Joe Biden to Declare War on Republican Party Prime Time Thursday

Sweetie, my reading comprehension is just fine. Saul Alinsky has been dead since 1972. You see boogeymen...everywhere.
Karl Marx has been dead even longer. Same as Lenin.

On other side of the coin, USA Founding Fathers whom wrote the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution have also been dead a long time now.

Key is that their ideas, philosophies, documents still exist and have a play and impact.
A presidential address to the nation is for the announcement of military action or a national emergency.

If he doesn't announce that, then the networks should be sued for giving him free air time for campaigning purposes!
Maybe you should cry some more.
Don't count on that.

Treasonous, seditionist, Leftist, 'Democrats' still have nearly two and half years to 'Beat Back America' on it's path to glorious Socialist Liberation.

Thank you for the lying propaganda Komrade.:rolleyes:
Damn, 4chan lost another post for the bois.

So sad.

Gas is $3.40 and dropping. By Election Day Uncle Joe will have it down to 99 cents.
By covering the other three dollars of the real price via more Guv'mint Deficit and Debt, along with more printed money now worth only a quarter of today's value (purchase power).
No. That's EXACTLY what right (white) wingers in this country think. That their country is turning dark and different on them and one day, they'll wake up and be a minority in their own country. Their power gone.
The theme of, "my America is disappearing" runs through the beliefs of many of them. So they're aggrieved. And angry. Which makes them prone to suggesting and partaking in violence (see won't-come-out-of-the-closet Lindsey Graham this week).
My local Republican party has Blacks, Asians, and Hispanics as part of it's membership.
Thanks for your Jim Crow revival views.
Are we not a Constitutional Democracy.
There should be a "?" at the end of that, not a period.
But it's common that Leftists and Democrats flunked through their schooling, passed on participation exemption.

It's a Republic, Sherlock.
Or is that Komrade Otto?

We pledge allegiance to the Republic for which it stands ...
... those of us whom are patriots and and support the Constitution.

The common belief — which is grossly incorrect — is that the American form of government is a democracy.

Our founders were clear that democracy is the worst form of government.

A more correct — albeit simplistic — answer is that we are a republic.

A more sophisticated answer is that we are a constitutional republic.

The most thorough answer comes from the Federalist Papers.
Invest ten minutes and learn what you didn't in 12+ years of K-12;

The American Form Of Government - YouTube

What is America's true form of government? Is the United States a Democracy or a Republic, what is the difference and why does it matter?

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