Joe Biden: This country is doomed

Better said is HDS

Be careful for what you wish for.
His scorching case of TDS won't let him see that far into the future.
Childish...albeit, funny.
We do better when democrats are in charge. Everything was turning to shit after Bush's two terms. Obama took over and we had an improving economy for eight years. Then in comes Trump and in less than four years everything really really....really turning to shit again. Republicans can't seem to do get it right. This has been happening for decades. The last decent republican was Ike. Let's all get behind Biden and get this country back on track.

I'm sure an open border, free shit for wetbacks, higher taxes, higher fuel costs, decriminalization and the messages "HATE WHITEY" and "BLACKS ARE BITCHIN" will improve things big time.
We do better when democrats are in charge. Everything was turning to shit after Bush's two terms. Obama took over and we had an improving economy for eight years. Then in comes Trump and in less than four years everything really really....really turning to shit again. Republicans can't seem to do get it right. This has been happening for decades. The last decent republican was Ike. Let's all get behind Biden and get this country back on track.
Wait...let me get this straight.

Bush ruined the economy due to a bubble burst in 2007. You know, like the Dot Com bubble that burst right before Clinton left office. That wasnt Clintons fault, that was the Americans Peoples fault. Bush takes the economy in the right direction and we had great comeback for 6 of his 8 years despite 9/11, but that wasn't Bush's accomplishment, that was the American People. The housing bubble burst in 2007 and Obama made a comeback for us which makes him a star because it wasnt the American People, it was Obama. Trump takes over and the economy surges. But that was not Trump, that was the American People. Then COVID hits and the economy tanks, but that was not COVID, that was Trumps fault. Then the economy experiences a surge but that was not Trump, that was the American People.

NOW I get it.

Guess whatever happens from here will be....if its bad, Its Trump's fault....of its good. Its a Biden accomplishment.

Ahhh.... I see.
,,,and not just cuz of black people.

Can you imagine Trump saying this.
Biden leaked zoom call released.

I'll bet no PROGS have chimed in, am I right? Pick one, PROGS are:
1. Cowards
2. Accept their roles as deviants
3. Both
Notice however in the Zoom call you'll see the little sniveling race-hustling POS Al Sharpton.

Once again this fucking piece of shit will have access to the WH. Makes me fucking sick. Goddamn mother fucking Dimocrats!!!

Yes, it was disgraceful that President Obama frequently invited the Rev. Mr. Sharpton to the White House.

Maybe it was such sickening events that helped Donald J. Trump narrowly win in 2016?

Hopefully, President Biden will have the guts to keep such characters at arm's length.
Notice however in the Zoom call you'll see the little sniveling race-hustling POS Al Sharpton.

Once again this fucking piece of shit will have access to the WH. Makes me fucking sick. Goddamn mother fucking Dimocrats!!!

Yes, it was disgraceful that President Obama frequently invited the Rev. Mr. Sharpton to the White House.

Maybe it was such sickening events that helped Donald J. Trump narrowly win in 2016?

Hopefully, President Biden will have the guts to keep such characters at arm's length.
Don't bet on that.


We do better when democrats are in charge. Everything was turning to shit after Bush's two terms. Obama took over and we had an improving economy for eight years. Then in comes Trump and in less than four years everything really really....really turning to shit again. Republicans can't seem to do get it right. This has been happening for decades. The last decent republican was Ike. Let's all get behind Biden and get this country back on track.
Wait...let me get this straight.

Bush ruined the economy due to a bubble burst in 2007. You know, like the Dot Com bubble that burst right before Clinton left office. That wasnt Clintons fault, that was the Americans Peoples fault. Bush takes the economy in the right direction and we had great comeback for 6 of his 8 years despite 9/11, but that wasn't Bush's accomplishment, that was the American People. The housing bubble burst in 2007 and Obama made a comeback for us which makes him a star because it wasnt the American People, it was Obama. Trump takes over and the economy surges. But that was not Trump, that was the American People. Then COVID hits and the economy tanks, but that was not COVID, that was Trumps fault. Then the economy experiences a surge but that was not Trump, that was the American People.

NOW I get it.

Guess whatever happens from here will be....if its bad, Its Trump's fault....of its good. Its a Biden accomplishment.

Ahhh.... I see.
When Biden takes office I can see the end of nation at hand.
His gaffes are his gaffes. It comes with the territory. Bush couldn't pronounce Nuclear.

However, Bidens lies are a different story. He claimed his son made no money off his foreign dealings...

Yet....Logic.....Made no money? But he was doing it anyway?

Made no money yet his son is being investigated for possible tax fraud for the money he never made?

Does anyone not see the issue here?
What Biden's son did. Big deal. What Trump has done screwing up Obama's economy and having hundreds of thousands dead since he did nothing to control the pandemic is what we should focus on. Too bad he can't be tried for mass murder after his laughable four years in office.

