Joe Biden was correct after all.....

You do realize that the toppling of Saddam is what freed any of this to happen so your theory has no merit.

You may (or not) have noticed that I stated OUR TROOPS....never stated
"Had we listened to him, thousands of our troops would still be alive or not maimed....trillions of our dollars saved"

He indeed predicted, or proposed this years ago however your quoted piece above presupposes that the Shia and the Sunni would now just sing kumbaya an smoke a bowl together as pals.

You do realize that the toppling of Saddam is what freed any of this to happen so your theory has no merit.

Of course, I do....we DID basically start a civil war in Iraq....something that your ilk should be very "proud" of......

AND, wingers should also be getting a big "THANK YOU" note
from Iran for helping them get rid of Hussein.

Finally you may have notice that I stated OUR TROOPS not dying in that hell hole.

You don't seem too bright.

I'll try and dumb it down for you.

You see "our troops" were/are already there.

Splitting the country up will not stop the violence in the region, it would not have prevented it in the beginning either....there would still have been a "civil war" there will never be peace there (which is why we don't belong there).

Shia will/would still be killing Sunni.

Everyone would still hate the Kurds.

And Isis?

Nobody can really say, these groups come and go and they seem to always try and "out" terror the last one.

The ONLY thing that would have kept ANY of his (aside from Isis) would have been to leave Saddam alone.

It was/is a huge blunder to be there.

Now I fully understand that this may confuse you even more because in your tiny little brain it won't fit your little "ilk" stereotype.
LoL..At liberals trying to make Sideshow Joe out to be a genius.
Whats the matter? Could it be that you see the writing on the wall when it come to the HildeBeast? .....yeah.
Actually he received the nickname of "Six pack Joe" early in his career. He got the name because he communicated well with average working guys, didn't act all uppity and was not afraid to sit down and talk openly off the the top of his head without being coached by handlers. Gaffs became his trademark because he was willing to speak what he thought and be up front honest. He was also referred to as honest Joe. So when did openness and honesty become negative attributes for a politician?

"Gaffes" became his trademark because he is a doofus.
Only the politically handicapped with agenda's use that as a nickname for Biden. I have actually never seen or heard it used in such a way. Think you are making it up. In any case, Biden's gaffes can not and do not compare to those of Dan Quayle. That guys gaffes where routinely used by late night TV host and SNL skits and spoofs. Plus you have W on your team. W makes Biden look like an amateur.

Of course, you've never heard of a thing therefore it must be "made up".

Obama is right there with your cast of characters.....Joe is an idiot.

""Chuck, stand up, let the people see you," Biden shouted to State Senator Chuck Graham, before realizing, to his horror, that Graham uses a wheelchair. "Oh, God love ya," Biden said. "What am I talking about?"
Feel free to show an example of Biden being referred to the nickname "Gaffe". Your example shows how he immediately confronted his mistake and addressed it. Did he know this State Senator was in a wheel chair or did he learn it while making his address? What else ya got? Entertain us with your examples of Joe making gaffes. Maybe someone will post the GW "fool me once" gaffe. That one was a corker.

I just checked out the video with the gaffe. Why would Biden know that a state senator out in the crowded audience was in a wheel chair? He handled it like a man. He admitted his mistake, got the entire audience to stand up for the senator, walked out into the crowd and met him face to face and shook his hand. I'll bet State Sen Chuck Graham didn't mind that gaffe at all.
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I don't care what you say, no Biden gaffe or Bush gaffe can can beat the obama 57 states gaffe,
but, the grand daddy of all comes from the Demcrat Rep. Hank Johnson, Guam will Tip over and capsize because of Marine Corps
LoL..At liberals trying to make Sideshow Joe out to be a genius.
Whats the matter? Could it be that you see the writing on the wall when it come to the HildeBeast? .....yeah.
Actually he received the nickname of "Six pack Joe" early in his career. He got the name because he communicated well with average working guys, didn't act all uppity and was not afraid to sit down and talk openly off the the top of his head without being coached by handlers. Gaffs became his trademark because he was willing to speak what he thought and be up front honest. He was also referred to as honest Joe. So when did openness and honesty become negative attributes for a politician?

"Gaffes" became his trademark because he is a doofus.
Only the politically handicapped with agenda's use that as a nickname for Biden. I have actually never seen or heard it used in such a way. Think you are making it up. In any case, Biden's gaffes can not and do not compare to those of Dan Quayle. That guys gaffes where routinely used by late night TV host and SNL skits and spoofs. Plus you have W on your team. W makes Biden look like an amateur.

Of course, you've never heard of a thing therefore it must be "made up".

