Joe Biden makes young girl feel uncomfortable

I don't like what he does any more than most posters here. But calling him a pedo over this is over the top.

We still do not know what all happened in the infamous showers w/ his daughter. You shouldn't even be showering w/ your daughter so it's already creepy as hell, but who knows..? I've known of parents who have clothes on and get into a shower or bath so as to help their young children wash up.. If the dude had clothes on.. no problem. Does anyone know more than I do about the thing w/ his daughter?

In any case, if a person were to go by the hair sniffing alone.. that's not enough to call someone a pedo
That was an offense? Shoulder Grab? Trump did Pussy Grabs. FACT.

That said, I'm no Biden supporter. I did vote biden to stop trump. FACT.

But I will be a Biden Defender of LIES by you RWI's.
That said, and said again, I'm acceptable of biden beating trump in 2020, because (trump is a POS)

Do I want Biden to run in 2024.....NOPE.'re not a Bidung supporter, but you did vote for him and you do defend him. Dang, you are screwed up.
You go around talking to other people's kids about sex too?
I would talk to a young person about romantic relationships and how they can go wrong esp when intimacy is involved, which should never be the case (sex is for marriage only)

I would talk to anyone who would listen so as to save the person from making some of the terrible mistakes I have. .
President Joe Biden appeared to grab a young girl by her shoulder telling her 'no serious guys till you're 30' while posing for a photograph with the teen and her friends at Irvine Valley College in Irvine, California, on Friday.
Biden stood to take a photograph with the girl. As he did so, he appeared to sniff the girl's hair before imparting the 'fatherly' relationship advice.
The girl appears to be genuinely uncomfortable and laughs nervously as she turns around to look at the commander-in-chief, who continues to rest his hands on her shoulder.

wow Joe is creepy

/——-/ 2 things people don’t like.
1. Clean little boys.
2. Dirty old men.
I don't know if Biden is a pedophile or not but I will say that, compared to other presidents, there seems to be an inordinate number of photos and videos out there of him holding, touching and kissing girls and young women.
It is called a Hebephile... a person inordinately attracted to early pubescent children, usually between 11-16 years old.
A pedophile is someone attracted to children - BEFORE - puberty.
And you will notice the word - inordinately. Not exclusively. Even most pedophiles are also attracted to adults.
Most men do not look upon a pre nubile female as a sexual object. Not until they have reached the puberty stage where they visually appear to be an age to birth children.
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You people are such disingenuous liars, and your little chart is deceiving as hell. Trump didn't really start spending until the first quarter of 2020, which was because of the pandemic.

Would you rather Trump had not issued you those coronavirus relief checks? You're free to give all that money back to the US Treasury if you like.

Federal Debt: Total Public Debt

View attachment 710385
From the end of the Second World War in 1945 to the last year Jimmy Carter was president the national debt as a percentage of gross domestic product (gdp) declined from 114% to 32%. The decline continued during the wars in Korea and Vietnam. During this time the top tax rate never got below 70%, and was often much higher.

During Reagan's last year in office the top tax rate had declined to 28%. The national debt as a percentage of GDP had risen to 50%.

The top tax rate never rose again to nearly 70%. Presidents Bush II and Trump cut it. During the last year of Trump's presidency in 2020 the national debt as a percent of GDP had risen to 129%.


The Balance uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
  1. U.S. Department of the Treasury. “The Debt to the Penny.”
  2. Bureau of Economic Analysis. "National Data: National Income and Product Accounts: Table 1.1.5 Gross Domestic Product."
  3. Penn Wharton. "Senate-Passed Inflation Reduction Act: Estimates of Budgetary and Macroeconomic Effects."
  4. Watson Institute for International & Public Affairs. "United States Budgetary Costs and Obligations of Post-9/11 Wars Through FY2020: $6.4 Trillion," Page 3.
  5. World Bank Group. "Finding the Tipping Point - When Sovereign Debt Turns Bad."
  6. U.S. Treasury. "Historical Debt Outstanding."
  7. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. "Gross Federal Debt as Percent of Gross Domestic Product."
  8. Bureau of Economic Analysis. "Gross Domestic Product (Third Estimate), Corporate Profits (Revised Estimate), and GDP by Industry, Third Quarter 2021."
  9. United States Treasury. "Debt to the Penny."
  10. TreasuryDirect. "Historical Debt Outstanding—Annual."
  11. U.S. National Debt by Year

Beginning with the Reagan administration the rich have paid lower taxes on more money, while after tax income for most Americans has stagnated or declined.
That was an offense? Shoulder Grab? Trump did Pussy Grabs. FACT.

That said, I'm no Biden supporter. I did vote biden to stop trump. FACT.

But I will be a Biden Defender of LIES by you RWI's.
That said, and said again, I'm acceptable of biden beating trump in 2020, because (trump is a POS)

Do I want Biden to run in 2024.....NOPE.
Biden did nothing that was technically wrong

Pawing young girls and implying sexual innuendo with them is creepy but she appeared to handle it pretty well

So your president survives to make a fool of himself another day
That was an offense? Shoulder Grab?
Ever hear of assault, Punjab?

Trump did Pussy Grabs. FACT.
We have a hundred PHOTOS of Biden pawing children (and worse-- he's still doing it!); you can't show us even a single picture of one of Trump's alledged pussy grabs. FACT.

That said, I'm no Biden supporter.
If you're not against him, you're FOR him, and you just said you're not against him.

But I will be a Biden Defender of LIES by you RWI's.
No one lies more than Brandon.

