Joe Biden/Sarah Palin Debate Conversation Thread

I'll say this much, Joe Biden and Sarah Palin get along better then John McCain and Obama do. :lol:
Way to go Biden. Very good debate. I just don't like how Palin believes that America is crumbling and the only one who can save it is McCain. It was so negative and was more of the same from Bush's Administration. Instill fear in America and they will follow. Its so sad.

oh shitsky... you complain about negativity? omg
Or how about Thomas Jefferson?

"Jefferson achieved distinction as, among other things, a horticulturist, statesman, architect, archaeologist, paleontologist, author, inventor and founder of the University of Virginia."

From Wikipedia.

If you want to be happy about the fact that our system encourages men and women to come into Washington and then do whatever the need to to stay their as long as possible....I just don't think that this system promotes men and women "of the people."

To quote "Gladiator," as silly as that sounds...I think that the best our system can do is create men "not of the people, but for the people." Sometimes thats good enough...often I think it leads to corrupt, tired politicians who sell their souls to keep their jobs.
She's a real person. She's good and far from being the idiot that everyone is trying to portray he as. A rookie holds her own against a seasoned vet.

she did better than i expected, but they should condition her not to use the word "maverick", even if it requires a cattle prod.

pretty good debate overall, but i thought the moderator was very weak. i was half expecting the "what kind of tree would you be?" question.
she did better than i expected, but they should condition her not to use the word "maverick", even if it requires a cattle prod.

pretty good debate overall, but i thought the moderator was very weak. i was half expecting the "what kind of tree would you be?" question.

that's b/c the right spent the last two days "playing the ref"... had she asked really tough questions they'd have said she was "biased".
Biden won this debate from opening statements and the only twist conservatives can put on this is that "she connected with you the people."
I think it was a tie :mad:

I wouldn't go that far. Biden clearly highlighted his experience as a politician. Rather that's a good or bad thing depends on who you are. For a man running on a ticket of change, highlighting 35 years of changing nothing is hardly a great way to win a debate.

Still, Biden knew the material better. But Palin surprised me, especially after seeing her interviews with Couric. She didn't let herself get knocked down.

I can't wait to see's analysis.
that's b/c the right spent the last two days "playing the ref"... had she asked really tough questions they'd have said she was "biased".

i'm afraid i have to disagree. she just doesn't strike me as very acute.
i don't know that she could formulate a tough question.
Clearly I said Biden won the debate. What the fuck else do you want to hear?

I just think its hilarious how you think it is special that she held her own. It shows you obviously have a lack of faith in her and her abilities. It is nice to know you support people you don't actually believe it. That is a good voting strategy.
Well let me just say that barring all moonbats who don't have mind enough to change it...

After this weeks fuck ups in Washington, I would just guess that middle America is fed the hell up with slick politicians and that Sarah Palin's down to earth "work with ya" is going to sell with the average ordinary American.

I just think its hilarious how you think it is special that she held her own. It shows you obviously have a lack of faith in her and her abilities. It is nice to know you support people you don't actually believe it. That is a good voting strategy.

Eh, give me a break. They said the same thing about Obama...that he held his own in policy discussions with the more experience McCain. It IS a strength when the less experienced candidate can hold their own and continue to remain on equal footing with the veteran politician.

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