Joe Biden says he will make everyone wear a mask

What would the objection be towards fining or jailing persons who refused to wear masks?

The federal government doesn't have the authority to do it. Further, there is no federal police agency to enforce this, and not a sufficient prison system to hold the miscreants. The government would have to go on a massive hiring spree to get the force of a million police officers trained and hired or the prisons built.

I guess it would be tremendous news for those who own shares in Krispy Kreme or Corrections Corp.
States have the authority for passing and enforcing mask laws. Citations could be used and jail delayed and property confiscated if people refused to pay. Why should all of us have to pay for your irresponsibility of infecting people?
States and localities can, have and will continue to make, write and enforce mask laws, and I am sure fines will be levied if they think it effective, but there is no way you are going to see people lose property to the local or state government. You are dreaming, comrade.
You are going to be scared like the fool you are for the rest of your life

You look good in that tampon pad

It went into effect in my community at mid-night. I was wearing one to show community support for public health measures even before that, when in stores or crowds. It is only sensible. I am not worried about getting the disease personally, having already had it and now LabCorp says I have the antibodies. Many people are becoming infected here as the number of cases has been rising daily for the last two weeks. I support my communities efforts to get disease this back under control.
Well evidentially you are an old fool who no longer exercises so the extra CO2 you inhale and the reduced Oxygen in your blood while wearing a mask may not matter

Enjoy your blood clots

LOL cases of the common cold are on the rise so you are wearing a mask to show your lack of IQ
Well, that is kind of sick. Got mine on a ski trip, earlier in the year, as I have always stayed in shape and was able to fight the virus without hospitalization, am suffering no remaining effects and am even Covid-19 convalescent plasma donor through Lifeline. You use to pay me to stay in shape for so long, it became part of my lifestyle, as with the majority of my ski party, that also became sickened. I my family and my extended family have always supported our community and this country and will continue. Even people like you deserve to live in a community of responsible adults, instead of those that turn their back on society to support their political agenda.
Skiing is not exercise, running up the ski slope is exercise. You are a fat slob who took the tram
Silly Troll. Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha...:auiqs.jpg:
I ride my race bike up and down the highest mountain on the East coast, you sit your fat ass in a tram going up a mountain and call gravity sliding you down on your ass exercise.................

Congrats. We don't actually have any mountains in West Tennessee. Doubt you will convince anyone my avatar pic looks fat. better luck next time. Silly Troll. Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha... :auiqs.jpg:
So my question to the Biden supporters is, how is Joe Biden going to enforce his mask decree? Will he throw those in jail who refuse to comply where COVID Is exploding, or will he fine them money as the government tells people they can't work and are trying to survive on the stimulus checks they are getting?
The same way we enforce other laws like seatbelt laws.
So my question to the Biden supporters is, how is Joe Biden going to enforce his mask decree? Will he throw those in jail who refuse to comply where COVID Is exploding, or will he fine them money as the government tells people they can't work and are trying to survive on the stimulus checks they are getting?
The same way we enforce other laws like seatbelt laws.

That will be kind of difficult since your party hates police and the rule of law. Good luck enforcing that garbage.
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So my question to the Biden supporters is, how is Joe Biden going to enforce his mask decree? Will he throw those in jail who refuse to comply where COVID Is exploding, or will he fine them money as the government tells people they can't work and are trying to survive on the stimulus checks they are getting?
The same way we enforce other laws like seatbelt laws.

That will be kind of difficult since your party hates police and the rule of law. Good luck enforcing that garbage.

And yet I'll still get a ticket if I get in my car without wearing one. Of course, I live on Earth One while you exist on some "alternative facts" planet.
What would the objection be towards fining or jailing persons who refused to wear masks?

Great, you want to rely on a group of people that you want to eliminate....brilliant plan, dumbass.
Clearly, they're relying on businesses to enforce their decree.

Now there's a word for whenever the companies merge with government. Hmm...I wonder what it could be...

The Military-Industrial Complex, the Insurance Industry, or my personal favorite - the Petro-Military-State Department of Defense.
So my question to the Biden supporters is, how is Joe Biden going to enforce his mask decree? Will he throw those in jail who refuse to comply where COVID Is exploding, or will he fine them money as the government tells people they can't work and are trying to survive on the stimulus checks they are getting?
The same way we enforce other laws like seatbelt laws.