Obama is right there with your cast of characters.....Joe is an idiot.

""Chuck, stand up, let the people see you," Biden shouted to State Senator Chuck Graham, before realizing, to his horror, that Graham uses a wheelchair. "Oh, God love ya," Biden said. "What am I talking about?"
Feel free to show an example of Biden being referred to the nickname "Gaffe". Your example shows how he immediately confronted his mistake and addressed it. Did he know this State Senator was in a wheel chair or did he learn it while making his address? What else ya got? Entertain us with your examples of Joe making gaffes. Maybe someone will post the GW "fool me once" gaffe. That one was a corker.

LoL..At liberals trying to make Sideshow Joe out to be a genius.
Whats the matter? Could it be that you see the writing on the wall when it come to the HildeBeast? .....yeah.
Actually he received the nickname of "Six pack Joe" early in his career. He got the name because he communicated well with average working guys, didn't act all uppity and was not afraid to sit down and talk openly off the the top of his head without being coached by handlers. Gaffs became his trademark because he was willing to speak what he thought and be up front honest. He was also referred to as honest Joe. So when did openness and honesty become negative attributes for a politician?

"Gaffes" became his trademark because he is a doofus.
Only the politically handicapped with agenda's use that as a nickname for Biden. I have actually never seen or heard it used in such a way. Think you are making it up. In any case, Biden's gaffes can not and do not compare to those of Dan Quayle. That guys gaffes where routinely used by late night TV host and SNL skits and spoofs. Plus you have W on your team. W makes Biden look like an amateur.

Of course, you've never heard of a thing therefore it must be "made up".

Obama is right there with your cast of characters.....Joe is an idiot.

""Chuck, stand up, let the people see you," Biden shouted to State Senator Chuck Graham, before realizing, to his horror, that Graham uses a wheelchair. "Oh, God love ya," Biden said. "What am I talking about?"
Feel free to show an example of Biden being referred to the nickname "Gaffe". Your example shows how he immediately confronted his mistake and addressed it. Did he know this State Senator was in a wheel chair or did he learn it while making his address? What else ya got? Entertain us with your examples of Joe making gaffes. Maybe someone will post the GW "fool me once" gaffe. That one was a corker.

Are you truly this dense son?

NOBODY said his "nick name" was "Gaffe"...this is where the word "gaffe" enterted the conversation....

"Gaffs became his trademark because he was willing to speak what he thought and be up front honest."
LoL..At liberals trying to make Sideshow Joe out to be a genius.
Whats the matter? Could it be that you see the writing on the wall when it come to the HildeBeast? .....yeah.
Actually he received the nickname of "Six pack Joe" early in his career. He got the name because he communicated well with average working guys, didn't act all uppity and was not afraid to sit down and talk openly off the the top of his head without being coached by handlers. Gaffs became his trademark because he was willing to speak what he thought and be up front honest. He was also referred to as honest Joe. So when did openness and honesty become negative attributes for a politician?

"Gaffes" became his trademark because he is a doofus.
Only the politically handicapped with agenda's use that as a nickname for Biden. I have actually never seen or heard it used in such a way. Think you are making it up. In any case, Biden's gaffes can not and do not compare to those of Dan Quayle. That guys gaffes where routinely used by late night TV host and SNL skits and spoofs. Plus you have W on your team. W makes Biden look like an amateur.

Of course, you've never heard of a thing therefore it must be "made up".

Obama is right there with your cast of characters.....Joe is an idiot.

""Chuck, stand up, let the people see you," Biden shouted to State Senator Chuck Graham, before realizing, to his horror, that Graham uses a wheelchair. "Oh, God love ya," Biden said. "What am I talking about?"
Feel free to show an example of Biden being referred to the nickname "Gaffe". Your example shows how he immediately confronted his mistake and addressed it. Did he know this State Senator was in a wheel chair or did he learn it while making his address? What else ya got? Entertain us with your examples of Joe making gaffes. Maybe someone will post the GW "fool me once" gaffe. That one was a corker.

I just checked out the video with the gaffe. Why would Biden know that a state senator out in the crowded audience was in a wheel chair? He handled it like a man. He admitted his mistake, got the entire audience to stand up for the senator, walked out into the crowd and met him face to face and shook his hand. I'll bet State Sen Chuck Graham didn't mind that gaffe at all.

LOL I see you edited it before anyone could beat you with it ;)

The word "gaffe" entered the conversation with this phrase: "Gaffs became his trademark because he was willing to speak what he thought and be up front honest."

You see YOU brought the word into the discussion, as to Biden the point is not that he confronted his "gaffe" it's that he committed it in the first place . It is cute that you feel compelled to bring Bush into the conversation in oder to justify Joe's idiocy.

