Joe Biden was correct after all.....

I don't like what he has done to a once great country.

Do you mean what Obama has done to Iraq?

I I sarcastically state the above because NO SANE person can objectively say that our country is drastically better or worse than 6 years ago.....except, of course, for partisan zealots and FOX watchers.
Tell that to people getting fined for not having health insurance, or tell that to police. Who are far worse off today, than six years ago. Tell that to the people went from a full-time job to a part time job, or no job at all. In Obama's economy. To all of us has seen our power bills almost double, because of Obama's policies and regulations. To everyone that lives pay check to pay check, watching food prices double in the past six years. How about our grandchildren will be paying for Obama's spending, he has outspent all presidents combined. He has also made the United states a laughing stock to the world. Liberals for some reason thinks that is an accomplishment, which shows your stupidity.
So are you admitting that Obama doesn't have a clue what he is doing?

Your Obama-hatred is clouding your half-brain....It is NOT up to the Obama administration to divide Iraq.

However, had Biden's prediction been taken more seriously, we would have avoided thousands of US casualties and about $ 1.5 trillion savings of our current debt when we financed the Iraq war on a credit card.
Obama successfully ended the Iraq war, remember? His lack of experience gave us the disaster it is today. I don't hate Obama, I admit I don't like what he has done to a once great country.
No matter how many times you are shown that your comment about Obama successfully ending the war is used in the way you use it is distorted to give a misinformed and fraudulent interpretation. You will continue to use the misleading talking point you have been provided with. But once again, Obama's speech when the comments were made were about successfully ending the war for American combat troops in ground combat operations.
No, he bragged about the successful Iraq war and the people of Iraq would be better off, even though he cut and ran.
If sideshow Joe was ever right about anything you can bet it was pure chance.
He is 10 times smarter and 15 times more informed than any of the knuckleheads campaigning for the Republican nomination for 2016.
I would agree that Biden is 10 times smarter and 15 times more informed than the Democratic front runner Hillary.
If sideshow Joe was ever right about anything you can bet it was pure chance.
He is 10 times smarter and 15 times more informed than any of the knuckleheads campaigning for the Republican nomination for 2016.
I would agree that Biden is 10 times smarter and 15 times more informed than the Democratic front runner Hillary.
I wasn't talking about Hillary. That is way I mentioned the knucklehead Republicans.
If sideshow Joe was ever right about anything you can bet it was pure chance.
He is 10 times smarter and 15 times more informed than any of the knuckleheads campaigning for the Republican nomination for 2016.
I don't think Biden is dumb. I think he's a drunk but I get why. He's had a lot of bad things happen in his life.

He was wasted at the debates. But so were all the democrats watching him. Lol

I might've been drunk too can't remember. :/
You have to be a real mental midget to ever think Joe Biden is anything more than a useful idiot
Yes, Bush did celebrate that squadrons mission accomplished, not my fault you are to stupid to see reality. Try again.

BTW, that would be "TOO stupid" and not "to stupid," speaking of stupid.......LOL
Yes, Bush did celebrate that squadrons mission accomplished, not my fault you are to stupid to see reality. Try again.

BTW, that would be "TOO stupid" and not "to stupid," speaking of stupid.......LOL
I was trying to figure out a way to address all of the stupidity in the OP. There's just too much to address and too little time.

Progressives are just plain stupid.

Joe Biden? Lol.
You can still drink in some of our founders favorite pubs. There is one in Alexandria, VA that is said to be the watering hole where Washington stopped in for a few every day. Gadsby's Tavern was his favorite place to take his friends to enjoy spirits and stout. They included most of the founders. In Boston you can still visit the old original Union Oyster House where they all enjoyed seafood and stout the same way folks do today. Our foundering father all would have enjoyed Joe Biden's company. He would have fit right in.
As Obama opts to send additional troops as "trainers" to Iraq (joining the 3000 plus we already have there) we are repeating the very SAME mistakes we made in Vietnam in the 1960s, and, at the cost of an estimated $9-10 million per day.

For all you right wingers who claim that us "lefties" never criticize Obama...tis thread, as others have also posted, proves you (as usual) wrong.

