their own constituency and even the most ignorant of them are beginning to see the truth. I guess you are slower than they are.
I am sure they would have taken more.
Yeah why not. This is what you get when you vote for a corrupt person that has been involved in politics for over 50 years and hasn’t done a single positive thing for the country his entire life, except for padding his own pockets and living in multi million dollar mansions from the money he received as bribes and influence peddling, using his son has the front. This is classic mafia behavior.
His son is not an elected official so you can't impeach his son.
Then why is that coke brain damaged child raper the focus of Congress? I don't know of the father of anybody in the world who doesn't discuss his son's " " "business" " "dealings except Clueless Joe. Especially when it is with America's enemies. Smells as fishy as Kamala's drawers.
Current President Joe Biden fits the definition a president that should be impeached and put in prison. “High crimes and misdemeanors”, including bribery, which is what his drug addicted, child rapist, white privileged son was receiving from our enemies and adversaries, in order for Joe Biden to change United States policy as our vice president and later president, against our own national interests, doesn’t get any more treasonous than this.

Yes, concur.

Lots of people should be going to prison. But reps are too pussified to act.

biden no one.jpg
Yeah why not. This is what you get when you vote for a corrupt person that has been involved in politics for over 50 years and hasn’t done a single positive thing for the country his entire life, except for padding his own pockets and living in multi million dollar mansions from the money he received as bribes and influence peddling, using his son has the front. This is classic mafia behavior.
he is no different than Trump, correct.
Current President Joe Biden fits the definition a president that should be impeached and put in prison. “High crimes and misdemeanors”, including bribery, which is what his drug addicted, child rapist, white privileged son was receiving from our enemies and adversaries, in order for Joe Biden to change United States policy as our vice president and later president, against our own national interests, doesn’t get any more treasonous than this.

Of all the crimes of which Biden may be guilty, there is one, very serious crime, of which he is absolutely undeniably guilty.

Our country is being subjected to a hostile foreign invasion across our southern border. Not only is Biden absolutely refusing to fulfill his duty as President to defend our country against this invasion; he is actively and willfully aiding and abetting the invaders. His conduct, in this matter, exactly meets the definition of treason, as found in Article III, Section 3 of the Constitution.

On that alone, he needs to be impeached and removed from office, he needs to be tried, convicted, and either sent to prison for the rest of his life, or put to death.

All the other charges that you bring up are gravy.
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Current President Joe Biden fits the definition a president that should be impeached and put in prison. “High crimes and misdemeanors”, including bribery, which is what his drug addicted, child rapist, white privileged son was receiving from our enemies and adversaries, in order for Joe Biden to change United States policy as our vice president and later president, against our own national interests, doesn’t get any more treasonous than this.

You need evidence, not just butthurt revenge.

Execpt that you do not have the one thing you need. Evidence.

Odd, there is as much confirmed, direct, first-hand verified evidence of Biden's crimes of greed and corruption as the leftwing media tells you they THINK they believe they are telling you to assume they have against Trump.

At least until another election cycle blows over.

Joe Biden is the very personification of the kind of person whom the Founders were thinking of when they wrote the words: "High Crimes and Misdemeanors."

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