joe biden voters show up in suburbs with guillotine, shouting at homeowners. This is why we have the 2nd Amendment.

When a Democrat mayor orders his/her city's police force to stand down and allow riots to proceed...yeah, they're controlled by Democrats.
He knows that. Democrats play dumb, and then expect us to play their stupid game with them, distracting everyone away from the real issue. In doing so, they say the most idiotic things, and then stand their with a (contrived) straight face.
We fought many wars to prevent this very thing from happening in our country. I can't see us surrendering to poverty, destruction and chaos by electing Democrats. They have become pure evil. MAGA

That is the reason the democrat party is pushing mail in vote cheating...
Why do you accuse the President of cheating because he mails in his vote?

Absentee votes need to be requested....they are not mass mailings that can be gathered by democrats from dead people, and in the post office where the democrat party union will simply throw out votes from Republican majority zip codes.......
Universal voting by mail is mass voting or mail in voting without a reason in which they are not requested as I have said only 5 states allow mass mailing voting the rest you must have a valid reason to get one.
You are not the head of The Minority Report, you do not portend any future events you are merely speculating what yer fearless peter hashes out for you to reiterate because you can't reason and function on yer own. You like Trump feel the need to constantly tell people what to do and how to do it because of personality insecurities.
I will vote however I want to vote whether you or the peasant in the White House want me to do because I am a free man old enough to make my own decision. Neither you, Trump nor anyone else has proven that there is widespread fraud in voting and that fat turd has had four years to gather evidence and he has nothing to prove his allegations.
Mail in is how one votes by absentee ballot. Now if you mean universal mail in voting only 5 states allow it. Hardly has it been proven that there is widespread fraud, in fact you haven't proven anything just reiterating the echo chamber of a false profit. Yet, voting my mail is not the topic. The crowd of protestors will go away when people stand up against them but if they are not doing anything illegal I doubt they can be stopped.
The word is "prophet", dum dum.
No it's profit you dildo brain because it will profit those that heed the propaganda. Stay on topic or do you super geniuses not know how?
Ah,, so now cops are controlled, that's a new one.
Now ? HA HA HA. "New" maybe to an information-deprived, pitiful, airhead victim of liberal OMISSION media. Do liberals really not know about cops ordered to stand down in Democrat mayor cities ? Or is this more of their pretend aberration ?

Do you not know that cops have a BOSS ?You know the person who tells you what you can and can't do ? Duh!

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Which boss tells them to kill a man in custody? BLM? Portland city, ANTIFA, the mayor, the sergeant on duty? Is a guillotine that is a prop and wouldn't cut an apple so threatening you have to make up diversion to not discuss the topic?
Rolling a guillotine down some Portland neighborhood street by BLM thugs is an implied threat as clear
as pointing a rifle in someone's face. Only Portland authorites can answer how BLM gets away with that, while they are terrorizing people with bullhorns, laser and spotlights, etc. in the middle of the night.
It all amounts to psychological terrorism if not actual terrorism.

Anyone supporting BLM is actively supporting terrorism.
Mail in is how one votes by absentee ballot. Now if you mean universal mail in voting only 5 states allow it. Hardly has it been proven that there is widespread fraud, in fact you haven't proven anything just reiterating the echo chamber of a false profit. Yet, voting my mail is not the topic. The crowd of protestors will go away when people stand up against them but if they are not doing anything illegal I doubt they can be stopped.
The word is "prophet", dum dum.
No it's profit you dildo brain because it will profit those that heed the propaganda. Stay on topic or do you super geniuses not know how?
Stay on topic? Then shut the fuck up about mail-in voting.
Ah,, so now cops are controlled, that's a new one.
Now ? HA HA HA. "New" maybe to an information-deprived, pitiful, airhead victim of liberal OMISSION media. Do liberals really not know about cops ordered to stand down in Democrat mayor cities ? Or is this more of their pretend aberration ?

Do you not know that cops have a BOSS ?You know the person who tells you what you can and can't do ? Duh!

View attachment 378692

View attachment 378693 View attachment 378694
Which boss tells them to kill a man in custody? BLM? Portland city, ANTIFA, the mayor, the sergeant on duty? Is a guillotine that is a prop and wouldn't cut an apple so threatening you have to make up diversion to not discuss the topic?
The topic IS rioters with a guillotine, you moron.
Joe biden voters in black lives matter and antifa are moving their violence, racism and hate out to the suburbs...but notice...they aren't entering homes and dragging people out for violent attack....why? Because they know that millions of Americans own guns....and will shoot them if they try it...

This is why we have the 2nd Amendment....if the joe biden voters knew for sure those people couldn't shoot them...they would have dragged people out of their homes by now...

Violent rioters attacked police in Portland on Saturday after marching through a suburb area carrying a guillotine and other weapons.

The Portland Police Department said that a group of 250 people participated in the march throughout the suburb area on their way to the Penumbra Kelly Building, which houses public safety offices.

Videographer BG On the Scene recorded numerous videos of the night’s action, noting in one video that “protesters have brought out a guillotine to the streets.” Another video showed the rioters burning American flags and a teddy bear.

These ANTIFA-Black Lies Matter clowns are as delusional as hitler in his bunker

Do they really think the public supports what they are doing?

“There are safety in numbers,” the woman on the bullhorn yelled. “We protect you every night by being out here. Please come and protect us. Make sure you are offering us refuge. We are tired and yet we are still out here. We are simply asking for one night, one hour.”
This sort of thing would never go on under a president Trump.
It's not Trump so much as a movement known as The Resistance both inside and outside of government
dedicated to ignoring the 2016 election and replacing him by any means necessary.

I'm sure that's the distinction you meant to make. Otherwise it sounds as though you are one of those racists who have organized the neighborhood into a campaign to drive the black family out and are
upset because "they" are causing so much trouble.

You represent an ironically malicious, malevolent and illegal mindset that infects the left side of the
spectrum like a cancerous growth and even more ironically the DNC leadership has offered candidates two straight campaigns that act as insurance Trump will remain in office.
The party of smart people? There is absolutely no proof in that.
Ah...I remember when the protestors merely marched with nooses and "hang Obama" effigies...the good old days I guess.
Good...then you know how offensive and threatening those displays were.

Now imagine marching in the middle of the night with spotlights, laser lights and bullhorns making threats against residents if BLM doesn't get it's way, accompanied by a guillotine.

Were you upset then? Because you don't seem upset now.
For what it's worth, the “guillotine” can be clearly seen, in a picture accompanying the article, to be a nonfunctional prop. It's quite obvious in this picture, but I would certainly not assume that it would be obvious to a frightened occupant of a home, seeing an obviously-violent mob carrying it toward his home.

These cretins are very fortunately that some of the homeowners didn't start shooting at them. These cretins are fortunate, the rest of the community unfortunate. The community would be much safer,and much better off, if some of these cretins were dead, and those left alive given a stronger sense of likely adverse consequences for such behavior.

Perhaps the residents can put large speakers out on their windows playing loud music to drown out the rioters. Maybe coordinating with each other and wearing sound deafener headgear.
Guillotine. Appropriate. We could see our version of the French Revolution before long, and the Trumpsters don't see it coming.

The information they're provided keeps it from them.
I don't see your lazy ass out in the street. You expect other people to do the heavy lifting, then you expect to be given a corner office and a seat on the Politburo.

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