Joe Biden makes young girl feel uncomfortable

Yeah, you haters of people will never understand interpersonal relationships and how it is not wrong to touch another human.
you know that the dems and that the american press would go crazy if trump was doing this creepy stuff
the american press hides this stuff
Yeah, you haters of people will never understand interpersonal relationships and how it is not wrong to touch another human.
I realize your only purpose here is to troll, it's what you do. But sometimes you just blather out truly ignorant statements.
And this is one of them.
Men instinctively know to keep their distance from budding young girls. We instinctively know it is fucked up to CONSTANTLY hover over them every freaking time one enters our field of vision. And a man who over and over and over and over keeps doing it - there is something wrong with him. And what is wrong is called Hebephilia. Just one step above a full on pedophile.
If there was the catalog of 100s of videos of Trump doing this as there are of Biden - the lame media would be all over it - and so would you.
That was an offense? Shoulder Grab? Trump did Pussy Grabs. FACT.

That said, I'm no Biden supporter. I did vote biden to stop trump. FACT.

But I will be a Biden Defender of LIES by you RWI's.
That said, and said again, I'm acceptable of biden beating trump in 2020, because (trump is a POS)

Do I want Biden to run in 2024.....NOPE.

Not surprising libs don't find FJB inappropriate touching of minors considering you all are okay with half nude drag queens grooming children on stage.
The inflation is Global.
Yes or No?
No excuses. You know better. Told us over and over and over again. Totally empowered in questionable ways. You hit the ground running on election night when somehow the direction of the voting changed late. The oil futures changed quickly. This is your game. Watching the shills on TV with their vicious attacks on non-Prog voters was and is disgusting. You did all of this. And you have learned nothing from it. By you it is what you support and vote for. There is no conservatism. For there would be a counter to what has happened and continues.
I realize your only purpose here is to troll, it's what you do. But sometimes you just blather out truly ignorant statements.
And this is one of them.
Men instinctively know to keep their distance from budding young girls. We instinctively know it is fucked up to CONSTANTLY hover over them every freaking time one enters our field of vision. And a man who over and over and over and over keeps doing it - there is something wrong with him. And what is wrong is called Hebephilia. Just one step above a full on pedophile.
If there was the catalog of 100s of videos of Trump doing this as there are of Biden - the lame media would be all over it - and so would you.
You scarred of a budding female? How asinine. Jesus went around touching people all the time and yet you are ok with that.
President Joe Biden appeared to grab a young girl by her shoulder telling her 'no serious guys till you're 30' while posing for a photograph with the teen and her friends at Irvine Valley College in Irvine, California, on Friday.
Biden stood to take a photograph with the girl. As he did so, he appeared to sniff the girl's hair before imparting the 'fatherly' relationship advice.
The girl appears to be genuinely uncomfortable and laughs nervously as she turns around to look at the commander-in-chief, who continues to rest his hands on her shoulder.

wow Joe is creepy

You scarred of a budding female? How asinine.
If you aren't then something is wrong with you.
It isn't fear, it is responsible behavior.
Young girls are extremely vulnerable to adult males. So easily be duped into situations they don't even see coming.
Adult men who can't stop themselves from slobbering over early pubescent females is sick. Literally mentally ill.
With the YEAAARS of videos of Biden every fucking time there is a little girl anywhere near the guy - there he goes... literally ignoring everyone else in the room to start placing his hands on them, pushing his gross face into theirs, saying cutesy little remarks to them - he is fucking sick.
And his wife knows it. You can find a dozen videos of her grabbing his arm pulling him away from girls.
He has a problem. And that problem is undeniable.
If you aren't then something is wrong with you.
It isn't fear, it is responsible behavior.
Young girls are extremely vulnerable to adult males. So easily be duped into situations they don't even see coming.
Adult men who can't stop themselves from slobbering over early pubescent females is sick. Literally mentally ill.
With the YEAAARS of videos of Biden every fucking time there is a little girl anywhere near the guy - there he goes... literally ignoring everyone else in the room to start placing his hands on them, pushing his gross face into theirs, saying cutesy little remarks to them - he is fucking sick.
And his wife knows it. You can find a dozen videos of her grabbing his arm pulling him away from girls.
He has a problem. And that problem is undeniable.
I can touch someone without violating their buds, duh just like Jesus Christ did along with millions of other people
I can touch someone without violating their buds, duh just like Jesus Christ did along with millions of other people
You are losing your knack for quality trolling.
Everyone on this forum knows you are a troll... it is what you are. But at least you do it in style, funny- witty.
This is not one of them.
If Trump did this shit - I would call him out with the exact same venom as I do with Biden. No difference.
We both know if there were 100s of examples of Trump doing this - you would be saying the exact opposite what you are now.
Be a troll if that is what you want. But at least be a consistent one.
Not surprising libs don't find FJB inappropriate touching of minors considering you all are okay with half nude drag queens grooming children on stage.
Just look at this liberal.

and this

If the press hides this stuff, why do we know about it?
Because, as with this video, it was taken by a person with a phone and posted on social media.
Again, everyone with an IQ above 80 knows full well, if this was Trump it would be played and replayed for the next week and discussed by the talking head panels nonstop.
You are losing your knack for quality trolling.
Everyone on this forum knows you are a troll... it is what you are. But at least you do it in style, funny- witty.
This is not one of them.
If Trump did this shit - I would call him out with the exact same venom as I do with Biden. No difference.
We both know if there were 100s of examples of Trump doing this - you would be saying the exact opposite what you are now.
Be a troll if that is what you want. But at least be a consistent one.

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