Joe Biden to Declare War on Republican Party Prime Time Thursday

That kinda went out the window after his opponent failed to play nice in the sandbox after he lost his re-election bid and then riled his supporters up to overthrow the government on 1/6/2021.

Fuck uniting. It isn't possible in the current political climate.
I'm not interested in reaching across the aisle to rabid election deniers and believers in conspiracy theories. :)
"Fuck uniting. I'm not interested in reaching across the aisle." :blahblah:

We know that about you and your fellow socialists who are following Hillary Rodham's sociocommunist Alinsky Method rattling around. Yes, that's rattling as in what a snake does.


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They do to those affected. Safety is paramount where people live on top of each other. A percentage of people have left cities. A percentage of businesses have left cities. They helped to pay for social programs, and they provided services and products to people who cannot travel for them.
Endlessly vague. Nothing to really to discuss.
"Fuck uniting. I'm not interested in reaching across the aisle." :blahblah:

We know that about you and your fellow socialists who are following Hillary Rodham's sociocommunist Alinsky Method rattling around. Yes, that's rattling as in what a snake does.
More endless symbolism, empty words, empty evidence, empty everything.
"Fuck uniting. I'm not interested in reaching across the aisle." :blahblah:

We know that about you and your fellow socialists who are following Hillary Rodham's sociocommunist Alinsky Method rattling around. Yes, that's rattling as in what a snake does.
Then stop bitching about the Democratic Party getting shit done while you worry your white boi ass off.

Boi up loser.
Endlessly vague. Nothing to really to discuss.
Yet it is the truth. The free money that Biden has given the cities will end at some point if they are living off of it. Inflation is increasing the taxes charged on the peasants while the inflation itself is also a tax.
Yet it is the truth. The free money that Biden has given the cities will end at some point if they are living off of it. Inflation is increasing the taxes charged on the peasants while the inflation itself is also a tax.
More endless, ignorant, lacking in knowledge conspiracy theories, nonsense pulled from conspiracy theory sources.
Gas prices are down, inflation is easing, Trump is getting indicted. the GOP is fleeing from Trump, Biden's approval has shot up among young people, Corporations are announcing multi-billion dollar factory builds - Joe Biden may be the best president in history!
This Thursday Joe Biden will DESTROY the Republican Party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So you're postponing his little trip to the New York Nursing Care facility? Oh, wait. They haven't finished cleaning up after the Covid deaths the NY Gov. caused because he hated Donald Trump, who sent a hospital ship to New York City waters that would have saved thousands of american lives if the arrogant know-it-alls sent hundreds of senior citizens in NY nursing homes to their certain death when they installed Covid patients in all of them. Arrogance killed those people, and your dependence on Joe to Destroy Republicans will come back to bite you directly in the butt. Your party causes you to be an arrogant idiot. Nobody made you be an arrogant idiot except yourself. Get a life, Synth. You got nothin' any civil person would want.
Gas prices are down, inflation is easing, Trump is getting indicted. the GOP is fleeing from Trump, Biden's approval has shot up among young people, Corporations are announcing multi-billion dollar factory builds - Joe Biden may be the best president in history!
Math issues you? Gas prices all over the place are still twice what they were on President Trump's watch. It was a $buck seventy-five his last day in office due to his hard work. Biden's best price lately is twice that, $3.50. Dur-r-r-r-r!
A presidential address to the nation is for the announcement of military action or a national emergency.

If he doesn't announce that, then the networks should be sued for giving him free air time for campaigning purposes!
"Fuck uniting. I'm not interested in reaching across the aisle." :blahblah:

We know that about you and your fellow socialists who are following Hillary Rodham's sociocommunist Alinsky Method rattling around. Yes, that's rattling as in what a snake does.
Got anything that doesn't involve long dead activists? This is like constantly bringing up Soros. You right wingers sure have a lot of boogeymen.
Yet it is the truth. The free money that Biden has given the cities will end at some point if they are living off of it. Inflation is increasing the taxes charged on the peasants while the inflation itself is also a tax.
What free money?

Also inflation has peaked.
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Got anything that doesn't involve long dead activists? This is like constantly bringing up Soros. You right wingers sure have a lot of boogeymen.
What long dead activists? My post that you "quoted" mentioned nothing of the sort. You might consider a refresher course in reading comprehension. Junior colleges usually have such a class. Take it and stop inventing any red herring excuse. :rolleyes-41:
This is how you steal election folks.
Joe Biden plans to address the nation Thursday warning anyone who will listen that "Democracy" is under attack in the U.S. by sinister forces aka the "MAGA opposition

Appearance subject to Xiden's remembering to attend.
We can prevent it through the power of prayer:

Pray he runs out of Depends and that there is a sudden shortage of his pantiesl
Math issues you? Gas prices all over the place are still twice what they were on President Trump's watch. It was a $buck seventy-five his last day in office due to his hard work. Biden's best price lately is twice that, $3.50. Dur-r-r-r-r!
Damn, can we please go back to pandemic lockdowns to get the price of gas down!!!!!

Appearance subject to Xiden's remembering to attend.
We can prevent it through the power of prayer:

Pray he runs out of Depends and that there is a sudden shortage of his pantiesl
Awwwww, another white boi without a binky.
What long dead activists? My post that you "quoted" mentioned nothing of the sort. You might consider a refresher course in reading comprehension. Junior colleges usually have such a class. Take it and stop inventing any red herring excuse. :rolleyes-41:
Sweetie, my reading comprehension is just fine. Saul Alinsky has been dead since 1972. You see boogeymen...everywhere.
What free money?

Also we inflation has peaked.
Don't count on that.

Treasonous, seditionist, Leftist, 'Democrats' still have nearly two and half years to 'Beat Back America' on it's path to glorious Socialist Liberation.

Thank you for the lying propaganda Komrade.:rolleyes:
So you're postponing his little trip to the New York Nursing Care facility? Oh, wait. They haven't finished cleaning up after the Covid deaths the NY Gov. caused because he hated Donald Trump, who sent a hospital ship to New York City waters that would have saved thousands of american lives if the arrogant know-it-alls sent hundreds of senior citizens in NY nursing homes to their certain death when they installed Covid patients in all of them. Arrogance killed those people, and your dependence on Joe to Destroy Republicans will come back to bite you directly in the butt. Your party causes you to be an arrogant idiot. Nobody made you be an arrogant idiot except yourself. Get a life, Synth. You got nothin' any civil person would want.
Math issues you? Gas prices all over the place are still twice what they were on President Trump's watch. It was a $buck seventy-five his last day in office due to his hard work. Biden's best price lately is twice that, $3.50. Dur-r-r-r-r!
Gas is $3.40 and dropping. By Election Day Uncle Joe will have it down to 99 cents.

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