Joe Biden/Sarah Palin Debate Conversation Thread

I do want to make one correction. Earlier I stated Article 1 outlined the executive branch, but it is the Article 2. Article 1 does list the duty of the the VP in the simple little line: The Vice President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no Vote, unless they be equally divided.

And while his duties are outlined in Article 1, his office is outlined in Article 2 which says:
The Executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America. He shall hold his Office during the Term of four Years, and, together with the Vice-President chosen for the same Term, be elected,...

The office of VP is outlined right alongside the president. The traditional interpretation of the VP's role as President of the Senate is as part of checks and balances, wherein the executive branch has a check on the legislative branch through its ability to break a tie in the senate. Just like a president can be removed from office by congress. But having a duty over another branch does not make you part of that branch. That's why the VP has no power in the senate at all unless there is a tie according to the constitution.
I do want to make one correction. Earlier I stated Article 1 outlined the executive branch, but it is the Article 2. Article 1 does list the duty of the the VP in the simple little line: The Vice President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no Vote, unless they be equally divided.

And while his duties are outlined in Article 1, his office is outlined in Article 2 which says:
The Executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America. He shall hold his Office during the Term of four Years, and, together with the Vice-President chosen for the same Term, be elected,...

The office of VP is outlined right alongside the president. The traditional interpretation of the VP's role as President of the Senate is as part of checks and balances, wherein the executive branch has a check on the legislative branch through its ability to break a tie in the senate. Just like a president can be removed from office by congress. But having a duty over another branch does not make you part of that branch. That's why the VP has no power in the senate at all unless there is a tie according to the constitution.

Well done. I really find it a waste of time to have to explain to people that that was a huge fraud. It's like trying to prove the sky blue...
Others have already responded, and they pretty much have said what I would have said. That you can't compare the two. Obama is doing interviews every day, Palin once in a blue moon. Obama has demonstrated that he can speak without remarks, whereas any time palin tries she looks totally lost.

As to how this applies to this thread, based on this performance no one should be reassured by Palin, nor does 'not sucking' constitute a win.

All three replies, including yours, fall short of answering my question so I'll ask again:

Exactly where, or more importantly when, is HE (Obama) going to get the knowledge, understanding, experience, and intelligence to run the Oval office?

And while I’m at it, do you think Obama’s handlers didn’t prepare him for his “live and unscripted interviews” on, for example, Meet the Press and Face the Nation? I certainly do.

The bottom line for me is: We’re faced with a choice a greenhorn living on Pennsylvania Ave or a Greenhorn living on the corner 34th St and Massachusetts Ave. If I vote for either of these buffoons who desire the Pennsylvania Ave. address, I'll vote the one that puts the Greenhorn living at the 34th and Massachusetts Ave.

I’d rather have a Greenhorn who’s one catastrophic decision PLUS one heartbeat away from the Football than a Greenhorn who’s only one catastrophic decision away from my families last heartbeat.
the VP is part of both
the VP functions as President of the senate

That was just another lie that "uncle fester" Cheney started so he could avoid oversight. He and bush have been the worst duo in the WH in US history. That is beyond argument.

Bottom line: The way the swing states are lining up, Obama will win easily. Palin will be back shooting moose, or meese, or mooses in Alaska after November.
"She did well because she held her own." You gotta love moral victories!

you gotta ask yerself, how does a newbie on the scene of about 5 weeks hold her own against a Senator of 30 years? That sure makes him look like a dumbass dosen't it? :eusa_whistle:
you gotta ask yerself, how does a newbie on the scene of about 5 weeks hold her own against a Senator of 30 years? That sure makes him look like a dumbass dosen't it? :eusa_whistle:

not at all. It makes him look patient enough to humor her entire maple syrup commercial while sidestepping the reflexive sexism charge which is the last arrow in Mccain's quiver.

It illustrates the difference between a strong candidate and the gimmick that is Sarah Palin.
you gotta ask yerself, how does a newbie on the scene of about 5 weeks hold her own against a Senator of 30 years? That sure makes him look like a dumbass dosen't it? :eusa_whistle:

She goes to debate boot camp for 2 weeks and doesnt answer one question that she was asked. What good policy points did she make. Everything that comes out of her mouth is empty words. She is a great salesman, thats for sure. She has a great smile and seems like a cool chick but she is a cheerleader, Biden answered the questions with direct answers but Palin seemed to say the same thing over and over.
She goes to debate boot camp for 2 weeks and doesnt answer one question that she was asked. What good policy points did she make. Everything that comes out of her mouth is empty words. She is a great salesman, thats for sure. She has a great smile and seems like a cool chick but she is a cheerleader, Biden answered the questions with direct answers but Palin seemed to say the same thing over and over.

she's probably part Bosniac.
Bosniac, you gotta love it.
She goes to debate boot camp for 2 weeks and doesnt answer one question that she was asked. What good policy points did she make. Everything that comes out of her mouth is empty words. She is a great salesman, thats for sure. She has a great smile and seems like a cool chick but she is a cheerleader, Biden answered the questions with direct answers but Palin seemed to say the same thing over and over.

just think she learned in 2 weeks what it took him 30 years to attain. A Senior Senator with 30 years can only hold his own with a 2 week boot camper. He sure looks like a dumbass to me.
it was pretty funny, that and Palin calling him O'Biden. I thought they were both gonna crack up on that one.

Oh, I missed that one. the freaking phone kept ringing. How do people know you don't want to talk right now?
Palin did a fantastic job impressing those already planning to vote for McCain. Neither candidate did fuck all to win over undecided voters. Considering the latest polls: Win for Obama.
it was pretty funny, that and Palin calling him O'Biden. I thought they were both gonna crack up on that one.

:lol: when she said O'Biden I cracked up....

the Bosniac one I didn't catch right away but that's pretty funny too...

What made this debate different is that Joe Biden had to be on his best behavior. He couldn't go after her the same way he would've any other candidate who gave her answers. and Sadly neither could Gwen Iffl after the shitstorn the right dusted up over the book. That was obviously their plan and it worked. Palin did good but she also got softballed during the entire interview. No follow up questions where asked.

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