Do I want Biden to run in 2024.....NOPE.
Typical leftwing stoner. First you vote for people then tell us how you don't actually want him in office. Put another way, the damage inflicted by Biden to this country was deliberately inflicted by those like YOU who enabled it, so must be held accountable.
From the end of the Second World War in 1945 to the last year Jimmy Carter was president the national debt as a percentage of gross domestic product (gdp) declined from 114% to 32%. The decline continued during the wars in Korea and Vietnam. During this time the top tax rate never got below 70%, and was often much higher.

During Reagan's last year in office the top tax rate had declined to 28%. The national debt as a percentage of GDP had risen to 50%.

The top tax rate never rose again to nearly 70%. Presidents Bush II and Trump cut it. During the last year of Trump's presidency in 2020 the national debt as a percent of GDP had risen to 129%.


The Balance uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
  1. U.S. Department of the Treasury. “The Debt to the Penny.”
  2. Bureau of Economic Analysis. "National Data: National Income and Product Accounts: Table 1.1.5 Gross Domestic Product."
  3. Penn Wharton. "Senate-Passed Inflation Reduction Act: Estimates of Budgetary and Macroeconomic Effects."
  4. Watson Institute for International & Public Affairs. "United States Budgetary Costs and Obligations of Post-9/11 Wars Through FY2020: $6.4 Trillion," Page 3.
  5. World Bank Group. "Finding the Tipping Point - When Sovereign Debt Turns Bad."
  6. U.S. Treasury. "Historical Debt Outstanding."
  7. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. "Gross Federal Debt as Percent of Gross Domestic Product."
  8. Bureau of Economic Analysis. "Gross Domestic Product (Third Estimate), Corporate Profits (Revised Estimate), and GDP by Industry, Third Quarter 2021."
  9. United States Treasury. "Debt to the Penny."
  10. TreasuryDirect. "Historical Debt Outstanding—Annual."

  11. U.S. National Debt by Year


Of course, it says so right there in what you posted:

"During the last year of Trump's presidency in 2020 the national debt as a percent of GDP had risen to 129%."

Now ask yourself this, what happened in the last year of Trump's presidency? The COVID pandemic. Trump signed off on the $1.9 trillion stimulus bill offer made by Treasury Secretary Mnuchin to House Speaker Pelosi. There were other expenses as well. Where do you think all those respirators, masks, and other things came from? But Biden has far outspent Trump, pushing us into inflation and a recession.

The Cost of the Trump and Biden COVID Response Plans | Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget

Of course, it says so right there in what you posted:

"During the last year of Trump's presidency in 2020 the national debt as a percent of GDP had risen to 129%."

Now ask yourself this, what happened in the last year of Trump's presidency? The COVID pandemic. Trump signed off on the $1.9 trillion stimulus bill offer made by Treasury Secretary Mnuchin to House Speaker Pelosi. There were other expenses as well. Where do you think all those respirators, masks, and other things came from? But Biden has far outspent Trump, pushing us into inflation and a recession.

The Cost of the Trump and Biden COVID Response Plans | Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget
Cutting taxes while spending more money is a Republican habit going back to the Reagan administration.
That was an offense? Shoulder Grab? Trump did Pussy Grabs. FACT.

That said, I'm no Biden supporter. I did vote biden to stop trump. FACT.

But I will be a Biden Defender of LIES by you RWI's.
That said, and said again, I'm acceptable of biden beating trump in 2020, because (trump is a POS)

Do I want Biden to run in 2024.....NOPE.

Your daughter?


  • 5i5npnr4ea601.jpg
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Yeah, you haters of people will never understand interpersonal relationships and how it is not wrong to touch another human.

Your daughter? Joe is looking at her chest.....


  • 5i5npnr4ea601.jpg
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From the end of the Second World War in 1945 to the last year Jimmy Carter was president the national debt as a percentage of gross domestic product (gdp) declined from 114% to 32%. The decline continued during the wars in Korea and Vietnam. During this time the top tax rate never got below 70%, and was often much higher.

During Reagan's last year in office the top tax rate had declined to 28%. The national debt as a percentage of GDP had risen to 50%.

The top tax rate never rose again to nearly 70%. Presidents Bush II and Trump cut it. During the last year of Trump's presidency in 2020 the national debt as a percent of GDP had risen to 129%.


The Balance uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
  1. U.S. Department of the Treasury. “The Debt to the Penny.”
  2. Bureau of Economic Analysis. "National Data: National Income and Product Accounts: Table 1.1.5 Gross Domestic Product."
  3. Penn Wharton. "Senate-Passed Inflation Reduction Act: Estimates of Budgetary and Macroeconomic Effects."
  4. Watson Institute for International & Public Affairs. "United States Budgetary Costs and Obligations of Post-9/11 Wars Through FY2020: $6.4 Trillion," Page 3.
  5. World Bank Group. "Finding the Tipping Point - When Sovereign Debt Turns Bad."
  6. U.S. Treasury. "Historical Debt Outstanding."
  7. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. "Gross Federal Debt as Percent of Gross Domestic Product."
  8. Bureau of Economic Analysis. "Gross Domestic Product (Third Estimate), Corporate Profits (Revised Estimate), and GDP by Industry, Third Quarter 2021."
  9. United States Treasury. "Debt to the Penny."
  10. TreasuryDirect. "Historical Debt Outstanding—Annual."

  11. U.S. National Debt by Year

The House passes spending bills
Cutting taxes while spending more money is a Republican habit going back to the Reagan administration.

Cutting taxes stimulates the economy, allows the creation of more businesses, and creates prosperity among the people. Other than that, the government does not create wealth.

And once again, Trump's spending during the last year of his president, was a necessity.

BTW, have you knelt down and given him thanks for those vaccines you got? Can you imagine if it had been Biden instead of Trump? Most new vaccines take 5-10 years to develop, and Trump got it done within a matter of months.

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