Joe Biden/Sarah Palin Debate Conversation Thread

Those polls sure did mean something in Michigan didnt they, or is Mccain giving up on Michigan because of some other information we dont know about.

Who knows?--play with polls. Trust them if you like--I'm waiting for the 5th to see who REALLY won the prize and I ain't talking about the debaters cup here.
Well personally I think many polls aren't really a show of the actual voters unless it's a large number of voters.

For people to say that Palin flat out won this debate though is :cuckoo:.

I could understand if maybe they thought she tied or barely lost to Biden but she did not win this debate at all.

It'll take a few days for the final vote on the winner. It always does.
FNC poll has been disprovened by it's own hosts.

Besides, when you have a majority republican viewing audience, how else are they going to vote?

same thing for the CNN polls
when you have the majority democrats watching CNN

btw, more people watch FNC than CNN
perhaps Jeepers, but in this case given the factors comming into this debate even a tie would be her's . The fact is Joe Biden should have crushed her in this debate which he did not, he did a decent job, but she held he own in the subject areas she knew , and did not go in depth into the one's she didn't. I didn't see any gotcha moments on one side or the other. however I do think it will be a plus on the McCain side.

I agree .. a tie would have gone her way.. but Sarah not failing miserably is in no way considered a tie.. Biden stayed to a script.. did extremely well and was told to let the facts speak for themselves.. he didnt go for the jugular.. they were winning with the current strategy.. just reinforce the talking points.. Obamas race has never been the race of the rabit.. its been a slow moving numbers game... Its boring yet quite facinating in a molasses running downhill in wintertime kind of way...
"presentation" wise Palin did ok, but that is part of the problem with her.

As many have stated here, she stuck to the talking pts, never veered off of them, and when she did she looked lost. Getting someone's name wrong can happen, so I don't think that's too big a deal.

Biden's 35 min stretch at the start of not looking at the camera was a bit of an issue, but the words coming out of his mouth should have more than off-set that.

But I think what this debate should have illustrated more than anything is that Palin simply isn't fit to serve as VP. I say that because as the Couric interview clearly showed, she isn't well versed or experienced enough to be VP. But more than that is the contract that tonight provided. Again, she was lost when she went off the repeatedly rehearsed talking pts, and she was lost when she did the ABC interview and more recently with Couric.

When you work in the Oval office you cannot be briefed in full ALL THE TIME. You need knowledge, understanding, experience and intelligence. And if she can't do anything unless it's rehearsed, she shouldn't hold the office.

And despite a good presentation tonight, the VP is more than presentation, and that's why people shouldn't vote for her/the gop.
same thing for the CNN polls
when you have the majority democrats watching CNN

btw, more people watch FNC than CNN

Because Democrats also watch MSNBC and other channels.

Republicans have their mind control err media channel in Fox News.

Besides, the FNC poll is not even counting Joe Biden's votes for the most part at the moment. I went to the site to see if I could vote for Biden and got an error message.
They both did quite well. Enjoyed both debates, the one on tv....and the one on here :)

Night folks, type atcha tomorrow.

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Straight off of the Lew Rockwell Blog:

The Elephant in the Room
Posted by Anthony Gregory at 08:23 PM

They both support the fascist bailout. They both support a trillion-dollar foreign policy and a multi-trillion dollar corporate/entitlement state. They are debating over millions when the state they wish to run spends trillions. Even assuming the greatness of mass democracy, this is a grave injustice. They should be debating big, real issues. Not this trivia.


Not a dime's worth of difference.
I agree .. a tie would have gone her way.. but Sarah not failing miserably is in no way considered a tie.. Biden stayed to a script.. did extremely well and was told to let the facts speak for themselves.. he didnt go for the jugular.. they were winning with the current strategy.. just reinforce the talking points.. Obamas race has never been the race of the rabit.. its been a slow moving numbers game... Its boring yet quite facinating in a molasses running downhill in wintertime kind of way...

Do you agree Jeepers that somehow they may have lowered the bar too low for Sarah Palin? If so perhaps it was a mistake to do so in this case because even by her holding her own against him can be seen by many as a tie and still others as a win.
Palin not having made a fool of herself does not mean that she won the debate!

No matter how much it may have surprised everyone.

Chaulk up another one for the Dems!
The bar was lowered.. not sure about the too low aspect.. I am sure though that many were happy with her relative survival... technically, in her defense, she really doesnt have much policy from the Mac camp to work with...
But anyway, I must depart as I have some studying to do.

Will be around to discuss this more tomorrow.

Good night all.

Oh and one more thing:

Obama/Biden '08

Before I read this entire thread and take in all these opinions here is what I thought.

I thought Sarah Palin did a pretty damn good job. She stumbled a couple of times but that's not unexpected.

She certainly did what she needed to do in not looking like an idiot. She gave pretty clear answers, even if those answers focused on the same issues, energy and obama raising taxes.

I thought she was engaging and I thought she came across and charming and funny.

I loved her "I guess they didn't get my joke" comment about not knowing what a VP did. She also got me laughing when she did the "oh no Joe here we go again" when he brought up Bush over and over.

I'm not sure that what she did will make a difference in the race. I think McCain has lost this election with his erratic and unsteady behavior. He's shown that he's unable to stay calm in the face of turmoil.

I was interested in seeing her attack Obama, she didn't. Not to the degree that I thought she would. She also agreed with Biden a few times.

I thought Joe Biden did a great job. Hands down the winner. He stayed on message. He hit John McCain repeatedly without beating up on Palin. He was respectful and tough at the same time. I thought it hit just the right tone of treating her like a worthy opponent but also as someone out of her depth.

I thought Gwen seemed afraid to engage them too much. Like all the controversey had taken some of the edge out of her questions. She never did a tough follow up question and that was disappointing.

Overall I thought this debate was more entertaining to watch. mainly because Biden and Palin actually engaged each other and you could tell they were giving thought and weight to what the other was saying. Neither was dismissive the way McCain was.

It was good. very good indeed!
When you work in the Oval office you cannot be briefed in full ALL THE TIME. You need knowledge, understanding, experience and intelligence. And if she can't do anything unless it's rehearsed, she shouldn't hold the office.

Every time I see Obama speak he's reading a script. So exactly where, or more importantly when, is HE going to get the knowledge, understanding, experience, and intelligence to run the Oval office?

I'm outta here, G'nite all.

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