Joe Biden must resign and leave White House DC

If a civilian withdrawal had begun earlier in an orderly way, BEFORE Biden removed the last troops, there would have been no mad rush to the gates, people also could have flown out through Baghram air base and there would have been no need for the additional US troops because the Afghan army would not have fallen

There was no indication in April when the announcement was made that the Afghan Army was not going to live up to the expectations.

There was no way to secure Baghgram, Kabul's airport, and the Embassy with 2500 troops. Biden had to add at least 2500 more to the troop level he was left by the previous President just to secure Kabul's airport.
There was a major bungle in the jungle by the Chimp-in-Chief.
Your orange babboon god is sitting back & loving every minute of this. Why, even his jerkoff partner Sean had him on last night to rant & rave thru half the show. Plenty of attention for Trump The Ape God.

When those two are rotting in hell they'll have the company of Bin Laden, Hitler & those types.
Wrong. Try again. Not too bright I see so I'll give you a clue: he is the president (for now anyway).
Yea, no shit he's the POTUS. Did Biden order the bombing by ISIS who your orange ape god claimed to have wiped out 100%, shit for brains?
Your orange babboon god is sitting back & loving every minute of this. Why, even his jerkoff partner Sean had him on last night to rant & rave thru half the show. Plenty of attention for Trump The Ape God.

When those two are rotting in hell they'll have the company of Bin Laden, Hitler & those types.

It was a great interview. Trump swatted away the false Dimm spins like pesky gnats!
Afghanistan is a humanitarian disaster. It is about people/humans and not just Americans in other countries.

Taliban army (200,000+). Afghanistan captured and over run by Talibans in one month. Joe Biden said Taliban army is 75000. Intelligence failure.

Not only Joe! Kalama, Nancy and the "leadership" at the Military (Austin and Milley) and Intel agencies must resign
Yea, no shit he's the POTUS. Did Biden order the bombing by ISIS who your orange ape god claimed to have wiped out 100%, shit for brains?

Stolen elections have consequences. Mr Potatohead cheated his way in, he owns all of this
How clever of you not to address BlindBoo's point of what Biden inherited, a half thought through plan of getting out of Afghanistan after releasing thousands of Taliban from prison and reducing troop strength to next to nothing. Where as if we were to stay we'd have to bring back in thousands for the long term and break the deal that was previously made. A deal mind you that left the Afghanistan government out of the loop.

And you managed to deflect away form those points by talking about deflection? Don't jump over any fences with those balls you're dragging around, ok?
How clever of you to pretend you know what was in Trumps plan when you really have no idea.
In 2013, U.S military must have withdrawn from Afghanistan completely. Catch Barack Obama
Not even Joe's big mouthed wife can explain away all his horrendous mistakes. He must resign even though Harris will undoubtedly be worse.

No no no no!! They ALL must go! Biden Harris, the general and Intel leaders! They're all culpable
Who signed the treaty with the Taliban in February 2020, dumbshit?

Who had 9 months of opinions, Intel, chances to change the extraction, been in contact with Afghanistan and the Taliban, made all of the decisions in how and when to extract, and had the final say in everything? And was also responsible for the reactions to problems that came up after and during the extraction? For 9 months this has been on his plate mind you, this isn't something Biden got handed yesterday.

The name calling thing is also not helping your "argument" either.

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