Joe Biden/Sarah Palin Debate Conversation Thread

My fear has been realized. Joe Biden mopped the floor with Palin's ass. Defining moment: Biden choking back tears when speaking about knowing what it is like to be a single dad and not knowing if your son was going to live or die.
I'm usually skeptical about Biden whenever he talks about God, family, morals, etc. He just seems so phoney when he talks about that stuff, I usually do an eye roll whenever he tries to appeal to the audience. But I will say that I agree with you there, he did come off as genuine and moving during that part of the debate.
Interesting, I can't wait to see the polling numbers for Independents on who they think won.

This obsession with numbers is what got everyone pissed in 2000. "This vote can't be right---the polls said something different. Someone cheated " :lol:
If Sarah talked about how hard it is to raise a special needs child, people would say she was using her family for political gain.

I know two families that raise Downs Syndrome kids. Hardly affects them at all. That aside, she's hardly raised the kid at all - he's what? Five months old??
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Uh, yes he did.

Jsanders was looking for Joe to go unleashed on Sarah.

If he did that, McCain campaign would of cried sexist from here to Alaska.

Though I'm sure some will say he was sexist still.
I have two families I know how raise Downs Syndrome kids. Hardly affects them at all. That aside, she's hardly raised the kid at all - he's what? Five months old??

And she's been campaigning more often now plus her Governor duties before that.
If Sarah talked about how hard it is to raise a special needs child, people would say she was using her family for political gain.

As if she has not been doing this since she has been on the ticket. Lets be serious. It was a very honest moment for Biden and I thought it showed just how "average" he is (since you Republicans love to use that term now for some reason even though your party has never represented the "average person"). He is vulnerable like everyone else and has feelings and emotions in a tough family situation. I thought it endeared him greatly to the American public.
CNN Poll so far: Who fared better in the vice presidential debate?

Sen. Joe Biden: 74% 36986
Gov. Sarah Palin: 23% 11417
Neither: 3% 1294
Total Votes: 49697
Jesus, does she know anything of substance, does she know any policy details, or is she just a wind up doll that can repeat empty rhetoric and talking points?

Biden knows what the fuck he's talking about. God help us if she has to take over for McCain if the old man croaks.
biden spent the past 30+ years doing nothing but debate. that's what senators do. that she more or less held her own is a) surprising and b) fairly impressive.

I agree, Del and given the fact that she was widely (as in nationwide) considered the underdog coming into tonight's debate: She not only held her own, she gave Biden a run for the money.

I think the McCain ticket will get a boost in the polls based on her performance tonight. In fact, if they can both go for a few days without any major blunders, I think the McCain ticket will be a point or 2 ahead of the Obama ticket by Monday.
I think she won over Senator Biden.

Did you see them after the debate was over? Usually the opponents shake hands perfunctorily and :scared1: but Joe and Sarah were talking like old friends. I've never seen that before. Did anyone else notice that?
the first scientific poll of the debate is out.

CBS Poll: Biden Wins 46% to 21% among undecided voters

(Uncommitted Voters who watched the debate)

46% of uncommitted voters who watched the debate tonight thought Joe Biden was the winner. 21% thought Sarah Palin won, 33% thought it was a draw… 98% after the debate saw [Biden] as knowledgeable (79% before the debate)

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