joe biden voters show up in suburbs with guillotine, shouting at homeowners. This is why we have the 2nd Amendment.

Guillotine. Appropriate. We could see our version of the French Revolution before long, and the Trumpsters don't see it coming.

The information they're provided keeps it from them.
I don't see your lazy ass out in the street. You expect other people to do the heavy lifting, then you expect to be given a corner office and a seat on the Politburo.
I assume that weird comment makes some kind of sense in your mind.
Which boss tells them to kill a man in custody? BLM? Portland city, ANTIFA, the mayor, the sergeant on duty? Is a guillotine that is a prop and wouldn't cut an apple so threatening you have to make up diversion to not discuss the topic?
I discussed the topic that YOU were discussing when you said these weird words >> "Ah,, so now cops are controlled, that's a new one." Like there is a person on the planet who doesn't know that cops are controlled by mayors ?
For what it's worth, the “guillotine” can be clearly seen, in a picture accompanying the article, to be a nonfunctional prop. It's quite obvious in this picture, but I would certainly not assume that it would be obvious to a frightened occupant of a home, seeing an obviously-violent mob carrying it toward his home.

These cretins are very fortunately that some of the homeowners didn't start shooting at them. These cretins are fortunate, the rest of the community unfortunate. The community would be much safer,and much better off, if some of these cretins were dead, and those left alive given a stronger sense of likely adverse consequences for such behavior.

View attachment 378754
I see nothing of any substance to show that these lunatics might not have actually used that guillotine on somebody. I see no reason to conclude that the thing is just a prop.
This just goes to show you that these are not protests, they are riots.

Protests are against a government, or a body of officials that a group of people have a grievance against. Bringing chaos and disruption into where people live, who are they protesting against there?

There is no reason to protest in housing areas where ordinary people live. They are there solely to sow chaos and destruction. There is no other reason.
Damn where are the marines?

That is the beauty of the Right to keep and bear arms..........for most things, like joe biden voters, you don't need the marines.....which is why the joe biden voters want to ban and confiscate is hard to drag people out of their homes to the guillotine if they are shooting you in the face....
Normal people are laughing at these shit holes and their woke temper tantrum children.

We haven't even fought back yet. When we do, their sacks will look like a 3 yr old.
Do you always look at the tesies of three year olds to see if they look like protestors ball sacks? These people are annoying yet the cops will do nothing to stop them.
Yawn. No. I'm just visualizing you sackless wonders running away when bicycle chains come a yielding.

These people are annoying.......Yeah they are...............LOL

The cops aren't allowed to do anything Captain Moonbeam. What a crap post. But definitely a teaching moment for stupidity
We fought many wars to prevent this very thing from happening in our country. I can't see us surrendering to poverty, destruction and chaos by electing Democrats. They have become pure evil. MAGA

That is the reason the democrat party is pushing mail in vote cheating...
Why do you accuse the President of cheating because he mails in his vote?
And you still don’t know the difference between mail in and absentee ballot? Lol low iq
Mail in is how one votes by absentee ballot. Now if you mean universal mail in voting only 5 states allow it. Hardly has it been proven that there is widespread fraud, in fact you haven't proven anything just reiterating the echo chamber of a false profit. Yet, voting my mail is not the topic. The crowd of protestors will go away when people stand up against them but if they are not doing anything illegal I doubt they can be stopped.
What they are doing in neighborhoods is illegal. Its called disturbing the peace. I watched video of one riot going through a neighborhood screaming "wake the F up" or something like that.

If these people want to protest downtown, peacefully, in front of a government building, that's OK. Going into rural areas to riot is not.
Civil War is coming very soon and it'll be time to put down Communist scum Antifa and BLM:mad-61:

:Boom2:Antifa and BLM
It will be the shortest war in historical records. You see their army? A bunch of man bunned white pussies in the daytime which will be slaughtered like the dumb white sheeples they are.

The feral creatures after dark that are used to gorilla warfare will be slightly more challenging. They'll be target practice for the good shots at moving targets.
Since when did a guillotine become a weapon?

As usual he's added other tidbits and tried to pass them off as fact. Like the title of the thread.

But hey, that's just (name deleted cuz that's not what he goes by anymore), right?
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That's like asking me to prove that a German Shepard is a dog. Some things are obvious.
Democrats pretend a lot. They also like to use the word "prove". The way THEY use it. it's a bad habit. Stupid too,

Dem control is what causes problems?
Fact is, there's plenty of blame to go around BUT the economy, jobs, growth are always better under Dems.
Deal with it.
I see nothing of any substance to show that these lunatics might not have actually used that guillotine on somebody. I see no reason to conclude that the thing is just a prop.

The picture, I think, makes it clear that it's nonfunctional. The “blade” appears to just be nailed to the front of the frame, and not mounted in any tracks in which it can move.

Guillotine. Appropriate. We could see our version of the French Revolution before long, and the Trumpsters don't see it coming.

The information they're provided keeps it from them.
I don't see your lazy ass out in the street. You expect other people to do the heavy lifting, then you expect to be given a corner office and a seat on the Politburo.
I assume that weird comment makes some kind of sense in your mind.
Let me simplify it for you:

You're a chickenshit.
Guillotine. Appropriate. We could see our version of the French Revolution before long, and the Trumpsters don't see it coming.

The information they're provided keeps it from them.
I don't see your lazy ass out in the street. You expect other people to do the heavy lifting, then you expect to be given a corner office and a seat on the Politburo.
I assume that weird comment makes some kind of sense in your mind.
Let me simplify it for you:

You're a chickenshit.
Right on dude!

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