Joe Biden was correct when he openly stated that the future of Iraq will be to be broken up into THREE large sections. Had we listened to him, thousands of our troops would still be alive or not maimed....trillions of our dollars saved.....and possibly NO ISIS to be the thorn in our side.

Remember that as our "trainers" in Iraq will certainly be the coveted targets by ISIS, our losses will surely precipitate our increased presence there.

"Had we listened to him, thousands of our troops would still be alive or not maimed....trillions of our dollars saved"

He indeed predicted, or proposed this years ago however your quoted piece above presupposes that the Shia and the Sunni would now just sing kumbaya an smoke a bowl together as pals.

You do realize that the toppling of Saddam is what freed any of this to happen so your theory has no merit.
LoL..At liberals trying to make Sideshow Joe out to be a genius.
Whats the matter? Could it be that you see the writing on the wall when it come to the HildeBeast? .....yeah.
Actually he received the nickname of "Six pack Joe" early in his career. He got the name because he communicated well with average working guys, didn't act all uppity and was not afraid to sit down and talk openly off the the top of his head without being coached by handlers. Gaffs became his trademark because he was willing to speak what he thought and be up front honest. He was also referred to as honest Joe. So when did openness and honesty become negative attributes for a politician?

"Gaffes" became his trademark because he is a doofus.
LoL..At liberals trying to make Sideshow Joe out to be a genius.
Whats the matter? Could it be that you see the writing on the wall when it come to the HildeBeast? .....yeah.
Actually he received the nickname of "Six pack Joe" early in his career. He got the name because he communicated well with average working guys, didn't act all uppity and was not afraid to sit down and talk openly off the the top of his head without being coached by handlers. Gaffs became his trademark because he was willing to speak what he thought and be up front honest. He was also referred to as honest Joe. So when did openness and honesty become negative attributes for a politician?

"Gaffes" became his trademark because he is a doofus.
Only the politically handicapped with agenda's use that as a nickname for Biden. I have actually never seen or heard it used in such a way. Think you are making it up. In any case, Biden's gaffes can not and do not compare to those of Dan Quayle. That guys gaffes where routinely used by late night TV host and SNL skits and spoofs. Plus you have W on your team. W makes Biden look like an amateur.
You do realize that the toppling of Saddam is what freed any of this to happen so your theory has no merit.

You may (or not) have noticed that I stated OUR TROOPS....never stated
"Had we listened to him, thousands of our troops would still be alive or not maimed....trillions of our dollars saved"

He indeed predicted, or proposed this years ago however your quoted piece above presupposes that the Shia and the Sunni would now just sing kumbaya an smoke a bowl together as pals.

You do realize that the toppling of Saddam is what freed any of this to happen so your theory has no merit.

Of course, I do....we DID basically start a civil war in Iraq....something that your ilk should be very "proud" of......

AND, wingers should also be getting a big "THANK YOU" note
from Iran for helping them get rid of Hussein.

Finally you may have notice that I stated OUR TROOPS not dying in that hell hole.
LoL..At liberals trying to make Sideshow Joe out to be a genius.
Whats the matter? Could it be that you see the writing on the wall when it come to the HildeBeast? .....yeah.
Actually he received the nickname of "Six pack Joe" early in his career. He got the name because he communicated well with average working guys, didn't act all uppity and was not afraid to sit down and talk openly off the the top of his head without being coached by handlers. Gaffs became his trademark because he was willing to speak what he thought and be up front honest. He was also referred to as honest Joe. So when did openness and honesty become negative attributes for a politician?

"Gaffes" became his trademark because he is a doofus.
Only the politically handicapped with agenda's use that as a nickname for Biden. I have actually never seen or heard it used in such a way. Think you are making it up. In any case, Biden's gaffes can not and do not compare to those of Dan Quayle. That guys gaffes where routinely used by late night TV host and SNL skits and spoofs. Plus you have W on your team. W makes Biden look like an amateur.

Of course, you've never heard of a thing therefore it must be "made up".

Obama is right there with your cast of characters.....Joe is an idiot.

""Chuck, stand up, let the people see you," Biden shouted to State Senator Chuck Graham, before realizing, to his horror, that Graham uses a wheelchair. "Oh, God love ya," Biden said. "What am I talking about?"

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