Fuck you're dumb
We do better when democrats are in charge. Everything was turning to shit after Bush's two terms. Obama took over and we had an improving economy for eight years. Then in comes Trump and in less than four years everything really really....really turning to shit again. Republicans can't seem to do get it right. This has been happening for decades. The last decent republican was Ike. Let's all get behind Biden and get this country back on track.
Wait...let me get this straight.

Bush ruined the economy due to a bubble burst in 2007. You know, like the Dot Com bubble that burst right before Clinton left office. That wasnt Clintons fault, that was the Americans Peoples fault. Bush takes the economy in the right direction and we had great comeback for 6 of his 8 years despite 9/11, but that wasn't Bush's accomplishment, that was the American People. The housing bubble burst in 2007 and Obama made a comeback for us which makes him a star because it wasnt the American People, it was Obama. Trump takes over and the economy surges. But that was not Trump, that was the American People. Then COVID hits and the economy tanks, but that was not COVID, that was Trumps fault. Then the economy experiences a surge but that was not Trump, that was the American People.

NOW I get it.

Guess whatever happens from here will be....if its bad, Its Trump's fault....of its good. Its a Biden accomplishment.

Ahhh.... I see.
When Biden takes office I can see the end of nation at hand.
Im 63 years old. When things turn, I will be dead and have worms crawling through my eyes. Call me selfish. I really don't care. I did my part. I have saved 100's of lives as a lifeguard, I have saved dozens of lives as a caring citizen, I have employed hundreds over the years, I have supported a family with children that are now self supporting. I have never applied for unemployment even when I was unemployed. I have never blamed anyone for my mistakes. I actually had to fight FEMA when they insisted on giving me money because I did not have flood insurance after Sandy. Thats a funny story....but I refused the money so they assumed i had something to hid....maybe pot growing in my walls and they had agents come to inspect my walls and closets. They were clean.
I am going to heaven. I earned it.

What happens from here politically is not my concern. I really dont give a fuck anymore.

Enough said on THAT topic.
We do better when democrats are in charge. Everything was turning to shit after Bush's two terms. Obama took over and we had an improving economy for eight years. Then in comes Trump and in less than four years everything really really....really turning to shit again. Republicans can't seem to do get it right. This has been happening for decades. The last decent republican was Ike. Let's all get behind Biden and get this country back on track.

Interesting... my personal experience has been the exact opposite. I’ve done much better in the last 4 years than at any time under the Obama regime. From whst I’ve seen of Biden’s plans, I don’t believe that’s going to continue.
We do better when democrats are in charge. Everything was turning to shit after Bush's two terms. Obama took over and we had an improving economy for eight years. Then in comes Trump and in less than four years everything really really....really turning to shit again. Republicans can't seem to do get it right. This has been happening for decades. The last decent republican was Ike. Let's all get behind Biden and get this country back on track.
Are you on crack, Jason? Obama gave us the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression! A recovery that would have been even worse if the GOP hadn't taken back control of Congress in Barry's first mid term election! Jobs were created in the US "despite" Obama not because of him. He's the one who gave us "shovel ready" jobs and then had to sheepishly admit they never happened! He's the one that told us manufacturing jobs were gone and were never coming back! He's the one who was against fracking and Big Oil but took credit for the economic boom created by fracking!

Trump had given us one of the best economies this country had ever seen before Covid 19 shut the world down! Historically low levels of unemployment. Millions coming off of Food Stamps. Manufacturing jobs coming back to the US!
We do better when democrats are in charge. Everything was turning to shit after Bush's two terms. Obama took over and we had an improving economy for eight years. Then in comes Trump and in less than four years everything really really....really turning to shit again. Republicans can't seem to do get it right. This has been happening for decades. The last decent republican was Ike. Let's all get behind Biden and get this country back on track.

Why do you lie?
We do better when democrats are in charge. Everything was turning to shit after Bush's two terms. Obama took over and we had an improving economy for eight years. Then in comes Trump and in less than four years everything really really....really turning to shit again. Republicans can't seem to do get it right. This has been happening for decades. The last decent republican was Ike. Let's all get behind Biden and get this country back on track.
Wait...let me get this straight.

Bush ruined the economy due to a bubble burst in 2007. You know, like the Dot Com bubble that burst right before Clinton left office. That wasnt Clintons fault, that was the Americans Peoples fault. Bush takes the economy in the right direction and we had great comeback for 6 of his 8 years despite 9/11, but that wasn't Bush's accomplishment, that was the American People. The housing bubble burst in 2007 and Obama made a comeback for us which makes him a star because it wasnt the American People, it was Obama. Trump takes over and the economy surges. But that was not Trump, that was the American People. Then COVID hits and the economy tanks, but that was not COVID, that was Trumps fault. Then the economy experiences a surge but that was not Trump, that was the American People.

NOW I get it.

Guess whatever happens from here will be....if its bad, Its Trump's fault....of its good. Its a Biden accomplishment.

