Joe Biden/Sarah Palin Debate Conversation Thread

The independents gave Gov. Palin the win.


It's been 10 mins or so since the end of the debate. I don't believe they could poll thousands of people in 10 minutes unless they are the Flash.
I think we can all agree on this:

I wish they should Debate more then once. I feel that even another debate would be good enough but only one isn't.
Originally Posted by clane1987 View Post
Biden won this debate from opening statements and the only twist conservatives can put on this is that "she connected with you the people."

and that's the whole fucking ballgame right there!

You know...people like us, who pay attention to politics and the issues find it frustrating that that would be a deciding factor...

But for the Undecided Voters, who for whatever reason don't consider the candidates platforms to be important enough to sway their decision...they are obviously looking for something else to sway them...
Well let me just say that barring all moonbats who don't have mind enough to change it...

After this weeks fuck ups in Washington, I would just guess that middle America is fed the hell up with slick politicians and that Sarah Palin's down to earth "work with ya" is going to sell with the average ordinary American.


Really? Joe Biden was doing the same thing. He made it very clear he wants to help the American middle class. Just because he did not go out of his way to avoid questions just to continue ranting about how working class and average his family (when it clearly is not) like Palin did, does not mean he did not appeal to the middle class. He anecdotes were much more effective and he delivered them with passion. That will make more of an impact on people then her telling everyone how average she is; Biden showed them.
I just think its hilarious how you think it is special that she held her own. It shows you obviously have a lack of faith in her and her abilities. It is nice to know you support people you don't actually believe it. That is a good voting strategy.

biden spent the past 30+ years doing nothing but debate. that's what senators do. that she more or less held her own is a) surprising and b) fairly impressive.
she did better than i expected, but they should condition her not to use the word "maverick", even if it requires a cattle prod.

pretty good debate overall, but i thought the moderator was very weak. i was half expecting the "what kind of tree would you be?" question.

Repetition is the mother of learning. Very few things will stick in a voters mind.
It might get boring to politophiles but he's banking heavily on being seen as different.
I liked her--she's obviously smart, calm under pressure and the closest thing to a real person I've seen debate.
Imagine her not having to campaign under the restraints that are place on here. If America really ulimately wants a female president, she's the kind they want. Not some tough bitch in pant suits.
My fear has been realized. Joe Biden mopped the floor with Palin's ass. Defining moment: Biden choking back tears when speaking about knowing what it is like to be a single dad and not knowing if your son was going to live or die.

President Barack Hussein Obama..... God help us all.
Sarah was at her best when she was unscripted and Biden closed stronger. Ironically both veeps candidates couldn't capitalize on their strongpoints. Sarah didn't sound good talking about energy and Biden looked like he might have stumbled around a bit on foreign policy. But in the end, both veep candidates rose above the low expectations placed on them. Neither candidate hurt their running mate and both of them came off as looking "Vice Presidential."
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My fear has been realized. Joe Biden mopped the floor with Palin's ass. Defining moment: Biden choking back tears when speaking about knowing what it is like to be a single dad and not knowing if your son was going to live or die.

If Sarah talked about how hard it is to raise a special needs child, people would say she was using her family for political gain.
I didn't find that moment to be hackneyed. You've got a kid in harms're going to be concerned and emotional about it. They both talked about that.
Special? No. The fact that she can hold her own against a career politician like Biden is a remarkable. He's got 30 years of experience over her, he should have chewed her up and spit her out. He didn't.

He didnt because he would have got hammered for being "rude" Joe had to walk a fine line and play pussy and he did it and still won. Palin made mistakes when name dropping and she kept going back to energy when she felt out of her league and Joe laid off her because when your in the driver seat there is no reason to give the Republicans anything to talk about. The republicans are happy because Palin restored her respect and that is sad when your running for Vice President and you have to fight for respect 4 weeks before the election. I do think she was competent but rarely could give a straight answer.
My fear has been realized. Joe Biden mopped the floor with Palin's ass. Defining moment: Biden choking back tears when speaking about knowing what it is like to be a single dad and not knowing if your son was going to live or die.

President Barack Hussein Obama..... God help us all.


You sound like me whenever I see McCain walk into a room.

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