Joe Biden Says That He Would Be Willing To Work With Republicans

Biden willing to work with republicans.


Yeah, that's the ticket.
Yeah, but what does that have to do with our own country?
One of the chief jobs of the President is foreign policy.

Russia is still our greatest threat. Anything which cuts them is good for us.
The first thing that Biden need to do is apologize to half of Americans for calling them "virulent dregs of society" and "fascist"
There has never been a more hate filled president as Joe Biden.

If I would have known as a child that you can be the president without doing anything to get that title and doing anything afterwards, I would have had second thoughts about not applying for the job. He does less work than me and I don't even have a freaking job! Jeez!!!
The first thing that Biden needs to do is apologize to half of Americans for calling them "virulent dregs of society" and "fascist"
There has never been a more hate filled president as Joe Biden.
I beg to differ, the brown turd Obammy taught Joe everything he knows about hate....Remember Barry threw his own white grandmother under the bus....
But once again it appears to be just talk.

Biden has a long history of working with Republicans.
He also worked with them to pass the Infrastructure Bill and the Semiconductor bill

If Republicans want to do more with their Congress than conduct retaliatory investigations, Biden will work with them

Republicans claim to be outraged with border security, inflation, gas prices

If they plan to actually do anything but bitch…..Biden is there
Half the population wants Joe and the Progs to cease to exist. This evil man is going to leave life as the most hated politician in American history. And you Progs will come around to that. He has the deadly sin of pride that controls him and makes us suffer. He is a psychopath that makes others suffer as he will destroy those who do not agree with him. Trump can be a psychopath. But he also brings coin to others as he pushes greatness.
holy crap
Biden has a long history of working with Republicans.
He also worked with them to pass the Infrastructure Bill and the Semiconductor bill

If Republicans want to do more with their Congress than conduct retaliatory investigations, Biden will work with them

Republicans claim to be outraged with border security, inflation, gas prices

If they plan to actually do anything but bitch…..Biden is there

What is Biden doing about any of that? none. Sleepy Joe's decision not to complete the wall and to abandon the successful "Stay in Mexico" program for refugee applicants has caused the problems.

Is Brandon is serious, why doesn't he just abandon his failed policies, forget about "climate change", "gay marriage" and other atrocities?
Yeah and sadly he'll probably only receive a slap on the wrist for it too.

It's rather difficult to work with people who want to destroy America. Just saying.
Our RINO republicans will meet the democrats halfway, and let them destroy half the country, and they will tout that as a win.

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