Joe Biden/Sarah Palin Debate Conversation Thread

You don't watch much TV, do you?

Unlike Palin, Obama has been on high profile, unscripted interview shows like Meet the Press and Face the Nation about a billion times.

When's poor Sarah going on Meet the Press?

Couldn't help but respond to this.

Around the time this happens:

Because Democrats also watch MSNBC and other channels.

Republicans have their mind control err media channel in Fox News.

Besides, the FNC poll is not even counting Joe Biden's votes for the most part at the moment. I went to the site to see if I could vote for Biden and got an error message.
that was the web site, not the text poll
thats the one being talked about
You don't watch much TV, do you?

Unlike Palin, Obama has been on high profile, unscripted interview shows like Meet the Press and Face the Nation about a billion times.

When's poor Sarah going on Meet the Press?
you mean when the edit it to make him look good?
yeah :rolleyes:
Every time I see Obama speak he's reading a script. So exactly where, or more importantly when, is HE going to get the knowledge, understanding, experience, and intelligence to run the Oval office?

Obama agrees to have his knowledge tested in the snake pit by agreeing to go on O'Reilly. Palin falls short with Katie Couric.

You really don't want this comparison. How would Palin stand up going on Olbermann?
perhaps people would want to stay on the debate?

This is what is wrong with this election... we have the attention span of gnats :lol:
Every time I see Obama speak he's reading a script. So exactly where, or more importantly when, is HE going to get the knowledge, understanding, experience, and intelligence to run the Oval office?

I'm outta here, G'nite all.

Others have already responded, and they pretty much have said what I would have said. That you can't compare the two. Obama is doing interviews every day, Palin once in a blue moon. Obama has demonstrated that he can speak without remarks, whereas any time palin tries she looks totally lost.

As to how this applies to this thread, based on this performance no one should be reassured by Palin, nor does 'not sucking' constitute a win.
Others have already responded, and they pretty much have said what I would have said. That you can't compare the two. Obama is doing interviews every day, Palin once in a blue moon. Obama has demonstrated that he can speak without remarks, whereas any time palin tries she looks totally lost.

As to how this applies to this thread, based on this performance no one should be reassured by Palin, nor does 'not sucking' constitute a win.

I don't want her to be my mother and I'm tired of performing politicians. Look at all the "qualified" ones we have know---ain't they somethin' ?
DiveCon, you don't even know you've been hoodwinked. The Right Wing some time ago decided they could bullshit all they want as long as they all got on the same page and when exposed by that pesky "freedom of the press" phrase in the first amendment, in unison start yelling "media bias". And the funny thing is, the more bullshit they spew, the more the press has to expose. And with the press exposing their continuous never-ending stream of bullshit, it just helps their case among the general public. "It must be media bias, the press has run 10 times as many stories about right wing bullshit. They're obviously biased" The idea was brilliant. Once you get the idea of media bias out there, then the more you bullshit and get exposed, the more it seems like the media is biased. Then another brilliant idea. We'll start a news channel that is pretty much bullshit and distortions skewed our way, since our "media bias" meme has already disillusioned the public to the rest of the media. They'll eat it up if we claim it, as opposed to the other outlets we've smeared, is fair and balanced.

Just follow McCain's campaign. He used to be friendly with the press. Whenever they started get called on bullshit- they go after the media. They NEVER argue giving evidence that the story is untrue. Consider the Rick Davis issue. The NYTimes wrote articles exposing this. Did McCain ever deny the articles or show evidence that proved the articles were untrue? No, he just said the NYTimes was not a true journalistic organization. Palin makes gaffes in her interviews. There was no excuse for them. But what do we hear? Gotcha journalism and Palin's media comment tonight. The right screamed "Media Bias" like an alarm all throughout the last decade, especially if any news source questioned Bush's claims about ties between Saddam and Al Qaeda, justification for war, WMD's, etc... How many times did Cheney and Rumsfeld early on say things were going great in Iraq and that the reports of an insurgency was just the liberal media. Think for yourself. They want you to only turn to them for the truth. That's why they want you to think Fox News is always right, and all the other media sources and journalists are biased and wrong. But like a study a few years ago showed: In a poll asking questions about current events (at the time). Facts, not ambigous statements. Questions were like "Have weapons of mass destruction been found in Iraq since we invaded." 'Have there been any proven Links between Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden?" They also asked about their primary sources of news. In questions about objective facts in current events, those who cited Fox News as their primary source of news consistently scored the lowest. They newer fewer facts than those who got news from any other source. Welcome to the reality-based community.
DiveCon, you don't even know you've been hoodwinked. <snipped>.
thats as far as i got

you dont know me from adam, dont tell me i've been hoodwinked
as far as i can tell you have been hoodwinked just as much(if not more) to support the people you do

McCain wasnt my first choice, but he is a damn sight better than Obama
And on the debate, Palin obviously worked very hard to prepare. She carried herself admirably with attempts to be witty and charming. I'm sure the reaction to the 'peppy' personality she had will differ among different viewers. Some might see it as down-to-earth, others might see it as lack the seriousness required of the position. I think her success or failure in the eyes of the voting public who watched it may rest on how many of them picked up on the fact that she was obviously coached to learn a few talking points very well and if a question is asked outside of those preset parameters then ignore it and go to your talking points. Of course, this makes the entire "biased moderator" claims that just happen to pop up before the debate (despite the information being out there for weeks, even before they approved Ifil) seem more like a preventative measure. If you plan on not answering questions outside certain parameters, then you would like some way to either prevent the moderator from aggressively following up, or be able to cry fowl afterwards. Claiming bias is the preferred right wing method of red-herring politics.

Biden did well. He had a few moments. The Bridge to Nowhere comment comes to mind. He may have come off as bland to some viewers. I did hear that some viewers thought he seemed angry, but I personally didn't get that. I am glad he mentioned being a single father at the end. Palin misses no opportunity to paint her hockey-mom average 1.2million dollar middle class family portrait. He didn't mention it over and over, nor use it as a tool, but mentioned it when appropriate to emphasize that Sarah Palin isn't the only one who has been through hard times and has working class roots, so that shouldn't be her only qualification.

I think Palin can hold her head high. I think Joe Biden was terrific. I thought Joe had more command of facts. I also thought he stayed on the question more, while Palin avoided those she didn't feel comfortable. Content I believe Joe won. Delivery was pretty equal.
Palin did very well. This is a huge blow to the MSM who attempted to paint her as stupid and inexperienced. Guess those SNL skits won't seem as funny anymore.

Despite the obvious bias from the moderator who resembled a bright, green, Jabba the Hut, you have to give this one to Palin. She outclassed Biden. Biden looked old, tired and very boring. He talked the rhetoric party line nicely but was empty in the ideas department. The funniest part was when he called himself a father and pretended to withhold tears. Bad acting.

Overall it was a great debate. Too bad they don't get another one.
Palin did very well. This is a huge blow to the MSM who attempted to paint her as stupid and inexperienced. Guess those SNL skits won't seem as funny anymore.

Despite the obvious bias from the moderator who resembled a bright, green, Jabba the Hut, you have to give this one to Palin. She outclassed Biden. Biden looked old, tired and very boring. He talked the rhetoric party line nicely but was empty in the ideas department. The funniest part was when he called himself a father and pretended to withhold tears. Bad acting.

Overall it was a great debate. Too bad they don't get another one.

He wasn't pretending. He lost his wife and year old daughter in a car wreck. Do you have any idea how that feels?
thats riight..its a media was not really fact it was all done.....with liberal generated holograms...what a goof ball...
well, maybe you can answer what the person i asked so far hasnt
what show was Obama on that was live?

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