This is one of my favs ;)

""I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said."
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I don't care what you say, no Biden gaffe or Bush gaffe can can beat the obama 57 states gaffe,
but, the grand daddy of all comes from the Demcrat Rep. Hank Johnson, Guam will Tip over and capsize because of Marine Corps

I like the one from a Black member of Congress claiming that "To this day sharks still swim the route taken by the slavers to he new country"
As Obama opts to send additional troops as "trainers" to Iraq (joining the 3000 plus we already have there) we are repeating the very SAME mistakes we made in Vietnam in the 1960s, and, at the cost of an estimated $9-10 million per day.

For all you right wingers who claim that us "lefties" never criticize Obama...tis thread, as others have also posted, proves you (as usual) wrong.

Joe Biden was correct when he openly stated that the future of Iraq will be to be broken up into THREE large sections. Had we listened to him, thousands of our troops would still be alive or not maimed....trillions of our dollars saved.....and possibly NO ISIS to be the thorn in our side.

Remember that as our "trainers" in Iraq will certainly be the coveted targets by ISIS, our losses will surely precipitate our increased presence there.

I agreed with Biden then and support that solution now.

It is so eerily like Vietnam. Another domino theory, of sorts. The Iraqis won't fight; ARVN wouldn't fight (with due respect to the some in each case who would).
Actually he received the nickname of "Six pack Joe" early in his career. He got the name because he communicated well with average working guys, didn't act all uppity and was not afraid to sit down and talk openly off the the top of his head without being coached by handlers. Gaffs became his trademark because he was willing to speak what he thought and be up front honest. He was also referred to as honest Joe. So when did openness and honesty become negative attributes for a politician?

"Gaffes" became his trademark because he is a doofus.
Only the politically handicapped with agenda's use that as a nickname for Biden. I have actually never seen or heard it used in such a way. Think you are making it up. In any case, Biden's gaffes can not and do not compare to those of Dan Quayle. That guys gaffes where routinely used by late night TV host and SNL skits and spoofs. Plus you have W on your team. W makes Biden look like an amateur.

Of course, you've never heard of a thing therefore it must be "made up".

Obama is right there with your cast of characters.....Joe is an idiot.

""Chuck, stand up, let the people see you," Biden shouted to State Senator Chuck Graham, before realizing, to his horror, that Graham uses a wheelchair. "Oh, God love ya," Biden said. "What am I talking about?"
Feel free to show an example of Biden being referred to the nickname "Gaffe". Your example shows how he immediately confronted his mistake and addressed it. Did he know this State Senator was in a wheel chair or did he learn it while making his address? What else ya got? Entertain us with your examples of Joe making gaffes. Maybe someone will post the GW "fool me once" gaffe. That one was a corker.

Actually he received the nickname of "Six pack Joe" early in his career. He got the name because he communicated well with average working guys, didn't act all uppity and was not afraid to sit down and talk openly off the the top of his head without being coached by handlers. Gaffs became his trademark because he was willing to speak what he thought and be up front honest. He was also referred to as honest Joe. So when did openness and honesty become negative attributes for a politician?

"Gaffes" became his trademark because he is a doofus.
Only the politically handicapped with agenda's use that as a nickname for Biden. I have actually never seen or heard it used in such a way. Think you are making it up. In any case, Biden's gaffes can not and do not compare to those of Dan Quayle. That guys gaffes where routinely used by late night TV host and SNL skits and spoofs. Plus you have W on your team. W makes Biden look like an amateur.

Of course, you've never heard of a thing therefore it must be "made up".

Obama is right there with your cast of characters.....Joe is an idiot.

""Chuck, stand up, let the people see you," Biden shouted to State Senator Chuck Graham, before realizing, to his horror, that Graham uses a wheelchair. "Oh, God love ya," Biden said. "What am I talking about?"
Feel free to show an example of Biden being referred to the nickname "Gaffe". Your example shows how he immediately confronted his mistake and addressed it. Did he know this State Senator was in a wheel chair or did he learn it while making his address? What else ya got? Entertain us with your examples of Joe making gaffes. Maybe someone will post the GW "fool me once" gaffe. That one was a corker.

Are you truly this dense son?

NOBODY said his "nick name" was "Gaffe"...this is where the word "gaffe" enterted the conversation....

"Gaffs became his trademark because he was willing to speak what he thought and be up front honest."
Actually he received the nickname of "Six pack Joe" early in his career. He got the name because he communicated well with average working guys, didn't act all uppity and was not afraid to sit down and talk openly off the the top of his head without being coached by handlers. Gaffs became his trademark because he was willing to speak what he thought and be up front honest. He was also referred to as honest Joe. So when did openness and honesty become negative attributes for a politician?

