Joe Biden to Declare War on Republican Party Prime Time Thursday

You can kiss my ass. You ain't the only one tired of shit, buddy. No one wants your indulgence or stroking of a damn thing, unless it's your fellow leftists do.

Take your sanctimonious and condescending bullshit down the road.
No. That's EXACTLY what right (white) wingers in this country think. That their country is turning dark and different on them and one day, they'll wake up and be a minority in their own country. Their power gone.
The theme of, "my America is disappearing" runs through the beliefs of many of them. So they're aggrieved. And angry. Which makes them prone to suggesting and partaking in violence (see won't-come-out-of-the-closet Lindsey Graham this week).
I say the Republicans aren't going to get anything near the "Red Wave" they were expecting.
Thank you.

You are probably right on that. The "red wave" will probably be a "red ripple".
Current 536 projections has it 226 R to 209 D, still more that the (221-214) dem majority now, but not a 70 seat "red-wave" wipe-out.
Giving brainwashed functional semi fascists a little hope. This is absolutely disgusting anti American garbage, everything about the stolen election is pure treason....
:itsok:I know you're scared, but soon you'll be able to leave your cult
What bet did you win? And when?
LOL! YOU set the bet as membership on this USMB.
I saw that you set the wager on the "November primaries", which is an automatic loss, since the primaries are now and November is the actual ELECTION.
You're better off just letting this wager thing drop.
That kinda went out the window after his opponent failed to play nice in the sandbox after he lost his re-election bid and then riled his supporters up to overthrow the government on 1/6/2021.

Fuck uniting. It isn't possible in the current political climate.
I'm not interested in reaching across the aisle to rabid election deniers and believers in conspiracy theories. :)
"Russian Collusion!"

How quickly you Leftist Democrats forget your four+ year effort to overturn the 2016 election.
Frosting the cake with Summer of Love sedition and riots in several cities claiming the have autonomous status regards the laws of this nation. Aided and abetted by Democrat serving mayors and governors.
This is how you steal election folks.
Joe Biden plans to address the nation Thursday warning anyone who will listen that "Democracy" is under attack in the U.S. by sinister forces aka the "MAGA opposition

And after J6 he would be correct.

Ball is in your court to support Democracy….

Can the QOP do it?
This is how you steal election folks.
Joe Biden plans to address the nation Thursday warning anyone who will listen that "Democracy" is under attack in the U.S. by sinister forces aka the "MAGA opposition

Brandon's priors;
Biden is an idiot and a puppet, but a useful tool. SHillary beat him to the inaccurate label game by calling Trump supporters (goose-stepping non-Democrats) "deplorables.

She was supposed to continue the oligarchial line of eliteists started with her husband, Bill, and continued by Barry Obamay.

Speaking of, it was Obama whom pressed the agenda of rewriting the Constitution, following the fascist and Leftist Democrat agenda of treating it as a "livable"=changable/malabul document.

Biden, is the puppet tool of the Left Wing fascists whom;
1) Allow illegal immigration across our Southern border.
2) Seek to disarm the citizens with a reprssive 'gun control' agenda and attack on the Second Amendment.
3) Are bankrupting our currency and Nation's economy with deepening Deficit and growing debt. One way of many is the illegal cancel of student loan debts.

Could put more on the list but will leave something for other posters to do.
Brandon's priors;
Biden is an idiot and a puppet, but a useful tool. SHillary beat him to the inaccurate label game by calling Trump supporters (goose-stepping non-Democrats) "deplorables.

She was supposed to continue the oligarchial line of eliteists started with her husband, Bill, and continued by Barry Obamay.

Speaking of, it was Obama whom pressed the agenda of rewriting the Constitution, following the fascist and Leftist Democrat agenda of treating it as a "livable"=changable/malabul document.

Biden, is the puppet tool of the Left Wing fascists whom;
1) Allow illegal immigration across our Southern border.
2) Seek to disarm the citizens with a reprssive 'gun control' agenda and attack on the Second Amendment.
3) Are bankrupting our currency and Nation's economy with deepening Deficit and growing debt. One way of many is the illegal cancel of student loan debts.

Could put more on the list but will leave something for other posters to do.

Gun bill passed by into Law

Infrastructure bill passed into law.

Chips and science bill passed into law.

Build Back Better bill passed into law.

Veterans Burn Put HC bill passed into law.

Student debt relief done.

Just this summer.

"Russian Collusion!"

How quickly you Leftist Democrats forget your four+ year effort to overturn the 2016 election.
Frosting the cake with Summer of Love sedition and riots in several cities claiming the have autonomous status regards the laws of this nation. Aided and abetted by Democrat serving mayors and governors.
Trump Tower Meeting. Jesus, I don't know why you continue to just gloss over the fact that the Trump campaign tried to lay their hands on stolen emails. I mean Trump even said, "Russia, I hope you find those emails" on the campaign trail. I mean, it's all right there on tape. :) Comey even fails to mention that Trump's campaign is under investigation for ties to Russia while he sinks Hillary Clinton's campaign over emails..they already had. You should be grateful.

After the 2016 election, I don't remember endless lawsuits, endless requests for recounts and audits (except the ones that Jill Stein asked for), an invasion (insurrection) at the Capitol. I remember Hillary conceded and Obama ensured Trump a peaceful transition of power. After that, Trump's presidency turned out to be the abortion most of us knew it would be. The man wasn't fit to hold office. ^Shrug^. We did tell you. :)
What an endless amount of wasted words. They mean absolutely nothing.
They do to those affected. Safety is paramount where people live on top of each other. A percentage of people have left cities. A percentage of businesses have left cities. They helped to pay for social programs, and they provided services and products to people who cannot travel for them.

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