Joe Biden/Sarah Palin Debate Conversation Thread

Ha! Diebold must have engineered that Fox News online poll.

I just tried to vote for Biden, and it wouldn't let me. It gave me an error message.

Red Dawn, this is for you.

To be honest, Joe Biden WON folks.

Sarah Palin may of won in the fact she didn't look like a complete fool as usual. But that's not a overall victory, just the fact she didn't screw up.

If we've come so far and so low to now base a victory off her not basically setting the McCain campaign on fire accidently then we've truly lost our way as a nation.

She didn't answer like half the questions. And although I missed the start of the debate, I heard that she basically stated she wasn't going to answer the questions, if she didn't want to.

She had rhetoric and talking points. That's all I saw.

But, she didn't fall on her face, so I guess that's something.
I am perfectly OK with the way things turned out. Biden only strengthened the resolve of Democratic supporters and swayed some independents to their side. He was very polished, straight forward, and answered all the questions asked of him in a respectful manner. Biden had the opportunity to crush Palin more then a few times (naming the wrong general in Afghanistan for one), but decided to be tactful instead. People who are McCain supporters did not change their minds and probably never will. Palin held her own; congratulations. She dodged questions, failed to address any real issues, cited incorrect information and stuck to the talking points given to her by the McCain staff. I think when the new agencies look back on it tomorrow, it will be clear that Biden won hands down. If Republicans are unwilling to change, that is their problem, but I think Biden won enough independents over tonight to make the debate worthwhile.
She didn't answer like half the questions. And although I missed the start of the debate, I heard that she basically stated she wasn't going to answer the questions, if she didn't want to.

She had rhetoric and talking points. That's all I saw.

But, she didn't fall on her face, so I guess that's something.

She did state that. It wasn't she was not going to answer the questions if she didn't want to, she didn't know HOW to.

All she did was repeat talking points as you stated.

If I took a drink for everytime she said the words Obama, change, and Maverick I'd be dead from alcohol poisoning at the moment.
I'll be looking for a bump in the polls for McCain. 53 Biden 37 Palin 10 tie is a win for McCain.
Did anyone besides me get the sense that she didn't know what "achilles heel" meant, when Ifil asked that question?

She didn't even attempt to answer the question. In fact, her answer was the exact opposite of an achilles heel.

I really think she didn't know what achilles heel means.
To be honest, Joe Biden WON folks.

Sarah Palin may of won in the fact she didn't look like a complete fool as usual. But that's not a overall victory, just the fact she didn't screw up.

If we've come so far and so low to now base a victory off her not basically setting the McCain campaign on fire accidently then we've truly lost our way as a nation.

Totally agree. Not falling on your face does not constitue a win. And I'm glad that she did "hang in there". Less fodder and foul calling from the media.

She spoke only in rehearsed generalities, either avoiding questions requiring details or putting up a smoke screen to avoid the question altogether. There were a few time when I thought she was still running for Governor of Alaska. "Hello, Sarah... you've done that." They really baby-sat her, I thought. There were several times when she should have been called on not answering the question presented. I bet Biden's tongue is sore from biting it.

Bottom line for me... nothing in tonight's debate swayed my opinion that Palin is not competent to serve as Vice-President of the United States. I'm sure she's a nice lady, but....................
Did anyone besides me get the sense that she didn't know what "achilles heel" meant, when Ifil asked that question?

She didn't even attempt to answer the question. In fact, her answer was the exact opposite of an achilles heel.

I really think she didn't know what achilles heel means.

Yes! I am sure that's it. :cuckoo:
Don't tell Mani or you wil lbe in the "hottest babe" poll . :lol:
Either that or he will call you !

eh.. no worries.. I am probably the worst shaven bank employee in history.. not to mention I've no motivation to shave for some time (wach emp here).
Did anyone besides me get the sense that she didn't know what "achilles heel" meant, when Ifil asked that question?

She didn't even attempt to answer the question. In fact, her answer was the exact opposite of an achilles heel.

I really think she didn't know what achilles heel means.

That one kind of struck me odd as well. I kept waiting for her to get to it and she never did. That's one I think Ifill should have called her on.
don't go out on a limb!

Well personally I think many polls aren't really a show of the actual voters unless it's a large number of voters.

For people to say that Palin flat out won this debate though is :cuckoo:.

I could understand if maybe they thought she tied or barely lost to Biden but she did not win this debate at all.

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