Joe Biden to Declare War on Republican Party Prime Time Thursday

And the evidence that the Election was "stolen" from rightful winner SHillary by "the Russians" is ???
I'm not alleging the election was stolen from Clinton. I'm saying Trump had help in securing the presidency. And his campaign actively went looking for that help. :).:auiqs.jpg:

I mean, even Bannon (long before he went full off the deep end) knew they stepped in a pile of manure. :)
This is how you steal election folks.
Joe Biden plans to address the nation Thursday warning anyone who will listen that "Democracy" is under attack in the U.S. by sinister forces aka the "MAGA opposition

Unpaid political advertisement.
I'm not alleging the election was stolen from Clinton. I'm saying Trump had help in securing the presidency. And his campaign actively went looking for that help. :).:auiqs.jpg:

I mean, even Bannon (long before he went full off the deep end) knew they stepped in a pile of manure. :)
It's common ploy and tactics for both sides to seek "mud" on their opponents.
'Steele Dosier' the Dem/SHIllary counterpart.

What matters is if any ballots where altered or fakes, and counting of such changed.
If not, than no real effect on the election that is material.
It's common ploy and tactics for both sides to seek "mud" on their opponents.
'Steele Dosier' the Dem/SHIllary counterpart.

What matters is if any ballots where altered or fakes, and counting of such changed.
If not, than no real effect on the election that is material.
The Steele Dossier began as opposition research....on Trump by a Republican operative. Clinton didn't take it up until later. Funny, wonder why she never used any of the info in it? Seems if you are going to pay the dudes to continue the research you would at least use it. :auiqs.jpg:

There was no widespread fraud. In either 2016 or 2020. But Trump did get assistance from the Russians. Our intelligence agencies said they tried interfering. Did the Russians alter ballots or stuff the boxes with fakes?? No. Just like super secret undocumented operatives didn't stuff ballot boxes with millions of votes for Biden in 2020.

Gun bill passed by into Law

Infrastructure bill passed into law.

Chips and science bill passed into law.

Build Back Better bill passed into law.

Veterans Burn Put HC bill passed into law.

Student debt relief done.

Just this summer.

All of which are more oppressive, usurp more freedoms, and opposite what they claim to be.
Plus added huge un-needed debt to the nation and burden to the taxpayers.
Like nearly everything the Democrats do, these are just pigs with lipstick on.

The clue you miss Komrade Otto, is that many in this nation do not consider moving closer to communism through socialism a positive direction for the nation.
We don't enjoy.
Beginning this Novemebr we will seek to undo these crimes.
I’m still waiting for Biden to fulfill his campaign promise and lower the tone of our political rhetoric and start this process of uniting America.
I'm not alleging the election was stolen from Clinton. I'm saying Trump had help in securing the presidency. And his campaign actively went looking for that help. :).:auiqs.jpg:

I mean, even Bannon (long before he went full off the deep end) knew they stepped in a pile of manure. :)
You guys just can’t give it up.
It's an admission by the Reich that they know the assault on Mar-a-Lago backfired.

Quid Pro is going full Hitler to try and rally hatred.
Biden is kicking ass & taking names later. Which should have been done long ago exposing you MAGAAsseating Trumptards who still defend that piece of shit after all he's done.

Free shit sandwiches for you Agent Orange ass kissers are coming up.
How did Trump orchestrate lockdowns at the state level ?
He didn't. That's one of those powers reserved to the States as provided in the Constitution. That "owners manual" most Leftist and Democrats don't know.

FWIW, early on Trump placed retrictions on international travel to and from the USA, especially from/to China, and was labeled "reactionary" and "over reacting" (when "not abusing his powers") by the libturds (Left and Democrats).

Considering CPP-PRCHina had clues about Oct.-Nov 2019 they may have a serious and contagious disease that could get loose and spread, than piled on the in/out travel from around the world for the Chinese New Year's 2020 events in January 2020, one could say this is all China's fault for not containing and perhaps intentionally spreading COVID.
Chinese New Year date is 25 January 2020, next year starts at 12 February 2021.

Chinese year 2020

Chinese New Year - Wikipedia

Trump also was accused of being too harsh on PRChina and the CCP during 2020 by you guessed; commie loving and "aiding and abetting" Leftist and Democrats.

The same stupid, ignorant, hypocritical turds whom blame all of COVID on Trump.
The more the Libturds and Dimbocrats have power and control of laws and policies, the more the USA will slip back to worse than before 1775.
These prime time events have always been about uniting the country around a COMMON enemy. Democrats only see themselves. Anything in opposition to themselves must be destroyed. But this too will backfire
Democrats must be held accountable for their arsonous sedition.
Gas is $3.40 and dropping. By Election Day Uncle Joe will have it down to 99 cents.
Mind games and Joe stirring your thinking? (cough, cough, cough, cough) Shuuuuuuurrrrrre!
More endless symbolism, empty words, empty evidence, empty everything.​
You call this empty:


1. Healthcare: “Control Healthcare and you control the People”​
2 Poverty: Increase the Poverty level as high as possible.” Poor People are easier to control and will not fight back if the​
government is providing everything for them to live.​
3. Debt: Increase the National Debt to an unsustainable level.” That way you are able to increase Taxes, and this will​
produce more Poverty.​
4. Gun Control: Remove the ability to defend themselves from the Government. That way you are able to create a​
Police State – total local control.​
5. Welfare: Take control of every aspect of their lives (Food, Livestock, Housing, and Income).​
6. Education: Take control of what People read & listen to; take control of what Children learn in School.​
7. Religion: Remove faith in God from the Government and Schools.​
8. Class Warfare: Divide the People into the Wealthy against the Poor. Racially divide. This will cause more discontent​
and it will be easier to Tax the Wealthy with full support ofthe voting Poor.​

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