Joe Biden promises to put 720 million women back to workforce

Biden must have learned math from Occasional Cortex. She said a lot of stupid things but this is one of my favorites:

One of the biggest problems that we have is 200 million Americans make less than $20,000 a year. That’s 40 percent of this country," Cortez claimed.

"How can we have an economy that grows, how can we build wealth as an economy, if a large plurality of Americans are too poor to participate in it?” she demanded - just before pushing for the socialist's dream of mass wealth redistribution and higher minimum wages.

WRONG: Socialist Ocasio-Cortez Claims '200 Million Americans Make Less Than $20K a Year'

The math-challenged lady didn't realize that if 200 million low-income wage earners constitute 40 percent of this country's population, the total population must be at least 500 million (500 million times forty percent equals 200 million). That 500 million would only include adults since even Cortez would not count children among those making less than $20,000 a year; therefore, the entire population would have to be much higher than 500 million, much closer to a billion! However the total total population of the United States, including men woman and children, is only around 325 million.

The poster girl for the Liberals can't even do fifth grade math and neither can their leading candidate for President.

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