Joe Biden/Sarah Palin Debate Conversation Thread

Does anyone else get the strange feeling that Sarah Palin is getting groomed for the future in the party? For some strange reason, I was watching the debate tonight and thought, this sure seems like she is getting trained to be the next big thing in the party someday.
that was her flailing attempt to court the black vote....a shout out
And 13% thought it was a tie?

Not exactly a ringing endorsement.

30 years of experience an how many debates for Biden?

At the insistence of the McCain campaign, the Oct. 2 debate between the Republican nominee for vice president, Gov. Sarah Palin, and her Democratic rival, Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr., will have shorter question-and-answer segments than those for the presidential nominees, the advisers said. There will also be much less opportunity for free-wheeling, direct exchanges between the running mates.

McCain advisers said they had been concerned that a loose format could leave Ms. Palin, a relatively inexperienced debater, at a disadvantage and largely on the defensive.

The wrangling was chiefly between the McCain-Palin camp and the nonpartisan Commission on Presidential Debates, which is sponsoring the forums.

Advisers to Mr. Biden say they were comfortable with either format.

I have been an outspoken critic of Sarah Palin based on her last few interviews she came off completely unprepared and looked as if her knowledge level was so low that it would have been best for her to take the next plane back to Anchorage. However, in this case based on Joe Bidens years of experience, and her lack of it, and she did a pretty decent job of holding her own tonight and in this case a tie was better than a win for her as it was expected that Joe Biden would crush her and it was more or less a tie. So in this case I think she did a pretty good job tonight and , it's more than likely going to help in the polls.

She did well in the fact that she didnt fall on her face.. she however ducked question after question while resorting to rhetoric time and again... really didnt hear anything here worthy of mention from macs camp...
Does anyone else get the strange feeling that Sarah Palin is getting groomed for the future in the party? For some strange reason, I was watching the debate tonight and thought, this sure seems like she is getting trained to be the next big thing in the party someday.

Damn straight ! It's the Republican woman weapon ! :lol:
FNC poll: Palin 86%, Biden 12%

FNC poll has been disprovened by it's own hosts.

Besides, when you have a majority republican viewing audience, how else are they going to vote?

To be honest, Joe Biden WON folks.

Sarah Palin may of won in the fact she didn't look like a complete fool as usual. But that's not a overall victory, just the fact she didn't screw up.

If we've come so far and so low to now base a victory off her not basically setting the McCain campaign on fire accidently then we've truly lost our way as a nation.
Damn straight ! It's the Republican woman weapon ! :lol:

Still an embarrassment to professional women in general.. surviving a debate is nothing to be proud of... unless we now hold mediocracy in high esteem...
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FNC poll has been disprovened by it's own hosts.

Besides, when you have a majority republican viewing audience, how else are they going to vote?


The votes for Biden aren't least not right now. So I wouldn't take the 12% number real seriously. :cuckoo:
Ha! Diebold must have engineered that Fox News online poll.

I just tried to vote for Biden, and it wouldn't let me. It gave me an error message.
FNC poll: Palin 86%, Biden 12%

Wow! That poll came from Fox News? That's shocking...Not! Did you expect anything different?

MSNBC says Biden 53%; Palin 37% - No surprise there either!

These polls are completely biased and mean nothing. I wish people would stop posting this crap as if the BS polls mean anything.
She did well in the fact that she didnt fall on her face.. she however ducked question after question while resorting to rhetoric time and again... really didnt hear anything here worthy of mention from macs camp...

perhaps Jeepers, but in this case given the factors comming into this debate even a tie would be her's . The fact is Joe Biden should have crushed her in this debate which he did not, he did a decent job, but she held he own in the subject areas she knew , and did not go in depth into the one's she didn't. I didn't see any gotcha moments on one side or the other. however I do think it will be a plus on the McCain side.
I'm happy that men are again ruling this country. I was worried when Hillary ran, but the Democrats would not let her have the nomination. The media has crushed Palin. No more women in politics, please.

oh my... :badgrin:
Wow! That poll came from Fox News? That's shocking...Not! Did you expect anything different?

MSNBC says Biden 53%; Palin 37% - No surprise there either!

These polls are completely biased and mean nothing. I wish people would stop posting this crap as if the BS polls mean anything.

They can't help it----they got a lot riding on this one. :lol::lol:
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