That will be kind of difficult since your party hates police and the rule of law. Good luck enforcing that garbage.

And yet I'll still get a ticket if I get in my car without wearing one. Of course, I live on Earth One while you exist on some "alternative facts" planet.

After you defund them you won't be getting tickets. It's not some great mystery. We all just watched the riots and libs screaming and voting to defund the police. That wasn't some fantasy. Sadly, that was reality.
So my question to the Biden supporters is, how is Joe Biden going to enforce his mask decree? Will he throw those in jail who refuse to comply where COVID Is exploding, or will he fine them money as the government tells people they can't work and are trying to survive on the stimulus checks they are getting?
The same way we enforce other laws like seatbelt laws.

That will be kind of difficult since your party hates police and the rule of law. Good luck enforcing that garbage.

And yet I'll still get a ticket if I get in my car without wearing one. Of course, I live on Earth One while you exist on some "alternative facts" planet.

After you defund them you won't be getting tickets. It's not some great mystery. We all just watched the riots and libs screaming and voting to defund the police. That wasn't some fantasy. Sadly, that was reality.

And here on Earth One the police still have inflated budgets and military style equipment. I think there will be plenty of people willing to hand out citations for not wearing masks. Public health officials for one.

You say you refuse to wear a mask. Do you get regularly tested for COVID and know you aren't walking around infecting people? That's why you wear the mask, not to protect yourself but others. Protecting other humans not in your wheelhouse?
What would the objection be towards fining or jailing persons who refused to wear masks?

The federal government doesn't have the authority to do it. Further, there is no federal police agency to enforce this, and not a sufficient prison system to hold the miscreants. The government would have to go on a massive hiring spree to get the force of a million police officers trained and hired or the prisons built.

I guess it would be tremendous news for those who own shares in Krispy Kreme or Corrections Corp.
States have the authority for passing and enforcing mask laws. Citations could be used and jail delayed and property confiscated if people refused to pay. Why should all of us have to pay for your irresponsibility of infecting people?
States and localities can, have and will continue to make, write and enforce mask laws, and I am sure fines will be levied if they think it effective, but there is no way you are going to see people lose property to the local or state government. You are dreaming, comrade.
It was asked of a liberal Governor of NJ, does your executive actions overthrow the Bill of Rights, as the Governor stammered and stuttered, he said yes. Boy the revolution is coming and this libfuck is in the crosshairs..

Bill of Rights
The Bill of Rights: A History. Federalists argued that the Constitution did not need a bill of rights, because the people and the states kept any powers not given to the federal government. Anti-Federalists held that a bill of rights was necessary to safeguard individual liberty.
Bill of Rights - Bill of Rights Institute
So my question to the Biden supporters is, how is Joe Biden going to enforce his mask decree? Will he throw those in jail who refuse to comply where COVID Is exploding, or will he fine them money as the government tells people they can't work and are trying to survive on the stimulus checks they are getting?
The same way we enforce other laws like seatbelt laws.

That will be kind of difficult since your party hates police and the rule of law. Good luck enforcing that garbage.

And yet I'll still get a ticket if I get in my car without wearing one. Of course, I live on Earth One while you exist on some "alternative facts" planet.

After you defund them you won't be getting tickets. It's not some great mystery. We all just watched the riots and libs screaming and voting to defund the police. That wasn't some fantasy. Sadly, that was reality.

And here on Earth One the police still have inflated budgets and military style equipment. I think there will be plenty of people willing to hand out citations for not wearing masks. Public health officials for one.

You say you refuse to wear a mask. Do you get regularly tested for COVID and know you aren't walking around infecting people? That's why you wear the mask, not to protect yourself but others. Protecting other humans not in your wheelhouse?
When the police isnt around, who will protect the public health officials? Just asking...
Will President Biden order the FBI to arrest former President Trump for refusing to wear a mask?
What would the objection be towards fining or jailing persons who refused to wear masks?
The same one that is used for jailing people for smoking pot causing prison overcrowding for locking up non violent offenders. We have all at some point seen a sign on a business that said no shirt, no shoes, no service just add no mask to that.
So my question to the Biden supporters is, how is Joe Biden going to enforce his mask decree? Will he throw those in jail who refuse to comply where COVID Is exploding, or will he fine them money as the government tells people they can't work and are trying to survive on the stimulus checks they are getting?
It's a plot to easily identify the tRumplings. Anyone without a mask goes to The Camps.

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