joe biden voters show up in suburbs with guillotine, shouting at homeowners. This is why we have the 2nd Amendment.

Joe biden voters in black lives matter and antifa are moving their violence, racism and hate out to the suburbs...but notice...they aren't entering homes and dragging people out for violent attack....why? Because they know that millions of Americans own guns....and will shoot them if they try it...

This is why we have the 2nd Amendment....if the joe biden voters knew for sure those people couldn't shoot them...they would have dragged people out of their homes by now...

Violent rioters attacked police in Portland on Saturday after marching through a suburb area carrying a guillotine and other weapons.

The Portland Police Department said that a group of 250 people participated in the march throughout the suburb area on their way to the Penumbra Kelly Building, which houses public safety offices.

Videographer BG On the Scene recorded numerous videos of the night’s action, noting in one video that “protesters have brought out a guillotine to the streets.” Another video showed the rioters burning American flags and a teddy bear.

Any western nation wishes to be free shall put the US Second Amendment in Constitution.
With a gun control act from 1934 which violates the 2nd Amendment.

After Covid-10 hoax and trial of Corona criminals all western nations shall change constitutions and put the free posession of guns as the number three article
Since when did a guillotine become a weapon?

Ah...I remember when the protestors merely marched with nooses and "hang Obama" effigies...the good old days I guess.

You mean the democrat party members who infiltrated Republican rallies for CNN cameras...?

You guys still have to show us the violent Tea Party members and Trump supporters.......

Meanwhile, for the last 4 months joe biden supporters have actually been burning, looting, beating and murdering Americans in democrat party controlled cities...

You dumb ass......

Get back to us when Trump supporters do anything like that......
Lol! It's a CONSPIRACY!!!!

You kids have had your brains washed so much they're ready for pressing. With starch of course.
Damn where are the marines?
They do not need the US Marines, but that Governor has multiple Combat Arms units, with support battalions at his disposal. Those dumb ass voters need to recall the SOB for dereliction of duty and reclaim their streets with the state's National Guard units. Just my opinion, as I really do not care if those people help themselves or not. I think the protesters have had their protest and nothing is left of it, but lawless destruction.
Since when did a guillotine become a weapon?
Since way before Left Wing Socialist Benito Mussolini was spewing his left wing fascist propaganda at his Marxist newspaper "Worker's Struggle".
Glad we could educated you, uneducated Blackshirter Fascistocrat! BAHAHAAAA
Joe biden voters in black lives matter and antifa are moving their violence, racism and hate out to the suburbs...but notice...they aren't entering homes and dragging people out for violent attack....why? Because they know that millions of Americans own guns....and will shoot them if they try it...

This is why we have the 2nd Amendment....if the joe biden voters knew for sure those people couldn't shoot them...they would have dragged people out of their homes by now...

Violent rioters attacked police in Portland on Saturday after marching through a suburb area carrying a guillotine and other weapons.

The Portland Police Department said that a group of 250 people participated in the march throughout the suburb area on their way to the Penumbra Kelly Building, which houses public safety offices.

Videographer BG On the Scene recorded numerous videos of the night’s action, noting in one video that “protesters have brought out a guillotine to the streets.” Another video showed the rioters burning American flags and a teddy bear.

Any western nation wishes to be free shall put the US Second Amendment in Constitution.
With a gun control act from 1934 which violates the 2nd Amendment.

After Covid-10 hoax and trial of Corona criminals all western nations shall change constitutions and put the free posession of guns as the number three article
What is a "Corona criminal". You can't even hold trump criminally culpable for the handling of the pandemic. Also, why are you still pushing the "hoax" thing? Not enough dead people for you? You actually do not personally know people that have died on a ventilator from the disease? I wish I didn't.
Do you always look at the tesies of three year olds to see if they look like protestors ball sacks? These people are annoying yet the cops will do nothing to stop them.
Democrat-controlled cops. A big reason to vote Republican.
Ah,, so now cops are controlled, that's a new one.
When a Democrat mayor orders his/her city's police force to stand down and allow riots to proceed...yeah, they're controlled by Democrats.
Do you always look at the tesies of three year olds to see if they look like protestors ball sacks? These people are annoying yet the cops will do nothing to stop them.
Democrat-controlled cops. A big reason to vote Republican.
Ah,, so now cops are controlled, that's a new one.
When a Democrat mayor orders his/her city's police force to stand down and allow riots to proceed...yeah, they're controlled by Democrats.
They kill people in the line of duty because that is what the mayor says to do..
We fought many wars to prevent this very thing from happening in our country. I can't see us surrendering to poverty, destruction and chaos by electing Democrats. They have become pure evil. MAGA