"Gaffes" became his trademark because he is a doofus.
Only the politically handicapped with agenda's use that as a nickname for Biden. I have actually never seen or heard it used in such a way. Think you are making it up. In any case, Biden's gaffes can not and do not compare to those of Dan Quayle. That guys gaffes where routinely used by late night TV host and SNL skits and spoofs. Plus you have W on your team. W makes Biden look like an amateur.

Of course, you've never heard of a thing therefore it must be "made up".

Obama is right there with your cast of characters.....Joe is an idiot.

""Chuck, stand up, let the people see you," Biden shouted to State Senator Chuck Graham, before realizing, to his horror, that Graham uses a wheelchair. "Oh, God love ya," Biden said. "What am I talking about?"
Feel free to show an example of Biden being referred to the nickname "Gaffe". Your example shows how he immediately confronted his mistake and addressed it. Did he know this State Senator was in a wheel chair or did he learn it while making his address? What else ya got? Entertain us with your examples of Joe making gaffes. Maybe someone will post the GW "fool me once" gaffe. That one was a corker.

I just checked out the video with the gaffe. Why would Biden know that a state senator out in the crowded audience was in a wheel chair? He handled it like a man. He admitted his mistake, got the entire audience to stand up for the senator, walked out into the crowd and met him face to face and shook his hand. I'll bet State Sen Chuck Graham didn't mind that gaffe at all.

LOL I see you edited it before anyone could beat you with it ;)

The word "gaffe" entered the conversation with this phrase: "Gaffs became his trademark because he was willing to speak what he thought and be up front honest."

You see YOU brought the word into the discussion, as to Biden the point is not that he confronted his "gaffe" it's that he committed it in the first place . It is cute that you feel compelled to bring Bush into the conversation in oder to justify Joe's idiocy.

This is one of my favs ;)

""I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said."
I didn't edit anything moron, the original post is still available for viewing on page 1. Some of you simpletons sure are easy to entertain. Not much more than a shiny object or delusional imagination makes you guys sit up and scratch your heads. You will do anything to deflect away from the topic and argue about gaffes made by politicians all day rather than get into an academic or intellectual discussion.
I don't care what you say, no Biden gaffe or Bush gaffe can can beat the obama 57 states gaffe,
but, the grand daddy of all comes from the Demcrat Rep. Hank Johnson, Guam will Tip over and capsize because of Marine Corps

I like the one from a Black member of Congress claiming that "To this day sharks still swim the route taken by the slavers to he new country"

Or that black Democrat member of congress who claim an island was in danger of capsizing. These Dems are dumb as a brick.
I don't care what you say, no Biden gaffe or Bush gaffe can can beat the obama 57 states gaffe,
but, the grand daddy of all comes from the Demcrat Rep. Hank Johnson, Guam will Tip over and capsize because of Marine Corps

I like the one from a Black member of Congress claiming that "To this day sharks still swim the route taken by the slavers to he new country"

Or that black Democrat member of congress who claim an island was in danger of capsizing. These Dems are dumb as a brick.

ROFL! That's a topper to be sure, but how about the time Sheila Jackson Lee (D) from whogivesafuckstan, while on a tour at NASA during the first Mars rover, asked the NASA engineer controlling the Rover if he could 'drive over to where the astronauts landed'.

Seriously? What a freaking idiot. Libs is there one in your party who is not a moron?
I don't care what you say, no Biden gaffe or Bush gaffe can can beat the obama 57 states gaffe,
but, the grand daddy of all comes from the Demcrat Rep. Hank Johnson, Guam will Tip over and capsize because of Marine Corps

I like the one from a Black member of Congress claiming that "To this day sharks still swim the route taken by the slavers to he new country"

Or that black Democrat member of congress who claim an island was in danger of capsizing. These Dems are dumb as a brick.

ROFL! That's a topper to be sure, but how about the time Sheila Jackson Lee (D) from whogivesafuckstan, while on a tour at NASA during the first Mars rover, asked the NASA engineer controlling the Rover if he could 'drive over to where the astronauts landed'.

Seriously? What a freaking idiot. Libs is there one in your party who is not a moron?

Oh yeah... She was a serious as a heart attack. But in her defense, she's an idiot.
I don't care what you say, no Biden gaffe or Bush gaffe can can beat the obama 57 states gaffe,
but, the grand daddy of all comes from the Demcrat Rep. Hank Johnson, Guam will Tip over and capsize because of Marine Corps

I like the one from a Black member of Congress claiming that "To this day sharks still swim the route taken by the slavers to he new country"

Or that black Democrat member of congress who claim an island was in danger of capsizing. These Dems are dumb as a brick.

