Joe Biden/Sarah Palin Debate Conversation Thread

I think she won over Senator Biden.

Did you see them after the debate was over? Usually the opponents shake hands perfunctorily and :scared1: but Joe and Sarah were talking like old friends. I've never seen that before. Did anyone else notice that?

You thought she won Missourian? Bad call

And I mentioned that earlier, I was surprised to see them chating in a amable way but nice to see I suppose.
the first scientific poll of the debate is out.

CBS Poll: Biden Wins 46% to 21% among undecided voters

(Uncommitted Voters who watched the debate)

46% of uncommitted voters who watched the debate tonight thought Joe Biden was the winner. 21% thought Sarah Palin won, 33% thought it was a draw… 98% after the debate saw [Biden] as knowledgeable (79% before the debate)

The 98% see Biden as knowledgeable is huge. Plus Biden came out on top without seeming sexist to people.
Absolutely worthless numbers--Why don't they ask important questions like " Which one will you vote for? " and even that answer is iffy.
I'd like to talk to the 2% of people who didn't think Biden seemed highly knowledgeable.

I want to know what they're smoking, and where I can get some.

Same here, those are probably part of the 2% who say yes when they think Bush is doing a great job as President and one of the best of all time.
You thought she won Missourian? Bad call

And I mentioned that earlier, I was surprised to see them chating in a amable way but nice to see I suppose.

I wasnt surprised, Biden played like a football team up by 35 points with 5 minutes to go in the game, he wasnt going to go apeshit on her and have that be the focus for the next week or so but I dont understand how anyone can see palin winning on substance. Did she say anything that was factual all night, did she make a good point about policy. Please someone give me just 1.
In a manner that will just send votes pouring over to Obama tho ? I'm not so sure

Perhaps not, but Biden overwhelmingly won this on style and substance. If she quit smiling and quit pulling punches she could have done better, but she didn't and she lost. As for changing the hearts and minds? That will be up to McCain in the next two. Hopefully he will be the McCain I he used to be and come out swinging.
No, won him over.

Oh okay, big difference then.

I think Joe Biden is a friendly guy in general. Barack Obama I could see playing a game of basketball with and a nice conversation.

With Joe Biden I'm sure it'd be something else and lots to talk about.
Perhaps not, but Biden overwhelmingly won this on style and substance. If she quit smiling and quit pulling punches she could have done better, but she didn't and she lost. As for changing the hearts and minds? That will be up to McCain in the next two. Hopefully he will be the McCain I he used to be and come out swinging.

I thought she was on botox with how much she was smiling while talking about some pretty bad stuff.
I have been an outspoken critic of Sarah Palin based on her last few interviews she came off completely unprepared and looked as if her knowledge level was so low that it would have been best for her to take the next plane back to Anchorage. However, in this case based on Joe Bidens years of experience, and her lack of it, and she did a pretty decent job of holding her own tonight and in this case a tie was better than a win for her as it was expected that Joe Biden would crush her and it was more or less a tie. So in this case I think she did a pretty good job tonight and , it's more than likely going to help in the polls.
I'm happy that men are again ruling this country. I was worried when Hillary ran, but the Democrats would not let her have the nomination. The media has crushed Palin. No more women in politics, please.
Perhaps not, but Biden overwhelmingly won this on style and substance. If she quit smiling and quit pulling punches she could have done better, but she didn't and she lost. As for changing the hearts and minds? That will be up to McCain in the next two. Hopefully he will be the McCain I he used to be and come out swinging.

It's hard to tell what the strategy really is here. Sometimes I think she is also being packaged as someone to counteract the image the McCain has of flying off the handle. Win the debate or not--I trust her more than any of them. She's not TRYING to use style. Style comes across as phony. She's just who she is. I hope she goes far somewhere, sometime.
Perhaps not, but Biden overwhelmingly won this on style and substance. If she quit smiling and quit pulling punches she could have done better, but she didn't and she lost. As for changing the hearts and minds? That will be up to McCain in the next two. Hopefully he will be the McCain I he used to be and come out swinging.

I thought the "shout out" to third graders was really amateur hour, and really didn't seem presidential. It seemed like something somebody running for city council would do.
I thought the "shout out" to third graders was really amateur hour, and really didn't seem presidential. It seemed like something somebody running for city council would do.

I wanted to see Joe Biden throw a "shout out" to his buddy Obama and Biden's buddies on the West Side. :rofl:

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