That is the reason the democrat party is pushing mail in vote cheating...
Why do you accuse the President of cheating because he mails in his vote?
And you still don’t know the difference between mail in and absentee ballot? Lol low iq
Mail in is how one votes by absentee ballot. Now if you mean universal mail in voting only 5 states allow it. Hardly has it been proven that there is widespread fraud, in fact you haven't proven anything just reiterating the echo chamber of a false profit. Yet, voting my mail is not the topic. The crowd of protestors will go away when people stand up against them but if they are not doing anything illegal I doubt they can be stopped.
Ya still don’t know the difference lol you shouldn’t vote this year your to stupid lol
Do you always look at the tesies of three year olds to see if they look like protestors ball sacks? These people are annoying yet the cops will do nothing to stop them.
Democrat-controlled cops. A big reason to vote Republican.
Ah,, so now cops are controlled, that's a new one.
When a Democrat mayor orders his/her city's police force to stand down and allow riots to proceed...yeah, they're controlled by Democrats.
They kill people in the line of duty because that is what the mayor says to do..
Remember, kids, it's racist for police to uphold the law.
Damn where are the marines?
They do not need the US Marines, but that Governor has multiple Combat Arms units, with support battalions at his disposal. Those dumb ass voters need to recall the SOB for dereliction of duty and reclaim their streets with the state's National Guard units. Just my opinion, as I really do not care if those people help themselves or not. I think the protesters have had their protest and nothing is left of it, but lawless destruction.
Democrats are the enemy
We fought many wars to prevent this very thing from happening in our country. I can't see us surrendering to poverty, destruction and chaos by electing Democrats. They have become pure evil. MAGA

That is the reason the democrat party is pushing mail in vote cheating...
Why do you accuse the President of cheating because he mails in his vote?
And you still don’t know the difference between mail in and absentee ballot? Lol low iq
Mail in is how one votes by absentee ballot. Now if you mean universal mail in voting only 5 states allow it. Hardly has it been proven that there is widespread fraud, in fact you haven't proven anything just reiterating the echo chamber of a false profit. Yet, voting my mail is not the topic. The crowd of protestors will go away when people stand up against them but if they are not doing anything illegal I doubt they can be stopped.
False PROFIT!!..BAWWWHAHA. Are you dumb?
Ah,, so now cops are controlled, that's a new one.
Now ? HA HA HA. "New" maybe to an information-deprived, pitiful, airhead victim of liberal OMISSION media. Do liberals really not know about cops ordered to stand down in Democrat mayor cities ? Or is this more of their pretend aberration ?

Do you not know that cops have a BOSS ?You know the person who tells you what you can and can't do ? Duh!


We fought many wars to prevent this very thing from happening in our country. I can't see us surrendering to poverty, destruction and chaos by electing Democrats. They have become pure evil. MAGA

That is the reason the democrat party is pushing mail in vote cheating...
Why do you accuse the President of cheating because he mails in his vote?

Absentee votes need to be requested....they are not mass mailings that can be gathered by democrats from dead people, and in the post office where the democrat party union will simply throw out votes from Republican majority zip codes.......
Mail in is how one votes by absentee ballot. Now if you mean universal mail in voting only 5 states allow it. Hardly has it been proven that there is widespread fraud, in fact you haven't proven anything just reiterating the echo chamber of a false profit. Yet, voting my mail is not the topic. The crowd of protestors will go away when people stand up against them but if they are not doing anything illegal I doubt they can be stopped.
The word is "prophet", dum dum.
Absentee votes need to be requested....they are not mass mailings that can be gathered by democrats from dead people, and in the post office where the democrat party union will simply throw out votes from Republican majority zip codes.......
Nor are they mailings to illegal aliens, with the "Citizen" box already pre-checked.

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