Joe Biden/Sarah Palin Debate Conversation Thread

What did she learn besides how to speak without falling on your face, I can do that. I give proposals weekly, do you want me as vice president? Please, does she have any idea on policy. Joe may be old and grumpy, no argument from me on that but he answers questions on policy so you understand where he is coming from. The only thing Palin said last night that made me think was that she felt the VP should have more responsibility. Thats great, we finally heard something unscripted that Palin believes in, is there anything else. I'm not a Palin hater anymore, I think she has a big upside in politics but she needs time to learn. I think her biggest problem is that Mccain is her running mate. I have to admit she is very cute.

There is no rage here, she was well spoken and believe me I can still sleep at night. I dont see how my post was irrational rage, but ok, if you say so.

just that you repeat the left wing talking points and give her no talent for being the smart lady she is. My god she is govenor of a state. An oil producing state who has already done what Biden and Obama want to do, pass windfall taxes on the oil companies and then she passes them on to her constituents. She is an expert in the energy department and all you guys can do is call her retarded. That what I mean by irrational rage.
just to add, it would be smart to use her talents, and let her grow in the areas she needs to. All those other congresscritters don't know everything they need to know either as evidenced by the giant fuck ups we are witnessing.
this whole board and all of loonyland has been in a rage since Palin let you know she was alive!!!

Loonyland = The Republicans get their positions on many things from.

And I don't think I've seen anyone in a "rage" since the debate where she showed she wasn't completely useless.
just that you repeat the left wing talking points and give her no talent for being the smart lady she is. My god she is govenor of a state. An oil producing state who has already done what Biden and Obama want to do, pass windfall taxes on the oil companies and then she passes them on to her constituents. She is an expert in the energy department and all you guys can do is call her retarded. That what I mean by irrational rage.

Where in my post do I call her retarded, are you channeling my thoughts or are you just defensive by nature?
i stand corrected, but it's still a funny word. if Biden was running for POTUS, i'd vote for him, given the other 2 choices. but he's not so i'm gonna write in Phil Lesh.

Not going to vote for either because of the bailout Del?

Btw, game 2 for Boston tonight. Woot! :lol:
Where in my post do I call her retarded, are you channeling my thoughts or are you just defensive by nature?

did I say that, do you deny that it has'nt been said repeatedly by the left wing? don't take things so personally, when I say left wing I mean the whole crowd. do I need to put that as a signature line?
Not going to vote for either because of the bailout Del?

Btw, game 2 for Boston tonight. Woot! :lol:

where i live, if you don't vote dem it doesn't matter 99 out of 100 times. i was gonna hold my nose and vote for mccain, but since it truly doesn't make any difference, i'll go with Phil.

and why is the Fri night game early and Wed night late?
go dice
where i live, if you don't vote dem it doesn't matter 99 out of 100 times. i was gonna hold my nose and vote for mccain, but since it truly doesn't make any difference, i'll go with Phil.

and why is the Fri night game early and Wed night late?
go dice

I'm not sure, probably the network itself only had a slot on Wed for late while Friday's is open?
i stand corrected, but it's still a funny word. if Biden was running for POTUS, i'd vote for him, given the other 2 choices. but he's not so i'm gonna write in Phil Lesh.
:D I can't resist actually besting you once in awhile, it so seldom happens.
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