ROFL! That's a topper to be sure, but how about the time Sheila Jackson Lee (D) from whogivesafuckstan, while on a tour at NASA during the first Mars rover, asked the NASA engineer controlling the Rover if he could 'drive over to where the astronauts landed'.

Seriously? What a freaking idiot. Libs is there one in your party who is not a moron?

Oh yeah... She was a serious as a heart attack. But in her defense, she's an idiot.

Dude the word 'idiot' doesn't do that kind of stupid justice. That's like Pelosi telling the Catholic Church they have only been against abortion for the last 50 years. When the Catholic Church corrected her noting they have been against abortion for over 1,800 years Nancy disagreed refusing to budge off her made up stupid assertion.
I don't care what you say, no Biden gaffe or Bush gaffe can can beat the obama 57 states gaffe,

Now, THAT is really funny.........what is even MORE hilarious, is that Obama beat your asses not once, but all means, keep "thinking" that Obama was really not aware of how many states we have.
I don't care what you say, no Biden gaffe or Bush gaffe can can beat the obama 57 states gaffe,
but, the grand daddy of all comes from the Demcrat Rep. Hank Johnson, Guam will Tip over and capsize because of Marine Corps

I like the one from a Black member of Congress claiming that "To this day sharks still swim the route taken by the slavers to he new country"

Or that black Democrat member of congress who claim an island was in danger of capsizing. These Dems are dumb as a brick.

It never stops being funny that there are RWnuts who still don't get that the Guam guy was being satirical.
I like the one from a Black member of Congress claiming that "To this day sharks still swim the route taken by the slavers to he new country"

Or that black Democrat member of congress who claim an island was in danger of capsizing. These Dems are dumb as a brick.

ROFL! That's a topper to be sure, but how about the time Sheila Jackson Lee (D) from whogivesafuckstan, while on a tour at NASA during the first Mars rover, asked the NASA engineer controlling the Rover if he could 'drive over to where the astronauts landed'.

Seriously? What a freaking idiot. Libs is there one in your party who is not a moron?

Oh yeah... She was a serious as a heart attack. But in her defense, she's an idiot.

Dude the word 'idiot' doesn't do that kind of stupid justice. That's like Pelosi telling the Catholic Church they have only been against abortion for the last 50 years. When the Catholic Church corrected her noting they have been against abortion for over 1,800 years Nancy disagreed refusing to budge off her made up stupid assertion.

1800, 50. So what? It still means that Catholic church leaders invented the anti-abortion stance and labeled it a Christian belief.
I don't care what you say, no Biden gaffe or Bush gaffe can can beat the obama 57 states gaffe,
but, the grand daddy of all comes from the Demcrat Rep. Hank Johnson, Guam will Tip over and capsize because of Marine Corps

I like the one from a Black member of Congress claiming that "To this day sharks still swim the route taken by the slavers to he new country"

Or that black Democrat member of congress who claim an island was in danger of capsizing. These Dems are dumb as a brick.

It never stops being funny that there are RWnuts who still don't get that the Guam guy was being satirical.

Riiiiight, are you still making an offer on that beach front property I'm selling in Kansas?
I don't care what you say, no Biden gaffe or Bush gaffe can can beat the obama 57 states gaffe,
but, the grand daddy of all comes from the Demcrat Rep. Hank Johnson, Guam will Tip over and capsize because of Marine Corps

Hank Johnson was being satirical, and in fact is well known for his brilliant deadpan wit.

Well known to those with brains.
When the Catholic Church corrected her noting they have been against abortion for over 1,800 years Nancy disagreed refusing to budge off her made up stupid assertion.

Help me here with the arithmetic......Let's see, Peter started the Church on about 45 A.D....Does you above quote then mean that for about 150 years the church was OK with abortions??? Just asking.
I don't care what you say, no Biden gaffe or Bush gaffe can can beat the obama 57 states gaffe,
but, the grand daddy of all comes from the Demcrat Rep. Hank Johnson, Guam will Tip over and capsize because of Marine Corps

I like the one from a Black member of Congress claiming that "To this day sharks still swim the route taken by the slavers to he new country"

Or that black Democrat member of congress who claim an island was in danger of capsizing. These Dems are dumb as a brick.

It never stops being funny that there are RWnuts who still don't get that the Guam guy was being satirical.

Riiiiight, are you still making an offer on that beach front property I'm selling in Kansas?

It's the truth. Look it up.

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