Ahhh.... I see.
When Biden takes office I can see the end of nation at hand.
Im 63 years old. When things turn, I will be dead and have worms crawling through my eyes. Call me selfish. I really don't care. I did my part. I have saved 100's of lives as a lifeguard, I have saved dozens of lives as a caring citizen, I have employed hundreds over the years, I have supported a family with children that are now self supporting. I have never applied for unemployment even when I was unemployed. I have never blamed anyone for my mistakes. I actually had to fight FEMA when they insisted on giving me money because I did not have flood insurance after Sandy. Thats a funny story....but I refused the money so they assumed i had something to hid....maybe pot growing in my walls and they had agents come to inspect my walls and closets. They were clean.
I am going to heaven. I earned it.

What happens from here politically is not my concern. I really dont give a fuck anymore.

Enough said on THAT topic.
Me either, but it’s going to be hilarious watching Joe make gaffe after gaffe. We need to laugh or else we will cry.

Pay no attention to Biden, your country isn't doomed. But be assured that it needs an entire attitude adjustment. Until Trump is turfed out of your big White House there's no point in trying though. Be patient!
We do better when democrats are in charge. Everything was turning to shit after Bush's two terms. Obama took over and we had an improving economy for eight years. Then in comes Trump and in less than four years everything really really....really turning to shit again. Republicans can't seem to do get it right. This has been happening for decades. The last decent republican was Ike. Let's all get behind Biden and get this country back on track.
Wait...let me get this straight.

Bush ruined the economy due to a bubble burst in 2007. You know, like the Dot Com bubble that burst right before Clinton left office. That wasnt Clintons fault, that was the Americans Peoples fault. Bush takes the economy in the right direction and we had great comeback for 6 of his 8 years despite 9/11, but that wasn't Bush's accomplishment, that was the American People. The housing bubble burst in 2007 and Obama made a comeback for us which makes him a star because it wasnt the American People, it was Obama. Trump takes over and the economy surges. But that was not Trump, that was the American People. Then COVID hits and the economy tanks, but that was not COVID, that was Trumps fault. Then the economy experiences a surge but that was not Trump, that was the American People.

NOW I get it.

Guess whatever happens from here will be....if its bad, Its Trump's fault....of its good. Its a Biden accomplishment.

Ahhh.... I see.
When Biden takes office I can see the end of nation at hand.
Im 63 years old. When things turn, I will be dead and have worms crawling through my eyes. Call me selfish. I really don't care. I did my part. I have saved 100's of lives as a lifeguard, I have saved dozens of lives as a caring citizen, I have employed hundreds over the years, I have supported a family with children that are now self supporting. I have never applied for unemployment even when I was unemployed. I have never blamed anyone for my mistakes. I actually had to fight FEMA when they insisted on giving me money because I did not have flood insurance after Sandy. Thats a funny story....but I refused the money so they assumed i had something to hid....maybe pot growing in my walls and they had agents come to inspect my walls and closets. They were clean.
I am going to heaven. I earned it.

What happens from here politically is not my concern. I really dont give a fuck anymore.

Enough said on THAT topic.
Me either, but it’s going to be hilarious watching Joe make gaffe after gaffe. We need to laugh or else we will cry.

Drink the light beer but maybe give up the bleach. Airports at Valley Forge, KC Chiefs play in Kansas, The NK nuclear threat is over, etc. Why in the hell would you bring up the word gaffe? :auiqs.jpg:
Notice however in the Zoom call you'll see the little sniveling race-hustling POS Al Sharpton.

Once again this fucking piece of shit will have access to the WH. Makes me fucking sick. Goddamn mother fucking Dimocrats!!!

Yes, it was disgraceful that President Obama frequently invited the Rev. Mr. Sharpton to the White House.

Maybe it was such sickening events that helped Donald J. Trump narrowly win in 2016?

Hopefully, President Biden will have the guts to keep such characters at arm's length.
His VP is Harris.

Seems he doesnt have the guts to keep such characters at arms length
We do better when democrats are in charge. Everything was turning to shit after Bush's two terms. Obama took over and we had an improving economy for eight years. Then in comes Trump and in less than four years everything really really....really turning to shit again. Republicans can't seem to do get it right. This has been happening for decades. The last decent republican was Ike. Let's all get behind Biden and get this country back on track.
Are you on crack, Jason? Obama gave us the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression! A recovery that would have been even worse if the GOP hadn't taken back control of Congress in Barry's first mid term election! Jobs were created in the US "despite" Obama not because of him. He's the one who gave us "shovel ready" jobs and then had to sheepishly admit they never happened! He's the one that told us manufacturing jobs were gone and were never coming back! He's the one who was against fracking and Big Oil but took credit for the economic boom created by fracking!

Trump had given us one of the best economies this country had ever seen before Covid 19 shut the world down! Historically low levels of unemployment. Millions coming off of Food Stamps. Manufacturing jobs coming back to the US!
But....but....but.....what about Ferguson? That was Trumps doing. And what about "good people on both sides"...that was his dog whistle. And what about the CHina travel ban? That was obviously xenophobia.. And what about Jerusalem? It was quite obvious he did it so Jews will be killed, that anti-semite he is.
Liar liar pants on fire!
Well, now we have Biden. He will fix it all.

Sure he will.

Be careful what you wish for.

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